Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: OT Artist dies

vggarcia opened this issue on Jun 18, 2004 ยท 116 posts

vggarcia posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 7:28 PM

For those who knew him, Billy Mercer (Ironhart) died today of pneumonia at age 54. I know he really liked a lot of you here, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He will be missed.

ynsaen posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 7:34 PM

My heartfelt sympathy to his family. He will be missed.

thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

FyreSpiryt posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 7:46 PM

Oh no! That's terrible! My thoughts and prayers are with his family. He will certainly be missed.

dialyn posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 7:57 PM

That is tragic. He was a wonderful artisan and a gentle man. He was always kind, and ever generous. There are too few of his kind around. I agree .... he will be greatly missed.

Ghostofmacbeth posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:00 PM

Damn ...

Larry F posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:08 PM

Very sad. And so young. My condolences to his family.

Cookienose posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:18 PM

Such sad news. My thoughts and prayers to his family.

Ardiva posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:20 PM

OMG!! He was so YOUNG!!! My condolences to his family and other friends.

Bobbie25 posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:46 PM

this is truly a sad day i am sorry to hare warm hugz to his family and friends

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ChuckEvans posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:48 PM

YES, I did like him! We IM'd many times. He seemed troubled (depressed) to me several months ago and we spent several IMs "talking" about it (I'll respect the privacy of it...but he didn't talk about any kind of problems like this). I never knew him to be anything but kind-worded. Respectful of his customers (and refusing to put things on sale for respect of people who had paid full price already). It tears me to blurriness to think about it and I HATE it! I just HATE it! Is there anywhere one can send condolences? Does anyone know? It only seems fair that his loved ones should hear from the customers/"friends" he made here. It's just NOT FAIR!

MachineClaw posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:55 PM

I know he's got a great house where ever he is now. He will be missed. Very sorry to hear about his passing.

JVRenderer posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 8:56 PM

My condolences to his family. This is a lost to this community as well.

Software: Daz Studio 4.15,  Photoshop CC, Zbrush 2022, Blender 3.3, Silo 2.3, Filter Forge 4. Marvelous Designer 7

Hardware: self built Intel Core i7 8086K, 64GB RAM,  RTX 3090 .

"If you spend too much time arguing about software, you're spending too little time creating art!" ~ SomeSmartAss

"A critic is a legless man who teaches running." ~ Channing Pollock

My Gallery  My Other Gallery 

xantor posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:05 PM

That is very sad.

Valandar posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:05 PM

Whoah... I never really knew him, but I knew his work. He will be missed.

Remember, kids! Napalm is Nature's Toothpaste!

xantor posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:14 PM

What will happen to his things for sale? (i am NOT looking for free stuff). I noticed that his stuff is still available at the marketplace?

Wildflowers posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:24 PM

Ohh! my sincere condoleance...i don't know her but in this moment i pray for her family and her friends too! I make a moment of silence to dedicate her a respect! Take care of you ...all

umutov posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:25 PM

It is truly very sad to get news like this but I am sure that he is in a much better place now. I wish god to give strenght to his family and loved ones.

cwshorty posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:37 PM

Thanks so much for letting us know, condolences to his family, he will be truly missed.

neftis posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:40 PM

He was so young...I am shocked! I pray for him and all his family and friends. Billy you have been loved and you will be missed.

vggarcia posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:46 PM

This just happened today so I don't know what plans his family has. He has a cousin and an aunt, and that's about it, and neither has an email they can be reached at. So far as his products go, they will apparently remain up until they just drop off the system. Anyone who buys something will basically just give paypal the money since there is no way for anyone to log in and do anything with his account.

Someone said he had been depressed, and i agree. The last 5 months I hadn't seen him much since it's my busy time at work, but the rest of the year i'm hanging almost daily at his crib. I too noticed some real problems with him over the past year. He did seem depressed, he slept weird hours (all day somtimes), his moods were weird, he was always stressing to cover the bills, and he just--for lack of a better way to say it--seemed to be losing touch with the world. He refused my offer of some antibiotics, didn't want me to come over to check on him, stubbornly refused to go to the doctor, I've been told, and went instead to his cousin's to try and get better from what he thought was a severe allergy problem. I too have been having a bad cough for 6 months from the bad air here, and in Billy's case it seems that whatever he had turned into pneumonia (or so we think, but we don't know).

