Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Prop WIP

SoonerTW opened this issue on May 24, 2004 ยท 19 posts

SoonerTW posted Mon, 24 May 2004 at 1:19 PM

I had an idea the other night for a scene that required a warehouse type of building. In my mind I saw old tin panels rusted from years of neglect and somewhat rickety doors. After some searcing I didn't find anything so this morning I sat down with Maya and decided to give it a go. After 1 hour of playing with lights and 2 hours in the P5 material room I am satisfied with the overall texture look. I also have a segment without a door in it, which would make building a box type building out of it very simple. If anyone is interested in this let me know and I will package it for the freestuff area. If not, I will save the web space. Comments welcome