Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: Xie, Realistic Chinese Beauty, coming to the marketplace... (Graphic Intense)

AlleyKatArt opened this issue on Nov 25, 2004 ยท 4 posts

AlleyKatArt posted Thu, 25 November 2004 at 12:48 PM

Attached Link:


Meet Xie, a realistic, authentic Chinese beauty. She's not just another oddly skin toned woman with tilted eyes. For the creation of Xie, I literally spent days researching the various builds of the epicanthic fold of the Asian eye before deciding on a shape for her eyes. Her skin tone was carefully constructed, and the texture was painstakingly modified to fit the exact requirements for her specific morph shape, even going so far as to have seperate (matching) maps for blinking, as well as an INJ morph to make her blinking more realistic.

Xie (Pronounced approximately like Sheah or Sheh) comes with carefully balanced photo and hand painted texture maps.

Contents of this ZIP:
Six seamless head maps at 3500x2379 (Base Head/Blink map, Lotus Make Up/Blink Map, Flawed Head/Blink Map)
Three seamless body maps at 2625x3500 (Base, No Genitals and Butterfly Tattoos)
Eleven eye maps at 550x550
Three INJ/REM poses (INJ Xie Base, INJ Epicanthic Fold and INJ Blink Morph)
Twenty MAT poses (1 base MAT file, 11 eye MATs, 1 Tone File, 5 Head MATs, 2 Body MATs)
Six Expression INJs (5 Expressions, 1 Zero file, works with any SP figure)

Xie can go from innocent teen to sultry seductress with just a click of a button, with her 5 included expression morphs. She also comes with a seperately injecting Epicanthic morph that partially covers the lacrimal (tear duct) for added realism and accuracy. Unfortunately, due to modeling constraints, Xie's epicanthic fold is not fully modelled. The crease above the eye is textured to add for extra realism and accuracy. Literally an entire 24 hour period was spent on just Xie's eyelid creases to make sure they fell evenly and realistically, and I even went so far as to have a wonderful Native Born Chinese Mainlander help me by modelling his own eyes.

She requires Stephanie Petite and her head morphs, as well as the V3/SP International Beauties morph set available at Due to the requirements, I've kept her price low, so that you, the potential customer, will be able to more easily enjoy her as much as I enjoyed creating her.

Last but not least, my heart felt thanks go out to my dear friends Mr. and Mrs. Li for their tireless efforts to help me make Xie as lovely as she is, as authentic as she is and to inspire me enough to finish her.

TrioGoldenTone.jpg Coming soon to the Renderosity Marketplace (and others)! Already available at PoserPros, link provided!

Kreations By Khrys