OK. I have been trying for 2 weeks to do a simple walking animation. But I can't get the cloth room to cooperate. The figure keeps breaking through the cloth. Please don't tell me about any tutorials, cause I've looked at them all. They mostly seem to be concerned with creating still images, which I can do fine just doing draping. But when my character picks up a little speed, there are breakthroughs, as can be seen in the screen captures. I should also say that I have given the "walk" 15 frames to settle into the walking pose, so that's not it. I parented the prop to the chest, though I've tried parenting it to the chest. I'm on a deadline, which I was sure I could meet. Now I'm not so sure. I know the cloth room is supposed to be able to do this, since other people do it. I'm listing my settings below. Any help greatly appreciated.
Simulation settings:
Frames 1-55
Steps per frame 2.0
Cloth self collison is checked
Drape frames 5
Cloth Collison Objects:
Figure 1
Collison Offset 0.70
Collison Depth 0.70
Drape from zero in checked
Cloth Sim settings:
Fold 3.0
Shear Resistance 50.00
Stretch Resistance 30.00
Stretch Damping 0.0100
Cloth Density 0.0050
Cloth Self Friction 0.0
Static Friction 0.5
Dynamic Friction 0.1
Air Damping 0.0200