heyas; this is kinda sorta not quite it. didn't mess with rays and all that, just standard vue atmosphere stuff. i learned a lot, though! i learned you can fake that cloud edge flare very very nicely if you edit the cloud material's colours. most are a greyscale gradient. for the dark colours on these, i put in a deep red, and then on some i added in a bit of yellow-orange striping before the lighter grey/white. i just wish there were an easy, interactive way to adjust the ratio of the sizes of the clouds and spaces. also, the far clouds near the horizon were too dark and not washing out, so i put on some haze. that had the added effect of brightening up the horizon, too. which isn't what i meant to do. i wish vue could remember that the sun is attatched to the camera angle when it saves an atmosphere. oh, and also that it would save a jpg when i choose 'jpg' as the 'save image as' type. ::sigh::