Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Wanted: Spaceships

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 08, 2004 ยท 54 posts

Byrdie posted Wed, 08 September 2004 at 1:17 PM

Planning the next adventure of Jayde Stormsinger & Master K'wyn (see my latest gallery offering if you don't know who I mean) and find myself in need of some spaceships. I've been to Turbosquid but what's in my price range (between checks & down to my last pack of noodles :-( is either not quite right or not for Poser -- and it's the same way with some really neat ones in the marketplace here. Yes, I've been to Sci Fi 3d but there it's another problem: all the models are from movies and obviously intended for fan work only. I need something that will permit commercial renders but also would not look too far from home if it ever fell thru a wormhole and into a certain galaxy far away. I already have interiors, all of X2000's stuff, and a few 3ds star fighters; what I'm in need of are destroyers, freighters, tankers, and maybe a space station. Anybody have an idea where I might find some?

Message edited on: 09/08/2004 13:18