I am so pissed off at myself because I didn't realize how sick he was. He phoned me last saturday to say he was going to his cousin's, asked me to IM his girlfriend about that, and he sounded so bad I didn't even recognize his voice and told him he had the wrong number! I thought it was just the allergies, and that he'd get better after he got out of his house. YOU JUST DON'T THINK SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN A PART OF YOUR LIFE FOR 25 YEARS COULD ACTUALLY BE DYING!

Had I but known how serious the thing was, I would have done SOMETHING to help him. But I just could not imagine it could be that serious. Learn from my mistake, folks: If you've got a friend who's really sick and won't go to the dr, call 911 if you have to.

I found out about this from his friend steve, who was called by the cousin. He too is really down because he had a whole bottle of penicillin he could have given Billy, but he didn't know he was sick. From what the cousin says, Billy just leaned over today on the bed and died this morning.

His online girlfriend still doesn't kno, tho I emailed her. I hated to tell her like that but there was no other way.

He was always doing this forum stuff when I was over, and I know he really loved some of the people here like Lynn White and Ginny (I'm afraid I don't know the other people he interacted with).

I do hope, as someone said, that he has a wonderful house somewhere beyond.

Dave-So posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:53 PM

this is such a bummer...and a shock. my condolences.... we were just discussing some things about new items awhile

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

cedarwolf posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 9:59 PM

I can only hope and pray that he has a little Tudor Townhouse somewhere that has clean air and sunlight. Shade and sweet water, Ironhart, you will be missed by your friends and fans.

Mtncub posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 10:07 PM

On the winds and over yonder... In your heart his death do ponder... Bearer of the Iron Hart... Going somewhere off the chart.... Onwards to the stars you go... Always in our hearts you know... Bye Bye Billy.... We'll miss you.

SndCastie posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 10:20 PM

My prayers go out to the family and friend and he will be surely missed .

An imagination can create wonderful things

SndCastie's Little Haven

judith posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 10:24 PM

Talent plus and a heart of gold. :(( My sincere condolances to his family, girlfriend and friends. Rest in peace Billy, you will be missed.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

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sixus1 posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 10:36 PM


ChuckEvans posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 10:48 PM

Yes, vggarcia, it was me who also noticed. But when you are just an Internet friend, you figure you can only go so far into really personal life. And I didn't really matter enough for him to open up a lot to me, but...well...I just didn't know he might be sick with something lingering. I don't know why this affects me the way it does but I've always been a softie (one of the reasons why my wife says she loves me). Sometimes, when I see the absence of someone, I wonder if I should take the "dark road" and ask...but I usually just wait to see if it's just a matter of a person being too busy. I sometimes wonder if a person reknown for posts who makes no posts has had something happen that we may never know about. Though I'm very saddened to hear about Billy, I'm glad there wasn't just silence. It would really be nice if someone would/could tell me where to send condolences. (my wife keeps asking me why I'm sad tonight and she doesn't understand he wasn't just a merchant)

Lyrra posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:00 PM

:( oh man. He was a great guy, and a good artist and always very generous with his time. I regret he'll never see his products published in my novel. What a loss Lyrra

Bobbie_Boucher posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:05 PM

It's too bad that he died, but don't beat yourself up for it. He refused your help and refused to see a doctor. You can love and care for someone intensely, but you can only help them to the extent that they let you. After that all you can do is pray. Here's hoping he is in a better place, and at peace.

ChuckEvans posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:08 PM

And Lynn must be going crazy. I know she did such justice to his cottages. I know he liked how she worked with his stuff. Sigh...

aprilrosanina posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:12 PM

Let me add my condolences - he will be sorely missed. I hope it's some small comfort that he and his work were known to, and appreciated by, so many people, a tribute to the person he was.

Hyria posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:16 PM

I knew of him and spoke chatted with him occasionaly. A kind and talented man. He will greatly be missed. My thoughts and heartfeltl prayers go to his loved ones.

Insanity is a waking state...Darkness is a being...Want To Play.........heheheheh

Chas posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:22 PM

I'm very sorry to hear it. I know he was a very talented fellow, and I admired his works. Don't kick yourself for anything, vggarcia. People can be pretty stubborn sometimes -- which isn't always a bad thing, but it certainly makes it difficult to help. It's awful what happened, but don't be taking on any of the fault for it. I watched someone very close to me deteriorate over several months before she passed away as well, and had to come to realize that it was still her decision -- any scenario I can dream up to prevent it would most likely have ended with her refusal anyway. Instead, remember him fondly for us, and I hope he's smiling back at you as you do so.

sirkrite posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:30 PM

This is sad news. My prayers go out to him and his family. :(

pokeydots posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:36 PM

Indeed a sad day! I did not know him personally, but I have purchased many of his fine products. He had a way of making his cottages like no one else could! They were magical to me. My condolences to his family, and friends. I will miss him very much. I will keep you in my heart and prayers. God Bless!

