Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Pearlescent paint in P5 (new thread)

Ascinct opened this issue on Mar 07, 2005 ยท 24 posts

Ascinct posted Mon, 07 March 2005 at 11:49 PM

Hello all, First up I just wanna say, Its great to be back!

Ill also want to say, I kind of made a mess of the last post I made of this
topic...So I'll start again...Sorry all...I cant delete it either!


Previous thread can be viewed here


Now for my question! Ok, anyone here played the game

"Need for speed underground 2"? Anyone love that beautiful Pearlescent
paint you can paint your cars!?

Anyways, what I am wanting to know is, if there is a way that
can I recreate this Pearlescent effect in P5?

Thankyou to all in advance!


P.S I ve added some images with the type of effect I am after!!!


