Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Some opinions about Poser 6

Schlabber opened this issue on Mar 23, 2005 ยท 76 posts

Schlabber posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 7:40 AM

Well - I'm a bit ill - so I didn't have that much time to test P6 out the way I would like to have it. However ... For me P6 worked so far - as a programm: I like the possibility to detach the tool-bar from the right window. But I have to say that it only worked for me 'cause I'm using 4 Monitors in a square (so I get a resolution of 2560 x 2048). For normal one screen users (don't mean to say those is bad or something like that - I just want to tell in a dry way) this won't help much. Currently my Poser looks like that: I also like the partial render (this was a good idea) and the possibility to store several renders inside Poser. The Poser GUI looks more "cleaned up" for me now. But I'm absolutely unhappy with the content (didn't expect much at all - but as there is something included into P6 ... well): I see issues in many ways - especially for the characters. Bad bending and (sorry to say that) the poses included are just plain bad - if I would sell (or even give it freely away) such poses I would get many angry e-mails: Here are some examples from James: look at the fingers ! and in the 2nd image look at his butt (well that's more a figure than a pose issue) I see several texture-issues One example here: look at the neck and the ears - this is just bad ! I don't know if I'm totally off-topic but I would advise the following for further Poser-versions: A possibility to buy Poser without content. The one thing is: I have enough content ! The other, I don't want content like that because I won't use it anyway.

randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 8:02 AM

Haven't gotten P6 yet (member of Wait Club), but so far, I'm not too impressed with Jessi and James. Some of the face closeups are nice, but so far, I haven't seen any full-body images that look good. For over 110,000 polys, I would expect a smoother, more natural look.

I'm trying to decide if I should buy any add-ons for James and Jessi. I really like some of the James head morphs available at RDNA. I don't care for the rest of him, though. And the head morphs won't do me much good unless I also get textures, clothes, etc.

ilr posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 8:29 AM

why did they decide to change figure structure and go step back? p6 figures are built like p4 people - no buttocks, chest area modified....

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 9:00 AM

I am in the NotBoxedYet club, but I am not thrilled with the models either, very disappointed. HOWEVER...they are working on a content SR, and....most people are posting default images, I suspect not even with the FBM options engaged for various body types. AND....this.....Curious Labs is a tech-oriented company, and these publishers are notorious for not being able to produce spectacular, beautiful results with their own product! No offense CL! So, I am taking a wait and see attitude about Jessi and James, since I don't think any of the great 'interpreters' have had at them yet. I think there are some outrageously fine results still to come over the next month or two. ::::: Opera :::::

ilr posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 9:11 AM

I didn't have time to play too much with models and I'm not trying to say that joints are bad or something. But everybody was making human figures following certain rules. And unexpectedly CL decided to change that. Interesting to know the reason.

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 9:17 AM

ilr your comments are interesting. Do you have P6 yet? I have not even seen the body mesh yet. I know it would be asking a lot, but can you take one feature and post an image of the mesh and point out how the philosophy has reverted. ::::: Opera :::::

randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 9:23 AM

p6 figures are built like p4 people - no buttocks, chest area modified....

Well, that would explain that Posette-ish/Dork-ish look they have.

But I don't understand why they'd do that. 110,000 polys, but grouped and jointed like Posette? That makes no sense.

maxxxmodelz posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 9:33 AM

Well, looks like I'm in the minority here, but I think James is the best male figure for Poser so far. Of course, I don't care how many morphs it has out of the box, because I can make my own. That said, I think he's much better than M3 or even M2. As for Jessie... I like her shape. She won't replace EJ as my most used female figure any time soon, but the lo-res versions of both Jessie and James have officially replaced how often I'll be using the Millenium figures. They're easier to work with for me, and the jaw is more articulate (moves side to side), which makes facial animation easier and more natural. Overall, I think P6 is a solid upgrade, and well worth it. I still have various workflow issues with UI and the way lights are manipulated, but I didn't expect them to be solved in this release anyway. I'm VERY disappointed in not having network rendering in this version though... that burns my ass. Aside from point lights (which we now have), network rendering was probably one of the most asked-for features.