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Kendra posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:42 PM

In my prayers as well. I can hardly believe this, he was my favorite merchant.

...... Kendra

jaybutton posted Fri, 18 June 2004 at 11:45 PM

I emailed back and forth with Billy several times. I always enjoyed hearing from him and consider him to be a great guy. He and his family will be in my prayers. Jay

EricofSD posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:34 AM

My thougts and prayers go out to his family.

disneyfabfive posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:39 AM

May The White Shores Welcome him Home. Beth

nomuse posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:42 AM

Oh, my. I don't know what to say. You'll be missed, heart-of-iron.

Helen posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:52 AM

Oh my.... What can you say? I did not know Billy personally. I saw his posts and admired his work. My condolences go to his family and friends. :( So So sad.


Senior MarketPlace Tester

If anyone sees a mind wandering aimlessly around..... It is mine.  I want it back.

xantor posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:54 AM

That OT thing is nonsense, if you have to say the topic is OT when someone dies...

SophiaDeer posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:55 AM

I am so sorry to hear of Ironhart's passing. Please know he will be in my prayers. Hugs, Nancy

Nancy Deer With Horns
Deer With Horns Native American Indian Site

PoisenedLily posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:14 AM

I didnt know him personally but always admired his thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. HUGS Gina

William posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:23 AM

What a terrible shame and a wasteful way to pass away. It seems to be the inconsequential things which can have the direst consequences. I too bought some of his work and enjoyed it's design. He'll be missed greatly. William

lhiannan posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:27 AM

:( :( :(

Moebius87 posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:27 AM

My deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences go out to his loved ones. My prayers for peace and love join all those here to bid him a fond farewell. Goodbye Ironheart. :o( M

Mind Over Matter
"If you don't mind, then it don't matter."

Djeser posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:34 AM

Oh no. I'm just stunned. Billy and I have IMd many times, as I use his beautiful cottages in my Vue renders, and he was always so friendly and kind, I always imagined he had a smile on his face. What a terrible loss of a good person.


Zhann posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:43 AM

My condolences

Bryce Forum Coordinator....

Vision is the Art of seeing things invisible...

pendarian posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 2:18 AM

This just absolutely floors me. :(( My condolences and prayers to his family, his friends and his girlfriend. You did what you could vggarcia, you did your best I'm sure. He will be missed, he was a nice person. Pendy

genny posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 2:37 AM

Although I only knew him via the internet, I can not express how sad this notice has made me feel. I truly loved his work, his generosity, and considered him to be freind. I regret that I will never have a chance to tell him that personally. My sincerest condolences to his loved ones and if there is anything I can do to help them get thru this terrible tragedy, I hope they will write and let me know.

sacada posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 2:39 AM

That is very sad and tragic news. Condolences

kbennett posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:04 AM

That's so sad. He was one of the real good guys :(

Petunia posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:17 AM

Billy truly made each and every one of his customers feel like they were friends and neighbors even though we were all scattered. He will be sorely missed by the many many lives he has touched with his gentle ways. Diana

karanta posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:26 AM

Very, very sad :( My condolences to his family and friends.

My Renderosity Store

Sprinter posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:53 AM

OMG! My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

nightfir posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 4:00 AM

This is so sad. My thoughts are for his family and friends. I can see him now sitting in a rockingchair outside his little sweetwood cottage enjoying the sun. As to his stuff on the marketplace... I suppose it will all get handled ie estate via his will etc. Which in some cases can take a long time to straighten out. Here's hoping for the best Brad.

Message edited on: 06/19/2004 04:04

Message edited on: 06/19/2004 04:08

Modulok posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 4:21 AM

My condolences. -Modulok-

deemarie posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 4:23 AM

"Tears flow down my face Oh lonely will be this place To hear he has entered an endless sleep With only his memory to keep" Billy was respected as an artist, revered as a merchant, and treasured as a friend. His departure will leave an emptiness in the community yet, may his passing bring us together to celebrate his life! Gentle Hugs to you Billy, Dee-Marie

KarenJ posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 4:43 AM

I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with his family.

