Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: bigger update and goodbye ...

Schlabber opened this issue on Oct 24, 2000 ยท 11 posts

Schlabber posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 3:04 PM

Hello everybody, today I updated my site with several new poses ... As always look at the news section And you certainly read it in the title - this is a goodbye to all of you. This is at least some good news (if you take a look at the text in the news-section you'll understand). I'll write a bigger goodbye-letter with many many thank your's when I have more time ... And don't be sad: I hope it is not a farewell and hopefully I'm back in a few months or so (or earlier). But my situation at the moment allows no poser ( :-( ). So have a nice time at my website and visit the texture-site also - I hope everything work right - because I had to rearrange some files ... Bye Schlabber

JeffH posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 3:33 PM

Thanks and Good Luck! -JH.

Fox-Mulder posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 3:43 PM

Many thanks for all the truely great pose work. You've saved everyone thousands of hours and made using Poser tremendously more useful and fun.

Huolong posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 3:57 PM

Goodbye has a sense of finality about it. Don't you really mean "Auf Wiedersehen"? You realize that saying "Goodbye" this close to Halloween runs the risk of being haunted by ghosts, goblins, and gespenst (sp?). Forever. Wiedersehen.


Schlabber posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 5:52 PM

Natlich meinte ich auf Wiedersehen - Huolong I hope it is only temporarly - and of course I'll be still posering - but it is a delicate time for me - job is more important than poser and ... well I think you could imagine ...

Marque posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 8:32 PM

Don't think that if you don't come with poses in hand you can't visit!! Come back often and let us know how you are! Thanks for all the great stuffage you have shared with us, you were appreciated, just sorry I didn't let you know sooner. 8^) Marque

rain posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 8:53 PM

Thanks from me too! I use your poses almost exclusively. They have been much appreciated. Claire

nitreug posted Tue, 24 October 2000 at 9:35 PM

Great work you do at your web site. I got almost all your poses. We understand that a new work will take all your time. Thanks for all your work. Claude

zett posted Thu, 26 October 2000 at 6:26 AM

Hallo Schlabber, ich schlie mich Uwe an, wsche dir viel Spaim neuen Job und hoffe, dawir in einiger Zukunft etwas von dir zu sehen bekommen. Jgen

Schlabber posted Sun, 29 October 2000 at 4:18 PM

Hey, Jgen - warst Du das nicht in der Ne vom oberbergischen Kreis - ich arbeite da demnhst grob in der Ne - meld' Dich mal ...

zett posted Mon, 30 October 2000 at 12:33 AM

Hallo Schlabber, nein, ich war der aus Heidelberg / Neckar. GruJgen