MikeJ opened this issue on Jan 10, 2001 ยท 18 posts
MikeJ posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 8:14 AM
Is it possible in Poser 4 to save a Full Body Morph, to be applied to a different figure? Or if not, is it possible to transfer all the characteristics of one figure to that of another within Poser itself? I use Morph Mangager 4 all the time for transferring MT's from one to another, but there is no selection for "Full Body"--that is, the "Body" shows up in MM without all the morphs, such as "Super Hero", etc.. Please don't tell me that I have to go through the long and tedious process of transferring each and every individual MT from one to the other. I already know I can do THAT. Thanks, Mike
Traveler posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 8:40 AM
I am afraid to tell you, but yes you have to transfer them all, and then re-make the full body morph in the new figure. -Trav
blau posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 9:43 AM
no that's not true, I think. you can use MOrph Manager and combine all the morphs in there to make one morph, I think. never tried it. but I do know that with morph manager you could narrow it down to one morph per body part
MikeJ posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 10:05 AM
Allright, thanks guys, I was afraid of that. The thing about MM though is that even though you can use it to combine all the MT's you have to delete the other MT's one at a time, which can take quite a while for some characters. I really wish that it had the basic Windows CTRL+click to select multiple MT's at the same time and delete en masse. Been experimenting with Poser's "change figure" option. It has a little success in what I'm trying to do. Maybe Poser 5 will have more morphing options. What I'd really love to see is for poser to have the ability to convert the figure to points that can be manipulated right within Poser itself and applied as MT's. I know, I'm dreaming, right? LOL Mike
Jaager posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 10:46 AM
Mike, I forgot to suggest that you strip a cr2 of all morphs for use with magnets, this way, full body can not sneak up on you. If you are adjusting a combination of others, do them on a all morph cr2 - combine them - transfer this single morph to the magnet cr2 and go from there.
Traveler posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 11:33 AM
Jaager has a good point. I have an empty base .cr2 that I use for magnet morphing, mainly because it reduces the memory load and speeds things up. -Trav
bloodsong posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 11:39 AM
heyas; umm.... i thought mr x fixed it to do full body morphs. it doesn't copy the body fbm channel, but when you copy over a morph that is part of a fbm, it keeps the fbm channels in it. then all you have to do is open the two cr2's and copy the body fbm parts. er, lemme try to explain that more clearly! okay, lets say you have a 'smooth' full body morph. on each part that is part of the morph, it has a 'smooth' dial, right? you set all those to 1 and spawn a full body morph, that's how you get it. so you go into morph manager and you copy all the body part 'smooth' morphs to the corresponding other figure's body parts. now, the individual 'smooth' morph dials are all there, but not the fbm dials on the body. but, the individual morphs have channels that point to the fbm. those channels are still there, there's just no dials under 'body' for them to point to. so you get your handy dandy cr2 editor out, and copy the fbm body channels to the other body. um, at least i think that's how it works. :)
MikeJ posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 11:50 AM
Wow! Jaager I would never have thought of that---great idea and I'm going to try it out right away. Since I got Rhino, I've been using the magnets less and less, but maybe I'll have better success with them starting with a completely empty figure, morph-wise. And Bloodsong--always tryin' to get me into text editors---don't ya know I'm scared sh*tless of 'em, LOL! But anyway, I like your suggestion too, and I'll give it a try and see what happens. Thanks all! Mike
Imaginos posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 10:27 PM
Someone REALLY needs to write a proggy to mass add and delete MT's and to transfer a full body morph over. Imaginos
MikeJ posted Wed, 10 January 2001 at 11:40 PM
I personally find it really dificult to believe that Poser itself wasn't designed to have control over the situation. I mean, you can add morph targets to your heart's content within Poser but as far as I know, if it weren't for other outside apps, you would never be able to delete them or combine them. I mean, think about it: Being able to pose a figure is only half of the picture; without morph targets, in most situations you'd be screwed when it comes to realism, PARTICULARLY when dealing with animating. Sure, you can ADD MT's, but if all you ever do is add them, you can end up with some enormous .cr2 files, and as Traveler pointed out, it will slow down the interface, which can be especially annoying when working on animations with fine detail. Oh well...I love Poser, and I'm really hoping the next version has some more built-in control over some of the more important features, from as simple as deleting excess morph targets to JCM applying. shrug ..just thought I'd ramble on a bit....