Tools :  3dsmax 2015, Daz Studio 4.6, PoserPro 2012, Blender v2.74

System: Pentium QuadCore i7, under Win 8, GeForce GTX 780 / 2GB GPU.

Schlabber posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:09 AM

As always it depends on how you want to use the figures. And as always it's a matter of opinion. There the same counts as for P5 - the models are new, the models are different. So far so good. But as much time pressure as there certainly was - why ruin a good product with bad content or bad content for the included content. Why doing bad poses or bad textures ? Then it would be better to sell the product itself and maybe a content-package afterwards with content that is OK

hauksdottir posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:12 AM

I really like James... much better than Michael 3 with his stupid shoulders growing out of the neck. I like Jessi... much better than a pinheaded Vicki 3 with ragdoll arms. These figures look like intereting people yet are still generic enough that I think we can shape them. However this is a matter of taste, and we all have different visions of what a body looks like or should be made to do. As for the content? That is a free bonus. Most of the people who buy this application will not be members of these forums. They won't have anything but air to work with if there wasn't some content. If you don't like the content, don't use it. But it is a bonus. We are buying an application. Carolly

randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:14 AM

I'm not dissing P6. Hey, I love P5, even though I never use the P5 people.

It just seems odd that you'd have figures with 110,000 polys, but jointed so that they don't pose naturally. They look really weird below the neck. The shoulders, the limbs, the butt, as shown in Schlabber's examples. With that many polys, shouldn't they look smoother and pose a little better?

I'm sure I will still be very happy with P6. I'll just keep using my favorites, SP and David. I'm just baffled at why 110,000 poly figures like Jessi and James don't pose better.

Schlabber posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:17 AM

Yes, Carolly - you can see it that way ... But especially as they are not members here (or in any other forum) they should expect correct content. I for myself prefer to wait a bit longer and then have something to work with I don't have to modify so heavily or just put the content in the trashbin. Why not selling two packages - the pure programm and the content

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:21 AM

I like James, too. Reserving all judgment on Jessi until content SR. AND UNTIL I GET MY BOX! lol. Maxx, as you probably imagine, I am with you on vectoring in on the low-res models. On network render.... There are not enough of us animators pressuring them. Hobbyists think in terms of one CPU, even when their overloaded V3 scenes take 14 hours to render! Any Network render for Poser, because of the hobbyists, would have to be able to execute multi-cpu rendering same frame, to avoid howls of protest. That HAS to be a whole ball of wax beyond 'you do this frame, you do this frame and you do this frame.' Someone has to make a splash with a significant film rendered in Poser, either with the Render Condo idea or just a one cpu grind. Also, we should start making requests for site license. "Why do you need a site license?" "Well, you don't have a network rendering feature, and that is making all the many animators frustrated. So we are rendering different pz3s on multiple CPUs. But it costs $99 to set up each one, and that is not in proportion to your market retail price point,, nor the price of multi-cpu render in Vue, for instance. I calculate that I will need 15 cpus to render my next film in Poser, so give me a price on going from my current four seats to 15." "Geeze, we never realized....." ::::: Opera :::::

Gareee posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:42 AM

Actually, I'd like an option on the installer (or maybe CL can make us a new replacement installer?) I'd like to see an option to install P6, and an additional option to install content or not. I may or may not use the new content, but I would like to install and have a base runtime without anything else in it at all, other then pref settings and system support files.