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

gillbrooks posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 4:47 AM

This is very, very sad news. Can't say any more than what's already been said. What a very sad loss.



kawecki posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 5:12 AM

Very sad, my condolences to his family.

Stupidity also evolves!

freyfaxi posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 5:50 AM

My condolences to his loved ones and friends :(

hazelfaye posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 5:55 AM

What awful news, how very sad, my condolences to his family

SAMS3D posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 6:23 AM

We have all suffered a huge loss. Not only his talent but his kind gentle nature. I remember my small talks with him so long ago....this is truly a sad sad day. Our thoughts are with all his family and friends and our prayers are with you. Sincere sympathy, for we have lost a great artist and creator. Sharen and Mike

Dale B posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 6:53 AM

Damn. Damndamndamndamn. Heartfelt sympathies for family and friends....

Firebirdz posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 7:39 AM

I am so sad:-( I always loved talking to him and he was such a nice person.

rasputina posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 7:41 AM

I am so very sorry, my sincere condolences to Ironhart's family and friends, prayers are with you and yours.

dfsmetsfan posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:09 AM

My heartfelt condolences to his family. This is a terrible loss and he will be greatly missed.

dlk30341 posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:11 AM

OMG! :(...the indeed is very sad news, we have lost a great artist & friend. My heartfelt condolences go out his family. DAMN!!!! So young :(

ivyroses posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:49 AM

This is very sad news. My condolences to his family & friends.

deemarie posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:07 AM

Attached Link:

Please take the time to post your respects for ironhart on the Renderosity "In Memoriam" page. [see link above - or click on the **In Memoriam** link on the sidebar under Hightlights] Dee-Marie

SimonWM posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:14 AM

I'm very sorry tohear this. My condolences to his family & friends.

Fillingim posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:33 AM

This is a terrible loss and he will truly be missed. My deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends. Fillingim

RHaseltine posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:43 AM

My condolences. (I'd think that if PayPal were given the death certificate or US equivalent they'd transfer the funds to his nominated bank account, from whence the executors could transfer them to his heirs, though if his family lack email they'd likely need help in dealing with PP)

Porthos posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:49 AM

What a terrible shock - sorry to hear this! My prayers go with him and his family! God Bless!

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 12.0GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 7770

PoserPro 2012 (SR1) - Units: Metres , Corel PSP X4 and PSE 9

geep posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:58 AM

With deepest regrets, dr geep ;=[

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

linnymac posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 9:59 AM

Such a tragedy to lose someone so young and so talented. My sympathies to his family and friends.

MaterialForge posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:02 AM

Sad, sad news. I never knew Ironhart, but was familiar with his work and tested several of his MP items (truly quality work). I understand he was a very generous and kind person. My condolences to his family and friends. -silver

linwhite posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:05 AM

Oh, God...NO!!!

ShadowWind posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:07 AM

It is a sad day for the community and a sad day for his family and friends. My condolences to his family and friends. This is indeed a shock. He will be missed...

Message edited on: 06/19/2004 10:09

spinner posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:14 AM

Condolences. I knew his work, but not him but my sympathies to his family ~S

Richabri posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:22 AM

Very sad news indeed. My sincerest condolences to his family, friends and loved ones.

Poppi posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:44 AM

my condolences to all that were especially near, and dear to him. i am glad that he touched all of our lives, in his space of time, with his wonderful talent.

keweljewels posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 10:56 AM

I am so sad, my condolences to his family and friends. I loved his houses and had a few. The few times I talked to him he was very kind and gentle. My dream was to someday have them all. Its sad but whereever he is at he will find peace. I would like to think he is living in his villiage now, in a place where there is no poverty, or illness, but in joy and in peace.

romanceworks posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:00 AM

This is very very sad news. A huge and heartbreaking loss. Our sincere condolences to those closest to Billy. Carol & LJ

SeanE posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:32 AM

my condolences and here's an idea since people seem to know him in real life ... why doesn't someone create a new paypal/payment account for his renderosity marketplace products and then someone at renderosity get off ther butts and get into the rendo-code to redirect the payments to this new account, and then someone (maybe the same one who set up the new paypal account!...) contacts his family and tells them how to access the money then at least if anything gets bought from rendo, the money doesn't just benefit paypal... and renderosity... ?????? yes? yes?

hmatienzo posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:33 AM

This is just so... DAMN!!! :-((

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

Debbie M. posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:40 AM

Although I didn't know him very well, the conversations we did exchange thru emails and IM's always led me to believe he was a kind and generous person, and I considered him a friend. My heart is very sad and heavy hearing this news. My deepest sympathies go to his family, friends, and loved ones. God Bless you Billy! Deb

Debbie M.

cecemckenzie posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:48 AM

Attached Link:

How terrible. My condolences to all.

