I've been hangin' around this old access tunnel at lunchtime (too much it seems) This tunnel joins a path at the park & goes under a road/bridge. This place has some REAL potential! It's very eerie/creepy, even during the day...not many people comin thru! Textures all over the walls (check my gallery out for a couple!) I wanted to try and do some kind of ghost-like image and this is what I came up with (so far)! I used a low shutter-speed (1/25) to intentionally OVEREXPOSED and "blow out" the lighting on the far side of the tunnel entrance. I spot metered the walls to exaggerate this even more...mMade a great GLOW effect! I used my camera's remote shutter release and took a bunch of shots of (myself) in different areas of the tunnel. I then used about 10 layers in Pshop with various settings on each to get this! It's far from done...still messin' around! Just wanted to share my WIP and get some feedback from the crew. Take it E-Z! Joe