Got it! Funny nobody has complained about how Victoria III bends her thighs. When you get near a 90 degree bend, even using the buttocks as part of it it gets all weird, with a flat spot next to the hip and a lot of distortion. I have to admit, Glamorous Vickie is even worse in that area. This is mostly because she is "thicker" front to back in the upper thighs (being built like a proper woman), and that makes it worse. For the same reason Ingenue Vickie is much better, being more petite. I also gave IV extra JCM for the joint bend, which help a lot. But what to do about Glamorous Vickie? The IV JCM doesn't seem to help her very much, I played around and played around with joint parameters and morphs (I had 3 joint controlled morphs all running at one point), nothing seemed all that much of an improvement. I finally came up with something thaty works this morning - I threw out the DAZ JCM, used my best working joint parameters, bent the limb and exported the whole figure to Max, where I created a correcting morph to put the mesh where I thought it belongs. I then made that morph the new JCM (the actual procedure is a little more complicated that this, incidently) and tried it. The final trick was to run the pair of JCMs (there is one for the buttock and one for the thigh) _backward_ (undoing them) whan the buttock is bent. Gee, it works! I'll do a little more playing with this, as once I finallize it I'll have to make updates for all of GV's clothing, which is going to be a chore, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Here is how it looks compared to the old GV, with 60 degree thigh bend, 30 degree buttock bend.