A couple of weeks ago I asked here what my next set should be. Everyone wanted the David Fantasy set, followed by the David Classic set. I submitted the Fantasy Set last week, so now it's outta my hands and being reviewed in Beautiful Utah. Now it's time for the Classic set. I figure it;ll have a set of sandals or two (these are from the Fantasy Set), One classic loin cloth, one over the shoulder short thingie (what DO you call them?), one over both shoulders short thingie, and one long toga with draping from hell. And of course jewelry. I always try to include jewelry. I like doing jewelry. They'll all have Muscular, Muscular2, Barbarian, and Superhero morphs. 3 to 5 textures for each piece. What do you think? Would you buy it? Any ideas for improvement or anything else you think should be added?