Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Mike Skin?

Byrdie opened this issue on Aug 22, 2004 ยท 8 posts

Byrdie posted Sun, 22 August 2004 at 9:28 PM

Having blown more money recently on Poser stuff than I care to think about right now (if ever ;-) I find myself in need of a good free or cheap hide for M3. Yes, I have found some textures in the freebies section here, bought a couple of character packs w/textures over at PoserWorld, and while they're very nice, they're of no use to my current project. Why, you ask? Well, they cover everything but the family jewels -- which look dang funny a'pokin' out in the primer coat. And no, I can't use him without the ::ahem:: necessaries for what I have in mind. So, recommendations, anyone? Would prefer hairless/beardless with or without tatoos.

KarenJ posted Mon, 23 August 2004 at 2:22 AM

Attached Link:

"World of M3" at Daz is good and contains two characters with genital textures for both. There's also "Christian" who looks pretty good and again includes genital texture.

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

Neo10 posted Mon, 23 August 2004 at 5:39 AM

Also dont forget to look in the pc for the Everydale male pack for m3 if your a member of the pc boom right there you go for only 2 bucks a texture for m3.

Byrdie posted Mon, 23 August 2004 at 10:32 AM

Not PC member... yet, but just added the other to my wishlist. Thanks for the rec.

randym77 posted Wed, 25 August 2004 at 5:57 AM

Attached Link:

Are you a member of PoserMale? It's a Yahoogroup devoted to male Poser characters. The Files section has free textures for M3, including genital textures.

Byrdie posted Wed, 25 August 2004 at 12:09 PM

Not sure -- dunno how many yahoogroups I'm in, which means it's probably way too many :-D -- but if not, I'll join. Thanks!

Bobbie_Boucher posted Wed, 25 August 2004 at 1:46 PM

I have World of Mike 3, Every Day Male, and Christian. They're all very good! (I took advantage of the free month of PC membership a few months back.)

Message edited on: 08/25/2004 13:47

Message edited on: 08/25/2004 13:50

Byrdie posted Wed, 25 August 2004 at 1:54 PM

Missed out on that and I'm still kicking myself. Wonder if/when they'll do it again; there's quite a few things at Daz I'd really like to buy -- even if they weren't discounted becaused I'd be using them often -- that are for Club Members only.