Forum: Bryce

Subject: What a nutter will do for a completed render...

draculaz opened this issue on Feb 11, 2005 ยท 13 posts

draculaz posted Fri, 11 February 2005 at 4:37 PM

First of all I'm running a fever. 38.2 degrees Celsius. Don't know what that is in Farenheit, but it can't be good. I slept with hte window open and my head's... well... twice its size, or at least I feel it that way. So I thought I should take advantage of this situation (theoretically feeling like I have twice the brainpower), and do some rendering. Now I admit I've done this with Bryce before. It worked, rendered faster, so I thought I should retry it with YAFRAY since its processing is *more* cpu-intensive than Bryce's. Since it's a Dell Inspiron 5100, it shuts down because of a factory design error in its cooling system. Also because laptops aren't exactly made for rendering jobs. Moving on... So there I was, spamming poor Drawbridgep with MSN messages and IM's asking how to make transparencies happen in Wings and telling him how I want to log into the DAZ bug center and report Poser as a serious error (almost did it) in Bryce 5.5, when it dawned on me: Since my comp's shutting down constantly when it's 80% done because of overheating, I'll just put it in a place where it's cold. On the balcony, 6th floor. It's -10 degrees celsius outside. Sure enough it rendered like 5x faster and without crashing. The above picture represents the lenghts I therefore went to, with a running temperature (is that the expression?) to do a simple test render. I put it on the balcony, looked at it, and said, "I'm nuts, I gotta take a picture of this." So I did. Don't mind the ghetto concrete railing on the balcony, these are Communist-era buildings. They don't survive many earthquakes and we've had 3 since 1989. So thanks for letting me waste 5 minutes of your life with this completely pointless story. I'm off to sleep. Drac (And have taken my meds) ((Oh, moral of the story: Drac with twice the brain power doesn't equal a twice as smart Drac))