Jaager posted Thu, 11 January 2001 at 12:50 AM
Mike, You can delete morphs from within Poser - Hierachy Editor with "show Param.." you get a display of the morphs with "show all Param.." you also get full body morphs You can only do one morph at a time and you must take care to be sure what is selected before you hit 'delete' You can delete a group if you are too quick or you can delete the morph name only if you are crosseyed with the cursor. If I remember Duanye's yelling, you can also combine inside Poser - with the spawn prop function, you must take it out and bring it in, but you can do it. I can get in and out of MM4 while Poser is still loading and, becuase Poser has multiple options and I am too lazy to explore them, when I have a way that works already, I still use MM4. I agree with Imaginos, we need a CTRL multi-select for delete or copy AND an easy way to shuffle the morph order within a CR2. You have an all head morph CR2 and all the nose morphs are together, chin morphs together etc , then a new one comes along and it belongs in the middle somewhere. Well, cut-n-paste in a text editor is both tedious and hairy.
voodooninjax posted Thu, 11 January 2001 at 1:57 PM
I don't even know how to make a full body morph in Poser. Do I just export the entire figure as OBJ, save as morph target, then go morph it? That is my theory, but I have never tried it. Voodoo
Jaager posted Thu, 11 January 2001 at 4:09 PM
Just go to the top in Poser - Figure - create full body morph - give it a name - done. Now - what it does is take every morph for every group that you have set, and combine their information as text data and set this as 1.0. The usual thing is to take one morph that covers several groups - set them all to 1.0 , turn off all of the others and create the morph. go back and turn these individual morphs to zero and under body, turm the new FBM - the thing is, on my system it is all or none as far as seeing the intermediate stages. everything goes to cubes, until the morph is fully set. turn - stop -turn -stop You can use any combination you wish, it is just difficult to predict just what a gemisch will produce.
bloodsong posted Thu, 11 January 2001 at 4:47 PM
LOL!!! good luck having it THAT easy, voodoo! no, you have to do individual bodypart morphs for a full body morph, just like jaager says. and jaager... bud... turn off your fast tracking mode and go into full tracking mode! (that's the three round things stuck on the top right of the document window: box tracking, fast tracking, and full tracking.) mike: i ain't trying toget you into no text editor, man! i'm trying to plug john stallings' cr2 edit! it doesnt grab groups of morph targets, either, but it is hella fast. oh, and in morph manager... go to prefs and turn off 'i am an idiot, tell me when i delete something.' ;) cr2 edit will let you drag morph dials around into whatever order you like. i THINK you can also do that in the hierarchy editor. maybe. oh, and note... if you go through your figure and set all the morphs to zero, then memorize the figure... you don't need to reset them one at a time after you make a full body morph. (you do have to go set them all to 1 to make it. but after that, hit shift-ctrl-f to set everything back to zero.) also note that the full body morphs obey the individual dial limits. so if you have twenty body part morphs with the limits at +/-100000000000000000000 and then try to set the fbm to +/- 1... it ain't gonna listen to ya ;)
Jaager posted Fri, 12 January 2001 at 1:37 AM
Thanks bloodsong, I will check my tracking and I will look at the specific editors for morph reordering. As I said elsewhere , my "all head morph - only head morph" CR2 is 24 megs and ordered by head part, but I have another 77 morphs to add and I just do not want to face the cut-n-paste, besides this being like opening an unabridged version of War and Peace in the text editor.
Traveler posted Fri, 12 January 2001 at 6:39 AM
I use morph manager for re-ordering, Open the .cr2 with all of the morphs Open a second copy in the other window. In the second copy delete all of the morphs Then copy the morphs one by one, keeping in mind that the first one you add will be the last one in the list. -Trav
Jaager posted Fri, 12 January 2001 at 8:16 AM
That makes sense, thanks Trav. bloodsong, now I remember why I use fast tracking. I swing the main camera around a lot. I do not like the way full tracking responds. I just must remember to switch when I am adjusting a FBM. I do a lot more camera movement than FBM.
bloodsong posted Fri, 12 January 2001 at 5:17 PM
heyas; that's cool, jaager. if i have the tracking too fast, when i move the camera, my scene flies off the screen into nowhere land ;)