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

maxxxmodelz posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:58 AM

"Any Network render for Poser, because of the hobbyists, would have to be able to execute multi-cpu rendering same frame, to avoid howls of protest. That HAS to be a whole ball of wax beyond 'you do this frame, you do this frame and you do this frame.'" That's true, however it's not really a big thing. In 3dsmax scanline rendering, for example, the task of network rendering is split up frame-by-frame (as you indicated), with each rendering server working on a single frame at a time. However, mental ray's 'Distributed' rendering can efficiently distribute the rendering calculations for a single image or frame to several machines. Using multiple computers over a network, the rendering of a single image is split up socket-by-socket, with each rendering computer working on a single socket at a time. I think Bryce has this kind of function for still images as well with it's "Lightning" addon, and I'm sure most applications do, so I don't think this would be an issue as to why they haven't integrated it yet.

Tools :  3dsmax 2015, Daz Studio 4.6, PoserPro 2012, Blender v2.74

System: Pentium QuadCore i7, under Win 8, GeForce GTX 780 / 2GB GPU.

maxxxmodelz posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:03 AM

"But it is a bonus. We are buying an application." I agree. I've spent upwards of $9,000 on 3dsmax over the years (if you include the upgrades and plugins), and they never gave me a fully rigged and articulate character to use in Character Studio. Woe is me. ;-)

Tools :  3dsmax 2015, Daz Studio 4.6, PoserPro 2012, Blender v2.74

System: Pentium QuadCore i7, under Win 8, GeForce GTX 780 / 2GB GPU.

sbertram posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:05 AM

I feel your pain on the network rendering, and Operaguy...I'm working on the splash ;) Gonna take some time though. Got about 1/2 hour done thus far...looks great so far though. I'm really sad that with each new version, poser's rendering abilities seem to keep getting slower and slower. Granted, the new options are nice, and look great in a single pic. But the original P4 rendering engine should still be able to churn stuff out faster than ever, IMHO. I think there should be a series of checkboxes in the preferences, so that you can turn off/on certain features in Poser that you rarely/don't use, so that these features never even boot up with the program, allowing your computer to devote more system resources to the stuff you DO use...or at the very least, allow you to use more system resources through network rendering ;-) I know, I for one, would more than likely turn off dynamic hair, the setup room, and at times the dynamic cloth room (depending on the scene). Looks like face room is a little more integrated in that might be a hard one to turn off. I'd be curious to see how much that would speed up rendering. It might be kind of cool to turn everything on when setting up a scene/render...and then save your file, and turn off all the extras, then reboot Poser and have it just set up for optimal rendering. (I imagine if you used something like dynamic cloth - that room would still have to be open in order to do the render...but still.) Again, it's just a thought.

Puntomaus posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:09 AM

It would be nice if we could delete all the content that come with Poser or won't have to install it all - no matter if P4, PPP, P5 or P6. I have all the shebang in the P5 runtime and don't use it except sometimes one of your poses that I modify to use with other dollies. And I agree, the poses look awfully bad - not to compare with those you've made for P5.

Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian Assange

Netherworks posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:21 AM

"I'm just baffled at why 110,000 poly figures like Jessi and James don't pose better." Because it has less to do with polygon count and more to do with how well (or not so well) the joints are set up. And not necessarily how many joints either, just tweaking the existing joints as well as can be done. I don't think this was done here. How can you make such nicely built figures and then have the toes not bend right - or parts of the fingers? How was this overlooked? I'm not trying to be hard here at all... I feel they have a great deal of potential. I've helped rig several figures and this is something I wouldn't miss seeing. I hope the content release-fix addresses this. If not, I will be more than happy to touch up the jps and offer it free to the community. However, I didn't get this program for the content but I would like to see these figures work properly and it can be done.


operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:28 AM

sbertram, are you saying the P4 engine has slowed down? I have not seen that, it seems to do the same job in P5 as in P4 (can't speak for P6 yet, and I don't think anyone can, yet, until the SR comes out adjusting some memory management problem that has been discovered). as to "each new version, poser's rendering abilities seem to keep getting slower and slower." I don't think this is true. FireFly has more quality options, and when engaged, they require more time. That is NOT a slowdown IMHO. as to "the original P4 rendering engine should still be able to churn stuff out faster than ever, IMHO." Why do you think that is possible? Perhaps in Poser4 they already got the engine to do all it could....that it is at the top of it's game. What could they do, subsequently, to make it go faster? I think the answer to making the P4 engine render faster is to upgrade hardware. It gets cheaper and cheaper and cheaper every year, and they seem to not be running into any significant walls, as I am suggesting might be true for the guts of the P4 render engine itself. ::::: Opera :::::

DCArt posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:33 AM

I think there should be a series of checkboxes in the preferences ROFL Now I know I need new glasses. When I first read through this I thought it said "series of cheekbones." ROFL For what it's worth, I have used some millenium poses on Jessi, and for the most part they seem to work quite well. The poses that come with Danie and Marforno's stuff work very well.

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:37 AM

Netherworks That is both a splendid offer and your tone is a refreshing combination of confronting the truth and not going into attack mode. You are right, a splendid, highly articulated mesh deserves great joints! I have been led to understand that the issue with the shoulders on the unimesh, on Judy-EJ and now with Jessi, is an intrinsic issue with Poser's joint SYSTEM itself, and that one should not expect a better result, that it is a compromise between natural appearance and range of motion, supposedly you can't have both in the Poser system, harsh compromise is required and usually range of motion wins, resulting in the bulging mesh at the shoulder and the inward curving arm. Can you speak to that? ::::: Opera :::::

randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:40 AM

Because it has less to do with polygon count and more to do with how well (or not so well) the joints are set up. Yeah. It just seems to me that if you're going to have that many polys, you might as well make use of them. Why does Jessi have a solid chest? Why no buttocks? Maybe more isn't always better, but I seriously doubt that Jessi will ever pose well with that chest. (James' is different, which is weird.)

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:58 AM

If Jessi and James turn out to be another flop like Don and Judy......big deal. It won't bother me. I've still got the mil figures to work with. And DAZ has indicated that they have more to come. Like Victoria 3 Pro. But I'll wait until I've had a chance to personally look over the default P6 characters before making any judgements about them.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 11:59 AM

they say a camel is a horse built by a comittee. I BET the person who did James is NOT the person, or comittee, who rigged Jessi. I can almost bet this is a problem that will get solved. ::::: Opera :::::

Netherworks posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:03 PM

I agree with that Opera. It may be possible depending on how the limbs are cut to use ERC to take some of that bulge out. I had this going with Stephanie Petite and it looked really good. But I have somehow lost that file. I reorganized and it's somewhere now. I'll have to dig it up. I couldn't fix that leg-forward thing where the buttocks pinch in the front though. With how the Jessi limbs are cut I do think they did a good job with the shoulders, considering the points you've brought up. Let me play a little bit ;)


Netherworks posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:06 PM

I'm strongly of the opinion that they should have made the shoulders denser with Jessi (regular resolution). But with the smoothing - it works.


sbertram posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:08 PM

Hey Operaguy, Yeah, I'm in the "waiting for my box" club on Poser 6, so I'm going off a thread I read ealier, based on Jim Burton's render test .pz3 as far as P6's alleged rendering slow down. I DO notice a distinct difference in rendering times between P5 and P4 though, even when I'm just using the P4 rendering engine. That's one of the main reasons I still haven't uninstalled Poser4 from my computer. I use both programs, depending on my needs. I also upgrade my system regularly...just bit the bullet and installed 2.5 gigs of ram :D...that always speeds things up! I agree, more rendering options do not equal a slowdown. I've got no complaints with the firefly rendering is it's own thing. I'm just referring to the slow-down that I've noticed with the P4 rendering engine between P4 and P5 on my pc...I'm hoping that I may have misread the earlier post about the speed of P6 in comparison. I probably shouldn't spread the word on something I have no first-hand knowledge of, anyway. My apologies. As far as the P4 renderer's ability to churn stuff out faster than ever, I just meant that I wouldn't expect it to get slower...which it does for me. Glad it doesn't for you :D Maybe I should check to make sure I have the latest service pack installed. I would just imagine that over time, perhaps small tweaks could make the rendering engine more efficient. Maybe they DID perfect it in P4...but like I said: I can open the same animation file and render it in P4 and then open it and render the same animation in P5 and it will always take longer. I'm hoping this is not the case in P6...maybe someone can do a test for me? That'll be one of the first things I do once I get P6 installed. Sorry, don't mean to knock Poser. I love the program, use it every day. Hoping for the best from P6. I was just commenting on something I thought could help to improve workflow.

