Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Mike 3 Undies?

Byrdie opened this issue on Oct 31, 2004 ยท 20 posts

Byrdie posted Sun, 31 October 2004 at 3:48 PM

Okay, I've searched the freebies and the marketplace here and at several Poser sites, even the other "R" one, but no way can I find any sexy underwear for Mike 3. Looking for a thong or bikini but all I can find is for Mike 2 and I don't have Tailor or Clothing Convertor or whatever so that's no good. Darn it all, I know these things exist! I've seen some pretty hot renders featuring M3 in studmuffin undies. Anybody know where I might find some? Free or purchase doesn't matter, long as it's not too expensive.

Message edited on: 10/31/2004 15:50