Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Mike Skin?

Byrdie opened this issue on Aug 22, 2004 ยท 8 posts

Byrdie posted Sun, 22 August 2004 at 9:28 PM

Having blown more money recently on Poser stuff than I care to think about right now (if ever ;-) I find myself in need of a good free or cheap hide for M3. Yes, I have found some textures in the freebies section here, bought a couple of character packs w/textures over at PoserWorld, and while they're very nice, they're of no use to my current project. Why, you ask? Well, they cover everything but the family jewels -- which look dang funny a'pokin' out in the primer coat. And no, I can't use him without the ::ahem:: necessaries for what I have in mind. So, recommendations, anyone? Would prefer hairless/beardless with or without tatoos.