Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Looking for kiss poses

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 24, 2004 ยท 3 posts

Byrdie posted Fri, 24 September 2004 at 6:38 PM

... for Mike & Mike or Mike & David. Alas, all I can find, even on the other "R" site, are for Mike/Vicky. Suggestions, please? I have Ixdon's & sukip's male couple pose packs and while a few come close in those sets, none are what I'm looking for.

rowan_crisp posted Fri, 24 September 2004 at 11:10 PM

You know what I've found? The normal sized unimeshes (D3, M3, V3 and S3) all take the same poses fairly well with minimal tweaking. cough See if you can find a free sample or something of M3/V3? It's worth a shot. :) RC

Byrdie posted Sat, 25 September 2004 at 10:44 AM

Thanks! I was wondering about that but didn't want to spend a lot on a pack I probably couldn't use. Guess you can't be absolutely sure until you try ;-)