Forum: Photoshop

Subject: AWWWW Carp!

retrocity opened this issue on Jun 07, 2004 ยท 35 posts

retrocity posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 11:37 AM

Well, i tallied the voting results and we gotta three-way tie! ache_n_sole, Hoofdcommissaris, and karosnikov all tied in number of votes!!! Normally i'd just say we make a "rotating banner" and have all three cycle through but we have a nifty-cool Aurora 2 plugin to give away!!!

How do you(s) want to handle this??

  1. Open voting again for these three banners and post them to this thread???

  2. Do "rock-paper-scissors"???

  3. Guess a number from 1-100???

here's their banners again...







i'm open for ideas!!
let me know,

Divian_Solid posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 12:01 PM

what about letting them say why they want to win and get that plugin!

Gini posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 12:13 PM

Plan A : rock/paper/scissors (because I'd love to see how you do that on-line) Plan B : open vote and winner gets Aurora and 6 months in the banner slot and the other two each get 3 months in the banner slot.

" Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
-Monty Python

Midnightposer posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 2:09 PM

  1. Open voting again for these three banners and post them to this thread

karosnikov posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 7:26 PM

who DIDNOT vote for their own banner...

ache_n_sole posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 8:14 PM

There must have been @ least 3!!! G

So now what retro?
I'm all for opening it up again, but I DO have a VERY BIG ROC if the boyz wanna play Rock-Paper-Scissors ...paper THAT boyz


karosnikov posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 9:32 PM

the winner should be who I voted for....

dreamer101 posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 10:00 PM

I forgot to vote :|

retrocity posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 10:26 PM

Well now's your chance!!!

Stands up on SoapBox for a moment of the problems with a forum as small as "Photoshop" is it takes a while to get enough responses to form a consensus! I mean, take a look at the Poser forum, you want an opinion on something, you better be ready for a flood! Even the 2D forum has high participation... i still need to hear back from one of the "tie"s as to how he'd like us to proceed, but i'm prepared to open the voting back up to these three banners and may the best (No not Man, or Woman, but...) BANNER win!! then i'll send off the Aurora plugin and get back to my house renovations!!!

Climbs back off of SoapBox and wanders off


karosnikov posted Mon, 07 June 2004 at 11:30 PM

if you have Aurora 2 plugin with PS, can you show us what it can do?

retrocity posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 12:52 AM

Attached Link:

Sure. take a look here^^^^^^^^^^^^

it's a great addition to anyones plugin collection! :) retrocity

retrocity posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 12:57 AM

as for myself , i don't have the plugin installed (it's not for me, but for the Winner!!) but i did browse through the "Aurora image" gallery and it look'd pretty cool..


Hoofdcommissaris posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 2:57 AM

The banner I voted for is not one of the three above. So that does not help. But. I can live without Aurora 2, but I would like my banner around (I made it before there was anything to win, so that was never a reason to participate). And being someone who uses PS professionally I would have no problem with another one of the contestants winning the prize. Voting for the last three sounds democratic enough to me, but if one of the two other candidates does not seriously need Aurora either, we could do the rotating thing (maybe even a random rotation to have that extra element of surprise) and return to renovating houses and make cunning plans to get the party started in the Photoshop Forum.

retrocity posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 6:17 AM

okay, lets find out from ache_n_sole and karosnikov about the plugin (which was the reason for the "re-vote") and which ever one wants it, i'll send it off and write the code for a rotating (random ;)) banner.

way cool! oh and BTW, thanks for the link to your music :) pretty "multi-talented"


karosnikov posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 6:42 AM

I can feel the suspence, I'm sill unclear as to what's going on. am I the only one..?

SeanE posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 7:36 AM


Hoofdcommissaris posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 7:42 AM


karosnikov posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 8:13 AM

... Hoofdcommissaris's design is complex and alternative, has kindly provided some insight and links to the resources behind the texture, composition, plugins, and I apreciate the competancy with which he wields graphics programs for digital construction.

ache_n_sole posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 8:33 AM

hey karos! if U don't want the plugin, I sure can use it G!! Seemz, Hoffcommissaris doesn't want or need it so itz up to U N me. From what I read, itz goin 2 B a rotating banner of all three of our stuf. There won't B a need 2 vote - seemz that's only needed to C who getz the plugin.


