Hey all...this mornin' I went down to take some pix near the Delaware River. This is one from the bunch I took. I'm shootin' from the New Jersey side & the HILL across the river is Pennsylvania...that HILL...it's MAN-MADE...actually a DUMP! Garbage from all over gets brought in by BARGE and trucks... it ALL piles up there! (Pretty sad and most people don't realize that all our CRAP ends up somewhere - out of sight, out of mind I guess) The seagulls basically hangout here as they scavenge for food! Sometime they so many it seems like a swarm is attacking the barges that come down the river! I did some post (cropped/converted to B&W and a bit of unsharp mask) tried to give it a a moody atmosphere. I'll also post the orginal color version in the so you all can compare and see what I did. Feedback appreciated as always! Joe