Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: P5 Animated shader node parameter TypeCode list update for Ockham

an0malaus opened this issue on Mar 13, 2005 ยท 4 posts

an0malaus posted Sun, 13 March 2005 at 5:48 PM

Here's another list of the Poser 5 Python accessible parameter TypeCodes(). Most of these are exposed via kParmCode constants (the list was previously expanded by searching the Poser5 binary executable for such strings), but a fair number are not. The latest addition is the TypeCode 102 for ShaderNodeParms. Whenever a Material Room nodeInput has animation enabled (click on the key and select Animated from the popup then the key turns green) it is exposed to the Poser Parameter GUI for the BODY of a figure (or a prop) in a new parameter group called ShaderNode. These can be selected from the list of BODY (or prop) actor parameters by comparing the parameter's TypeCode() = 102. myParmCodes = { 'Null' : 0, 'kParmCodeXROT' : 1, 'kParmCodeYROT' : 2, 'kParmCodeZROT' : 3, 'kParmCodeXTRAN' : 4, 'kParmCodeYTRAN' : 5, 'kParmCodeZTRAN' : 6, 'kParmCodeXSCALE' : 7, 'kParmCodeYSCALE' : 8, 'kParmCodeZSCALE' : 9, 'kParmCodeASCALE' : 10, 'aspect' : 11, 'kParmCodeFOCAL' : 12, 'aperture' : 13, 'kParmCodeHITHER' : 14, 'kParmCodeYON' : 15, 'blank16' : 16, 'xOffset' : 17, 'xTranB' : 18, 'yOffset' : 19, 'yTranB' : 20, 'zOffset' : 21, 'zTranB' : 22, 'kParmCodeKDRED' : 23, 'kParmCodeKDGREEN' : 24, 'kParmCodeKDBLUE' : 25, 'kParmCodeTAPERX' : 26, 'kParmCodeTAPERY' : 27, 'kParmCodeTAPERZ' : 28, 'kParmCodeKDINTENSITY' : 29, 'jointx' : 30, 'jointy' : 31, 'jointz' : 32, 'twistx' : 33, 'twisty' : 34, 'twistz' : 35, 'scalesmooXY' : 36, 'blank37' : 37, 'blank38' : 38, 'blank39' : 39, 'kParmCodeDEPTHMAPSIZE' : 40, 'kParmCodeDEPTHMAPSTRENGTH': 41, 'kParmCodeTARGET' : 42, 'kParmCodeGEOMCHAN' : 43, 'kParmCodeCENTER' : 44, 'kParmCodeCURVE' : 45, 'kParmCodeGRASP' : 46, 'kParmCodeTGRASP' : 47, 'kParmCodeSPREAD' : 48, 'deformerPropChan' : 49, 'kParmCodeWAVEAMPLITUDE' : 50, 'kParmCodeWAVEFREQUENCY' : 51, 'kParmCodeWAVELENGTH' : 52, 'kParmCodeWAVESTRETCH' : 53, 'kParmCodeWAVESINUSOIDAL' : 54, 'kParmCodeWAVESQUARE' : 55, 'kParmCodeWAVETRIANGULAR' : 56, 'kParmCodeWAVETURBULENCE' : 57, 'blank58' : 58, 'kParmCodeLITEFALLOFFSTART' : 59, 'kParmCodeLITEFALLOFFEND' : 60, 'kParmCodeLITEATTENSTART' : 61, 'kParmCodeWAVEPHASE' : 62, 'kParmCodeWAVEAMPLITUDENOISE' : 63, 'kParmCodeWAVEOFFSET' : 64, 'kParmCodeVALUE' : 65, 'kParmCodePOINTAT' : 66, 'kParmCodeLITEATTENEND' : 67, 'kParmCodeHAIRDYNAMICS' : 90, 'kParmCodeDYNAMICPARENT' : 92, 'kParmCodeCLOTHDYNAMICS' : 91, 'shaderNodeParm' : 102 }

My ShareCG Stuff

Verbosity: Profusely promulgating Graham's number epics of complete and utter verbiage by the metric monkey barrel.

ockham posted Mon, 14 March 2005 at 10:56 AM

Good piece of research! Might consider putting these into Underdog's Python archive website?

My python page
My ShareCG freebies

an0malaus posted Mon, 14 March 2005 at 8:35 PM

Point me there and it's done.

My ShareCG Stuff

Verbosity: Profusely promulgating Graham's number epics of complete and utter verbiage by the metric monkey barrel.

an0malaus posted Mon, 14 March 2005 at 9:31 PM

Found it. Just emailed Underdog to register.

My ShareCG Stuff

Verbosity: Profusely promulgating Graham's number epics of complete and utter verbiage by the metric monkey barrel.