Cece Devlin McKenzie

simdragon posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:35 PM

My sympathies to his family and friends.

Lyne posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 12:44 PM

This is such a shock, as much of a shock as when my ex-husband/still friend died almost the same way: young, no one knew he was THAT sick, and he refused treatment, and has been depressed in some way... it was like he was just done with this life and ready to go on. I hold on to my personal belief that we do not die- we go on, we are still us, but no longer sick, depressed, we are free from the pain whatever manner of pain that is/was. Please don't blame yourselves, but yes, you need to go through all the parts of greif which includes anger and guilt... but he would want you to let the guilt go, I am sure! Love and good thoughts to you, Billy. (oh my ex's name was Bill too... it just sunk in... how very strange). I am going to go cry now.

Life Requires Assembly and we all know how THAT goes!

Strixowl posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 1:08 PM

Peace to you Ironhart and a great deal of love & respect. Blessings, Strixowl

FlyByNight posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 2:06 PM

It broke my heart to read this. M deepest condolences to his friends and family. I lost my husband in December, he was 56, and agree that is much too young to leave this world. But I think of IronHart in one of his lovely cottages now, my husband sailing the seas, both free of pain. You will be missed.


markschum posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:08 PM

condolences to the family. If the man was ill and refused to see a doctor, well that was his choice, he may have had reasons unknown to anyone else. But it is rough on the survivors. Re: products in store and Paypal. Any assetts become part of his estate. The appointed executor has the responsibility of identifying those assetts and ensuring the collection and distribution of them to his heirs (if any). If he kept reasonable records all bank accounts, insurance policies etc are fairly readily identified. The best action to take (in my opinion) is NOT to make changes, particularly since he can't authorise them. By all means the people who administer the store should perhaps ensure account information is made available TO THE EXECUTOR AFTER PROPER IDENTIFICATION. I am sure that the store operators are able to get good legal advice on the contract issues. There is no reason why his products could not continue to be sold - as long as they are inherited by someone. They do NOT become public domain in any case for some years after death - I don't know the time for this type of product.

vggarcia posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:10 PM

I am truly moved by the host of condolences that have been posted here for Billy. I think he would be humbled and shocked to know how many people cared about him. He was often a pain, and you either loved him or hated him, but as someone correctly pointed out, you would be hard pressed to find a more generous guy despite his flaws. I had a dream last night in which he came to me and said he was ok, and I hope that's the case. Things will just never be the same for me, anyway, and I am grateful to see how much his life impacted the people here, so many of which he enjoyed interacting with, and whose talents he admired (especially Lynn's). Post 87 had a wonderful idea that I also thought of. Maybe someone here who has all his houses (like Lynn) can post them for Billy and get the money to his family since obviously billy can no longer send the artwork to any buyers. If any of you want to do this I'll try to get the address of his aunt and cousin so a check or something cen be endorsed over to them. Not sure how Renderosity would view doing this, but I can tell you no one left in his family is online and would have any interest or understanding of what to do with his art here, so anyone who knew him that would like to do this for him would be doing his family a favor. Billy wouldn't mind. Please also keep his online GF in your prayers. She's been in the process of moving and may have been offline, and she's going to find out about this by opening her email and seeing a note from me, telling her Billy died yesterday. I know it'll hit her like a hammer in the face, but I had no other way to tell her. I especially want to say thanx to Lynn for all she did for him. He never stopped expressing his admiration for her textures, and I know he hoped to do many more projects with her

juleyanne posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:23 PM

So young, so sad, My condolences to his family!! :(

drgnmztr posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:29 PM

As A fellow artist I add my sympathy as well. I pray he is happy in his new home and environment and out of the pain he was apparently suffering here in the physical world. But he will always be around all of us if we keep him in our hearts and minds.. He will be in mine.. Michael Suiter

Momcat posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:17 PM

Oh how sad. My sincere condolences to his loved ones.

sandoppe posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 8:53 PM

Oh my gosh.....I have an ache right in the pit of my stomache. I loved Billy's work. His little cottages were the best. I just put his little spinning wheel in my shopping cart yesterday. Billy was always so nice and helpful. Before I got Poser, he was willing to let me get help from Linwhite and Sharen at Sam's to convert some of his stuff to a Vue format so I could use it. I am very sad about this. He truly will be missed. My heart goes out to his family.

