Forum: Carrara

Subject: oky doky for me and anyone who has not asked..

epsilon opened this issue on Oct 23, 2000 ยท 4 posts

epsilon posted Mon, 23 October 2000 at 10:05 PM

what actualy happend; did metacreations just get out of 3d programs? or are they bankrupt? are they just now viewpoint? was it just a change of pace for the company?.. am i asking to many questions?, why is the shy blue? epsilon/omniscience attachment:for mac people

willf posted Mon, 23 October 2000 at 10:29 PM

They are doing the same as they have the past 2 years, floundering. (Your image dosn't show up & I'm on MAC)

wyrwulf posted Mon, 23 October 2000 at 10:29 PM

Meta dumped all their programs to focus on Metastream. $$$$ I just found out about the change to Viewpoint a couple of days ago. What the deal is with that, I don't know. Viewpoint is or was a 3D app, right?

epsilon posted Mon, 23 October 2000 at 10:39 PM

cool thanks the attacment was a movie file i just thoght it may work, but not the case.... it was just a funny mac in space mov... when the folks in space use ther macintosh(the first web site in space)macs have on their laptops a automatic eject for the driver and being in space when they ejected the disk it shot out of the computer and floated away and the astronought had to go and get it.. well after wrighting that it sound boaring but the movie was funny..ya had ta be their.... epsilon