Forum: Carrara

Subject: Welcome Mark Bremmer as the new Carrara forum Coordinator!

Kixum opened this issue on Aug 26, 2004 ยท 20 posts

Kixum posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:18 AM

Hey everybody! If you haven't noticed it yet, Mark Bremmer is now a coordinator for the forum! This is fantastic news for us here and I'm sure Mark will be a super addition to the staff! Congratulations Mark and thanks for joining the team! Everybody give him a warm welcome. -Kix


Hoofdcommissaris posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:40 AM

I thought it was one of those things you thinks you have not seen while it was there for years when I saw his name a couple of minutes ago. But it is great news! I think, for people who try to earn a few bucks with what most of the time starts as a hobby, Mark is a shining example of enormous knowledge of Carrara and a sharp mind when it comes to creating visuals that look good. No matter what the cheating. Every Carrara user should learn his stupid modelling tricks from 3DXtract Magazine by heart! Be welcome!

Hoofdcommissaris posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:43 AM

Of course it is also good news for everybody who just enjoys 3D modelling in Carrara as a hobby.

falconperigot posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 1:09 AM

Excellent! Congratulations!

TOXE posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 2:16 AM

Cool! The best choice on the coordinators market;-) My respects, -TOXE


Vidar posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 3:40 AM

this are really great news,congrats Mark!

MarkBremmer posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 9:40 AM

Thanks for the kind words! Glad to come along for the ride. Now, where are we going? ;)

bluetone posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 10:41 AM

Well... litst has this great bakery we could meet at... :D Congrats and welcome Mark! Your tricks have helped me on a number of occasions and I'm glad to see you making your work here official! ;)

Pinklet posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:20 PM

This is great news. Congratulations Mark!

keithw posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:37 PM

Congratulations Mark! BTW What does a coordinator do? Keith

robertzavala posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:45 PM

Yay Mark.

MarkBremmer posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 12:46 PM

Whatever it is, it's not in moderation. That's what a moderator does which is Kixum's job. :D Think of me as Santa's little helper. I may be a little more active in posting helps in the forum too. Mark

mateo_sancarlos posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 2:34 PM

Congrats, Mark. We'll try to keep you busy here, and I mean that in a good way;-)

Pinklet posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 2:45 PM

So.... Kixum really is Santa? :) I thought Santa didn't exist.

Kixum posted Thu, 26 August 2004 at 7:39 PM

I'm not quite santa but I'm glad to be in his company. Mark will be a second amazingly knowledgeable individual helper who is checking in on a daily basis with us to answer questions and play with us. He's done that so well all by himself for so long that I thought it would be a great idea to have him along officially. I also have a weird work schedule this year where I've been gone for a week at a time here and there. This will continue to happen three more times this year and a few times next year. With Mark on board, we can make sure we're getting the help and having fun we need all the time. And lastly, I needed someone fresh and smart to help me think up challenges and stuff. I needed a boost and Mark struck me as a fanstastic candidate. I haven't told him yet but I'm also going to poll him for sponsors for contests. Those need to get started back up again. I'm really glad to have him and happy he's accepted the position. Santa says he's glad too. -Kix


Pete_Exxtreme posted Fri, 27 August 2004 at 4:55 AM

Great news ! Congrats :-) Pete

bluetone posted Fri, 27 August 2004 at 7:56 AM

More great news! No I know where to send my list in a couple months... ;) I have been a good boy all year... well... maybe most of the year... ok a couple months... would you beleive 3 hours a week ago last tuesday?

litst posted Fri, 27 August 2004 at 10:10 AM

Yeah, that's cool news ! Thanks Mark, you're definitely the man for the job ! :-) litst

memaci posted Mon, 30 August 2004 at 4:08 PM

Congrats Mark. I've always found your posts insightful and very helpful. memaci

bikermouse posted Wed, 01 September 2004 at 6:03 AM

Yay! Congrats Mark!