Working some more with my old buddy the Dragonflyer again (This is the second image I've done with this little fellow in the past week): stealing bits of texture from some of the old Changing Fantasy Suit and a bit from the old Olympian textures and a little more from my own library of texture scans. I dont know why I have such fascination for these older models: maybe it's because they come from an era where you had to really work the model to make it look like something decent. You couldn't just take it out of the box and throw a few clothes on it with some prepackaged textures; you had to really dig into the template and make it your own by building textures that would enhance what's already there in the mesh. That's not meant as a slam, BTW. There are some amazing texture artists out there these days who are creating some extraordinary stuff. But at the same time, there's a certain joy in doing it yourself, sorta like the difference between going to a fine restaurant or going wild with the oregano at home. A few other notes: the Captain America boots from animotions. The turban from the Costume lab, with a fabric texture applied to the wrap. The spear from the Woodland Warriors collection. The background was built entirely in Photoshop and no doubt looks it. And everything on the Dragonflyer was re-textured, from pants to jacket to gloves to skin. It seems, BTW, that he's no longer available at DAZ. That's a pity, actually. -- the collected cartoons of Doc and Raider