WIP, WIP it good! I think Ingenue Vickie looks pretty good in this, what do you think? I'm just finishing it up, there is going to be a dual Ingenue Vickie/Glamorous Vickie version, plus a separate V3 version, plus (I hope, see what DAZ says) a cheap upgrade from the V3 version to the IV/GV version. There is already a ton of morphs in the blazer, to unbutton it (!), move the lapels and bottom flaps around and I'm going to support the "Skinny" and "Pin-up" full-body-morphs in the V3 version, plus morphs for breast size, to be honest most of V3's morphs don't do anything for her in this set and JV/GV sorta look better in it too, Oh, Well! ;-) This is actually Set 1 on what will be a whole bunch of related, mix-and-match stuff, working name is "Day in the Office", so you can see where I'm going with these. This set will be blazer, mini and shoes, plus a sitting version of the miniskirt, future sets will have other tops plus pants and a longer skirt, plus boots and stuff. Whatdaya Think?