Forum: Vue

Subject: I need help with Vue 5 !

Xiores opened this issue on Oct 12, 2004 ยท 13 posts

Xiores posted Tue, 12 October 2004 at 1:06 PM

I just installed Vue 5 and have a very odd problem. The program loads fine and I have 532K of memory remaining. I can work on the new picture design, but if I minimize the program Vue 5 crashes and says I am "out of Memory" even though 500 plus K remains in my toolbar. I have turned off OpenGL and fast write, defragmented the hard drive, downloaded the newest drivers for my ATI 9800 Pro, and if I minimize, it crashes due to a lack of memory. This never happened with Vue 4. Any idea of why this happens? I am running XP PRO with SP2, 1 gig of memory, on a P4 3.2 with ATI Radeon 9800 pro with 256. Please, before you say it's XP sp2, Vue 4 ran with no problems with SP2. If it is a XP sp2 issue, then E-on needs a fix cause SP2 is essential to the XP operating system. Any ideas?

nhirschberger posted Tue, 12 October 2004 at 2:57 PM

Today Vue 5 came up with a message that my scene is too complex and the machine runs out of memory if I would not reduce my scene. In total I had 71 objects, one light and 260.000 polygons, no terrain, that's almost nothing I think. At this moment Vue used 466 MB of 1 GB physical ram. Had no crash but a bad feeling. Btw the behaviour of Vue 4/5 was and is always strange when I bring another application to the foreground or minimize Vue, it seems to me that Vue starts another application if you render to screen. My only suggestion is "do not minimize Vue" until they fixed the bug. Norbert

agiel posted Tue, 12 October 2004 at 3:11 PM

Vue 5 includes diagnostics regarding your scene to avoid crashes and to help recover from crashes if they happen. It is possible Vue estimates your memory is running low for your scene. It happened to me before rendering a scene - I had to select a render in Final mode because Vue complained about memory size if I tried to render in Superior mode. I will have to try out what happens when minimizing the application when I return home next week.

Xiores posted Tue, 12 October 2004 at 5:12 PM

Thanks Ageil...! I have been playing with it and it really does not matter how complex the work is. In fact, loading a basic atmosphere and ground cover, then minimizing the desktop, will casue the same error (lack of memory). Now, if I don't minimize, i can complete and render the entire graphic. This can be done at the highest user settings. Sometimes it is necessary to minimize for other jobs I need to do. I sent this to e-on tech support but have not heard back from them. Some you may want to try this and see what happens on your system.

dlk30341 posted Tue, 12 October 2004 at 7:30 PM

I've tried & no crash :)

Artalgo posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 12:58 AM

I've also gotten the message about my scene being too complex. I've found that if I quit Vue 5 when I get the message, restart it, and reload the file I was working on, I can continue to work on it for a while before the message reappears. It's almost as if there's a memory leak somewhere. I've also gotten the message with many of the Vue 4 files I've tried loading into Vue5. I'm running Windows XP SP1 with 1 gig of RAM.

dburdick posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 2:31 AM

Sounds like EON may have another memory leak issue which was a problem in VuePro 4. You can test this by bringing up the windows task manager (Cntl-Alt-Del) and then displaying the appropriate columns in the listing (e.g. Memory Usage, Handles, GDI Objects) by selecing "View" --> "Select Columns". If the program is leaking, you'll see the GDI objects or possibly the Handles go up substantially. I would report the condition to EON with a screen pic dump of your task manager showing the leak and the operations leading up to the crash/leak.

smallspace posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 4:28 AM

I think Vue 5 does have a leak. I've got a program that keeps track of free ram. (Freeram XP) As Vue 5 runs, I can see the free ram decrease like a clock counting down. I've got a gig of ram, but Vue 5 manages to kick Freeram XP into recover mode, where it takes about a minute to recover memory that should be free. This only happens if the free memory drops below 64 megs. Usually, it recovers about 500 megs that Vue 5 wasn't actually using, but never released.

I'd rather stay in my lane than lay in my stain!

Djeser posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 11:02 AM

You might also want to see if the crash logs are in your Dr Watson app and forward those to Eon. Those logs are valuable for showing what was going on internally when the app crashed. It might also help to increase your virtual memory settings. In order to do some high-rez renders to disk, even tho I have 1G of Ram, I had to really increase my virtual memory, and defrag as well before rendering. Hope it clears up for you, Lin...and hope you are recovering quickly from surgery.


Xiores posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 12:41 PM

I have determined that this is indeed a memory leak. I have forwarded crash logs to E-ON. Hopefully they will respond. When Vue is loaded, it consumes a huge amount of memory as it runs. The crash logs are reporting such as well as the memory managers. Didn't we have this same problem in Vue 4 Pro?

Ragtime posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 1:49 PM

Hang on a minute! According to e-on the minumum requirements to run Vue5 are 256mb (512mb recommended! I've bought Vue5 (still waiting for the UPS delivery) on the understanding that it will run in 256mb. I'm prepared to upgrade my memory but hoped I wouldn't have to do it for simple, low polygon, terrain renders and until I've had a play with the new features. Is anyone managing to run Vue in 256mb?

agiel posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 2:14 PM

Memory leaks aside, 256mb is enough to use Vue in a lot of situations, as long as you are careful to the complexity of your scene. 512mb are recommended to run any application of consequence under windows XP.

Ragtime posted Wed, 13 October 2004 at 2:24 PM

Thanks Agiel, that sounds re-assuring! So if Vue5 has a memory leak I guess they will put a bug fix on the website.