mateo_sancarlos posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:41 PM

I'm forced to conclude that, given the choice between doubling the polygons and fixing the JPs, they chose the easy route. But it implies they're still a few years behind the curve, since the trend in most 3D modelling software is to cut down on figure polygons and provide for more realism in other ways that are less CPU-intensive. Perhaps this means Poser 7 (2007) will have 200,000-polygon figures, but will still use Poser 3 (1997) JPs.

Netherworks posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:52 PM

Okay, he's a first shot at compensating with ERC. The right arm is rigged to activate up to a bend of 90 degree. The left arm is normal. Both at 75 degrees here.


randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 12:53 PM

Victoria 3 Pro? Do I even want to know?

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 1:15 PM

Attached Link:

*Victoria 3 Pro? Do I even want to know?*

Yes....that came up in a DAZ-bash thread concerning the Lilin tempest in a teapot (See post #138 in the referenced thread).

Dan Farr himself (the president of DAZ) mentioned that they are currently working on a "Victoria 3 Pro" model. They are scanning a series of live models with various body types to incorporate into the new figure.

Actually, the idea sounds rather intriguing. Message edited on: 03/23/2005 13:17

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 1:17 PM

Much better already Netherworks IMO. This is great. Hey, if you fix their mess, please be sure to send them the bill for at least $10,000 ::::: Opera :::::

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 1:25 PM

sbertram, LOL Redno ate my homework! I was posting to you and got the error, I swear I am not making it up, "Your SQL has disappeared." Lots of Renderosity server blips today with everyone logging on....anyway: I hope my post to you was not too harsh, that was not my intention. I agree with you: P4 engine should NOT slow down with these upgrades. Your comparison of the engine between Poser4 and Poser5 seems more rigorous than mine, I am going to test it specifically as soon as I can find time; I still have Poser 4 installed. Meanwhile, I don't think a Poser6 run of the P4 engine makes any sense right now because of the memeory clog problem they are working on. ::::: Opera :::::

constantine_1234 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 1:55 PM

When I buy Poser, everything that comes with it is part of a package I paid for. That includes Jesse and James. Again, I'm totally amazed that anyone would try to tell us what we can complain about.

stahlratte posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:02 PM

"But it implies they're still a few years behind the curve, since the trend in most 3D modelling software is to cut down on figure polygons and provide for more realism in other ways that are less CPU-intensive."

Hmmm, sounds good to me.
I really prefer my girls lightweight and flexible: ;-)
(NEAena with LinLin JP.)

I said it before: My "dream mesh" would weigh maybe between Posette and V2", but have multiple abdomen, chests and buttocks for realistic posing.

BTW, its funny:

When folks were saying that Poser6 would be just a glorified SR, the cheerleaders insisted that "Its all about the content".
Now that the content lacks a bit, its "All about the programm". LOL.

Personally I fear both Jessy and James will share Don and Judys fate.
While I do like Jessys face, I doubt she can beat V3.
(Most folks never use face morphs, so the default look IS important)
James looks even better to me, but without much content he will be of no great use.
(Hmm, maybe he would be more usefull if one would Frankestein his head on M2 or M3s body. LOL)


randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:06 PM

Intriguing, except that you can usually add a zero or two at the end of the price of anything that has "Pro" in the title. Or will Victoria 3 Pro be sorta like V2 was to V1, same mesh, extra morphs?

