Hi guys! I need help with fixing an image. LP made some suggestions on my rusty lock image and I'm confused about what settings to use when i erase the blur over the lock. (Sorry LP, but I've only used Gausian blur a few times and i've never "erased" it over something.) I had the opacity on about 55 on this one i've uploaded with this thread. I played with the opacity and other settings and just couldn't make it look right. Here's the link to the thread where LP made the suggestions so you can see my original image and then what he did with it. [Click Here!](http://www.renderosity.com/messages.ez?ForumID=12379&Form.ShowMessage=2091574) Thanks so much for your help guys!!!!!!!!
Well depends on what program you are using. I would think you would use 100% for over the lock,to make it stay sharp,and the background to go blured. The one I attached was taking your original,and then using the magnetic laso to select the lock,then inverse the selection. All I did then was to use gausian blur set to 2, and went back over the edges of the lock with the blur tool set at 50% and at 15 pixels to smooth the edges.
oh, okay...thanks William!!!!! My first inclination was to put opacity at 100% but after i did it, I thought i was doing it wrong for some reason. I so much appreciate you telling me this!!! I'll give it a try in the morning when my eyes are bigger!! LOL!!! :) Have a great night!!!!