Hoofdcommissaris posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 8:52 AM

:-) OffKorZz (?) I would like to receive Aurora, but I try some old-fashioned courtesy. If I need it at any time (professionally) I have the resources to buy it, maybe somebody younger (or not earning income with Photoshop and the like) would be helped by getting it via this contest, because it is a $ 199 you might not have lying around. So that's why I opt-out if that helps.

ache_n_sole posted Tue, 08 June 2004 at 9:30 AM

Thx!! Yes I R a POOR student as well as a poor spler G

I didn't mean any disrespect, just got Xcited bout the possibility of using the plugin. Most my stuf is grungy but I CAN DU crisp work that lookz pretty 2!!!

I will type s l o w e r and work on my spelling G


karosnikov posted Wed, 09 June 2004 at 5:29 PM

even if I don't get the plug in, I want to try to make a small amount water flow off text. ( saw water feature that looked like a glass top table, was inspired )

Hoofdcommissaris posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 3:19 AM

We can find a way to do that without plugins, I think. What is it exactly what you want? A thin layer of water that streams across it? Or droplets that roll down?

ache_n_sole posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 9:47 AM

Hey guyz, opps guys ;)
Are we suppose to vote or what?? Where is retro?? Does anyone know what is up?? Boy do I hate typing s l o w l y ! !

Sorry to be a b*tch, but just wondering


Hoofdcommissaris posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 9:58 AM

I understood he is moving or renovating or something like that. I suppose a little patience is needed. (I learned typing blind some 10 years ago and I am rather fast with it, I am still thankfull for that...)

karosnikov posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 6:09 PM

almost thinking of what the text would look like if it slowly levitated it's self out of the water and the water was to flow off the edges.... so both droplets and , streams and adhesive lakes... i'm thinking some 3d work would help

Hoofdcommissaris posted Fri, 11 June 2004 at 8:54 AM

In the meantime I made a dry solution...

retrocity posted Fri, 11 June 2004 at 10:02 PM

VERY COOL! hoof! thanks, i should have the time to upload the code for the random banner (simple javascript that swaps out the banner on "reload"...) thanks for your efforts, i see you do Flash too! a regular "Renascence Man" huh?


karosnikov posted Sun, 13 June 2004 at 4:56 AM

life's like a Photoshop Banner.. you never know what you're gonna get. WELL DONE EVERYONE

Hoofdcommissaris posted Tue, 15 June 2004 at 3:42 AM

For my new friends at the Apollo 440 forum (great Brittish band) I shortly threw my 3D flash with music from that band online again. My old design outfit COPS no longer exists (that is how I got my nick, it means 'chief of police' in Dutch).

It pops up at:

Or else click the link on the page
or this one:

Maybe I flashed it around before, but I worked longer on it than it was online, so I just decided revive it shortly and mentioned it here to, well, show off, actually. There is actually no Photoshop involved at all.
I still have the paper model I made to get that Rubic's Cube-like thing going in the beginning...

retrocity posted Wed, 16 June 2004 at 12:24 AM

very tightly sync'd to the sound!

that's always been a problem for me with working on a faster CPU and than seeing the playback on a crappy laptop tossing everything out of sync!!! how do you keep your sound track in line like that?? i mean i can with "emo" style of music but anything with a "thump'n" beat starts to veer off on me...

thanks for sharing a piece of nostalia,


Whimsical posted Wed, 16 June 2004 at 5:19 AM

have lost track of this.. have got flu hacking cough/snuffle too tired to read back thru it all atm.. but congrats everyone!!! :o)

karosnikov posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:04 AM

hoof got any ideas / settings in flash for " modify ... trace bitmap " I wanted to reduce file size by turning jpg's into vectors quickly, (should I bother?) not too woried about pixel to pixel acuarcy

Hoofdcommissaris posted Mon, 21 June 2004 at 2:28 AM

Most of the time the result is larger than the original jpg...

karosnikov posted Sun, 27 June 2004 at 9:13 AM

Just as well.. thanks. always inspirational hoof, was poke'n around my textures the other day... this popped out.