Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Crossdressing Mike?

Byrdie opened this issue on Aug 18, 2004 ยท 10 posts

Byrdie posted Wed, 18 August 2004 at 10:18 PM

Okay so I'm a pervert ;-) Takes all kinds, right?

Actually, I've been reading way too much anime and can't get the luscious Count D out of my warped little mind. I'd love to do him in Poser but I can't find the clothes. Not a thing even remotely resembling a male cheongsam, except textures for the morphing fantasy dress in a bishie set for V3 over at Poser Pros. Howsomever I do not have said dress, do not plan to buy it in the foreseeable future (saving up for David) and want to use Mike instead. So ... any suggestions?

Btw, I see absolutely no reason why that over-pixilated bimbo should get all the pretty outfits. ::stamps foot, pouts and whines:: It's just not fair!