ClintH posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 11:39 PM

This is indeed sad news. At this time his store will remain active. Renderosity will ensure that his account information is provided to the executor of his estate. Clint

Clint Hawkins
MarketPlace Manager/Copyright Agent

All my life I've been over the top ... I don't know what I'm doing ... All I know is I don't wana stop!
(Zakk Wylde (2007))

keihan posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 12:50 AM

I'm so saddened by this news beyond words. :( Billy was a wonderful person.

byAnton posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 1:30 AM

I have been traveling and am just reading this now. I must admit I am shocked. Many many not know him but I remember his long involvement in the community. It is my sincere hopes that the store will make efforts to forward his sales to his family. A nice gesture might be to make a puchase to possibly offset any burial expenses. It would also be a nice gesture if the store donated it's share of any sales. Deaths don't always offer closure or explaination but I think what we can take from this is that people in are community are real, living real lives and with very real issues. Too often this is forgotten by too many wrapped in petty games. Anton

-Anton, creator of Apollo Maximus
"Conviction without truth is denial; Denial in the face of truth is concealment."

Over 100,000 Downloads....

Moonbow posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 6:44 AM

I am very saddened to hear of his passing. I had IM'd not too long ago about using one of his sweet cottages I had purchased in a novel, but I don't know how that will be possiable to do now. I hope he is well and happy in the Summerland. I was a very talented and kind man and will be missed. My condolences to his family and friends. Moonbow

Stringy posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 7:08 AM

As a fellow merchant and member of the community I was also shocked to hear this news. Although I did not know him personally I had a lot of respect for his products which reminded me so much of the buildings you can find around where I live. Deepest condolences to friends and family

genny posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 1:11 PM

Attached Link:

Here is my tribute to Ironhart. He will be sorely missed by many of us.

XENOPHONZ posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 2:37 PM

I am saddened to hear of this.

My condolences to all who knew him.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

sirocco posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 3:48 PM

Very sad news... my sympathies to his familly and loved ones.

The3dZone posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 3:50 PM

Our condolences to the family and friends in this time of sadness :0( The3dZone

Funny YouTube video of the week - Bu De Bu Ai

vggarcia posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 5:08 PM

Moonbow, billy would have no problem with your using his houses in your novel. There have been some in mine for a year. (In fact i may dedicate the book to him when it's done later this year, and Billy already had a cameo roll in it.) Feel free to use em.

B-Man posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 8:09 PM

=( U will live in our heart for ever! TKS&BR B-Man

Gareee posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 9:39 PM

Oh, Man.... I just got done reading a post over at Daz, that Don Tatro had just passed away as well. (The creators of Creepy the Clown). At least they can swap Poser stories together though, now. I was just looking over Ironhart's stuff a few days ago, as well, marveling at his wonderful craftsmanship.

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

Moonbow posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 9:42 PM

Thank you vggarcia, it was kind of you to let me know. Moonbow

Disciple3d posted Mon, 21 June 2004 at 7:03 PM

This is so sad that "Tragic" is really the only word that can describe it. Id like to echo everyone here in offering my condolences to Billys family and friends. Truly, the measure of a man is the number of friends he leaves behind. Judging by this post, weve indeed lost a great man. Personally, I corresponded with him on a few occasions regarding his products I purchased and enjoyed. I never got into the woodsy renders that his wonderful models lent themselves so well too, but remember buying nearly everyone due to their great detail and organic style. 54s far too young to leave this plane behind me thinks. But like most here, I believe in an afterlife and am sure he is with his maker at this moment. Happy trails Billy. Brent

If you want to up your content game, get schooled to be a pro with Sixus1 Mentoring today!

goddesspanda posted Tue, 22 June 2004 at 5:41 PM

This is so very sad - my heart is breaking. I wish only good things for his friends and family - I am very very sorry and sad. He made the most lovely little storybook cottages and he made so many people happy. Angela

timoteo1 posted Thu, 24 June 2004 at 3:37 AM

Very, very sorry to hear about Billy's passing. I always admired his work and he was as kind a person as I had ever met here on R'Osity. Goodbye, Billy ... Ironhart.