Hi folks, now I am sure some of you are wondering who the hell I am... I show up sorta non-shalantly and post a few pics etc... Many of you go goo goo gaa gaa over them but the reality is they are just photographs. My name is Christopher McCrary, I currently reside in NYC, NY. I hav been shooting photography since I was 9 years of age that began as a snide remark I made to my father. My father and I were out in north western part of the State of Alaska shooting wildlife, (he was scouting for hunting locations). When he was shooting a photograph of a herd of game, I popped off with the comment of "I could take a better photo with a box camera". He looked at me, and said "alright....prove it." He at that time gave me my first camera, a Hasselblad 500. I still shoot with Medium format, 35mm, and am begining to shoot in digital. Dont really care for it all that much, because there isnt a real record of it, just a bunch of bits and bytes that are too easily lost. I am an old school photographer if you havent gathered this by now. Now lets see.. I want to address something that someone said regarding me using John Lennons photo in one of my photographsartworks, something to the effect of would I be honored or pleased if someone used my imagery to enhance or add a sense of spiritual essence of an image. Well honestly, YES I would be.. I shoot photography not to make money from it, I dont need to. I shoot photography and play with images because I love it...nothing more nothing less. If I make a few dollars off of my skills and talents for capturing and composing imagery that has a sediment of remberance... ya know... thats ok too...but there a lot of my works I dont even offer as a "for sale" images, I offer them freely to friends and family, even as prints. So if you were wondering who I am, and what I am about.. this is just a scratch in the surface or as a photographer would say, just one frame in the roll. Peace.