A Dear Friend pointed out to me that many images in my recent Gallery series on the Circus World Museum seem to lack contrast, and are washed out. Also, the color balance appears wrong. I had a lot of difficulty scanning these, and the future Fall Color series, for unexplained reasons. The negatives look properly exposed. Particularly some of the Fall pictures (some, but not all) had their "straight" scan histograms really skewed to the bright side. Seemed to be a green/cyan cast, (particularly to the deep golds of the gilded wagons). Correcting this caused the highlights to go magenta. I know that Photoshop lets be use different correction curves for the highlights, midtones, and shadows. But how to really do this in practice has always been sort of a mystery to me. And, always before, it was not much of a problem. Hope the scanner isn't drifting out of calibration...