... damn, but we have a lot of stuff in the store that gets missed or passed over from time to time. I know, I know, with a gazillion products out there, it's difficult to allow all of them a time in the sun, but every now and then, one comes along that really deserves better than I fear it got. I purchased Spike about a year ago and filed him away, thinking I might use him in a project I was bidding on at the time. That never came through, but I always thought one of these days I'd get the little guy out and see what he could do. I finally did last night, and what a wonderful little surprise: everything from the body structure to the facial pose sets are downright wonderful, making this boy a real joy to play with. And now it has me wondering about some of the other stuff in there that I haven't really looked at in a long time. So, just a reminder, guys: There's some real nuggets of gold in the store, well worth your attention. They may not work with David or Laura, but what the heck: they're *fun*... which is sorta kinda the point anyway, right?
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