And will she run well in Poser 6, or will you need D|S's weighted rigging to get the most out of her?

sbertram posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:11 PM

No worries, Operaguy. I didn't take it personally. I've learned that tone is often a hard translation on the internet. I must have missed something though. I haven't read about memory problems with P6. Anyway, I apologize for getting so far off-topic. Yeah, server's been squirelly today. Lot's of activity, I can only imagine. Netherworks, could this way of using ERC compensation be used with other joints as well?

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:11 PM

And will she run well in Poser 6, or will you need D|S's weighted rigging to get the most out of her? I strongly suspect that she will run just fine in P6.......I have faith that the DAZ business people are a little too smart to put the kabash on around 95% or so of their market........

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

randym77 posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:12 PM

Eh, I never said it was "all about the content." I've never used the P5 content, so why would I expect P6 to be "all about the content"? We didn't even know there was going to be any, really, when we ordered. Bug fixes and stability tweaks would be reason enough to upgrade for me, given the price. I fully expected to continue using the DAZ figures.

But I do like those how James looks in some of the renders at RDNA. I like his face. I don't like the rest of him.

Still trying to decide if I want to buy that morph pack...

Netherworks posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:17 PM

sbertram, surely can :) V3 already has a good bit of it (collars, elbows, knees I think) but why they never did it on other problem areas, I don't know. Migal did a ton of it with Stephanie MAX and in fact he made it injectable. I think that's the smart way to do it. That way you don't need to put it into conforming clothes.


R_Hatch posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:20 PM

I feel sorry for anyone creating content for J&J. Some of us will definitely be reslicing them ASAP. This will most certainly render said content less than usable. They are very well modelled, so I want to use them, but will not if they are rigged like Poser 4 people (what were the folks at CL thinking?). concentrates more intensely to make box/truck move faster

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:20 PM

When folks were saying that Poser6 would be just a glorified SR, the cheerleaders insisted that "Its all about the content".

Huh? What "cheerleader" ever made such a statement?

If they did, then they need to turn in their cheerleading credentials, and look for a new line of work........due to the fact that the statement is based upon accepting a false/unknowable premise.

The dubious premise that P6 was "a glorified SR".

Any "cheerleader" worth his/her salt wouldn't buy into the underlying assumption.

Now that the content lacks a bit, its "All about the programm". LOL.

Who's saying this? I haven't seen anyone make such a blanket assertion.

Nor have I seen anyone totally buy into the underlying premise of this statement. I.E. - the premise that everyone's bought into the idea that the content "lacks a bit". Some people don't seem to think so.........

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:28 PM

stahlratte, how do you get LinLin JP for nea? What is the poly count? Could you do another render, showing arms and shoulders more obviously with regard to the 'bulge' problem that concerns us? ::::: Opera :::::

stahlratte posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:37 PM

@:Opera Narcissus added a Pose set to the NEA package that includes LinLin JPs. (Bottom, Top, or complete body) Poylycount is the about the same as original Posette. (Only the teeth and lacrimals add a few extra polys. Body is the same, just smoothed) Render is on the way. stahlratte

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 2:38 PM

Personally I fear both Jessy and James will share Don and Judys fate. Could very easily be true. Won't bother me any if it is. While I do like Jessys face, I doubt she can beat V3. We agree here, too. In any case -- V3's depth of control on the market would be really, really tough to break.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

stahlratte posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 3:16 PM

Heres a comparision NEAena with LinLin JP vs default Posette:


Dont think that the bulge area is much affected by the new JPs. The improvement is mainly in the ellbow area.
(Also the knees are MUCH better)

OTOH even default Posettes shoulders dont look to me THAT much worse than Jessies with netherworks ERCs added. ;-)


operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 3:26 PM

this is a worthy model, especially if there is a decent set of facial expression morphs already pre-made. Thanks for posting the images. ::::: Opera :::::

maclean posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 4:07 PM

'Intriguing, except that you can usually add a zero or two at the end of the price of anything that has "Pro" in the title' I have a feeling there's a logic behind the name 'Victoria 3 Pro'. Namely that DAZ are building a figure which is new and hopefully better, but will maintain compatibility with all the V3 clothing. So calling her Victoria 4 would probably scare off a lot of people. I'm with garee on the 'Install Content' option. That's a great idea. After install, the first thing I do is dump all the content. I have very little use for humans, much less animals and robots. I realise I'm not a typical poser user, of course. mac

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 4:53 PM

I have very little use for humans, much less animals and robots. Just curious -- once you dump animals, humans and robots out of Poser, then what's left to pose?

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

DCArt posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 4:57 PM

Architectural? Scenery? Props? For the money, Poser actually has a really decent materials editor and renderer.

maclean posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 6:19 PM

'Just curious -- once you dump animals, humans and robots out of Poser, then what's left to pose?' I don't do any posing, xenophonz. I use poser to test the content I create, mainly houses and furniture. That's why I said I'm not a typical poser user. I use the occasional human to check scale, but that's about it. After 20 years as a fashion photographer.... well, I'm not gonna say I'm fed up looking at beautiful women, 'cause I'm not and never will be. But in poser, I find furniture more intersting than women. Of course, once I leave the house, it's a different story. LOL. mac

maclean posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 6:25 PM

'For the money, Poser actually has a really decent materials editor and renderer' Yes, deecey. I have to agree. The material room is the best part of P5 for me. And at the price, it's almost unbeatable. I complain loudly about poser, but I'm not a CL-basher. I hope they continue for many years, and good luck to them. I just wish they would clear up some of the basic functions, is all. Almost every problem I have with poser is caused by stupid things in the interface - idiot dialogs, wrong focus, lack of undo, etc. But all in all, there's nothing like it for the money, and I'll say that equally loudly. Well.... there's daz studio, which I much prefer, but it doesn't have rigging functions (yet). Won't be long though. mac

BastBlack posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 7:37 PM

OMG, Netherworks!!! That ERC fix is incredible! I've never heard of this being done for a bad JP fix. SCOOP!!! Would it possible to fix some of M3's posing problems with ERC? I would totally spend money to get M3 posing better. He has that same armpit problem, and his inner elbow is like rounded Playdoh instead of nice seam. :P bB

operaguy posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 8:24 PM

the person who can actually FIX V/M's problems in this area would make a fortune. Supposedly, a lot of minds have looked into it and the only way to fix the unimesh IN POSER would be to rig in a way to dial down the range of motion, and that has not been deemed a good trade-off. I have been sarcastic with DAZ over this in the past, but have given that up. I have come to believe it is not entirely (or even largely) their fault. "...his inner elbow is like rounded Playdoh..." that's a new one for the list. My choice of words is "bent drinking straw." ::::: Opera ::::

XENOPHONZ posted Wed, 23 March 2005 at 10:13 PM

I don't do any posing, xenophonz. I use poser to test the content I create, mainly houses and furniture. That's why I said I'm not a typical poser user.

I agree -- you're not typical.

After 20 years as a fashion photographer.... well, I'm not gonna say I'm fed up looking at beautiful women, 'cause I'm not and never will be. But in poser, I find furniture more intersting than women.

Have you ever seen the movie Soylent Green? You know -- the one with Charlton Heston shouting at the end that "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!!!!"

Well.....did you see the parts about 'female furniture'........?

One way of combining the two concepts.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 12:16 AM

to operaguy, sorry for delay. Yes I got downloadable version. and here we go. red circles show areas I'm talking about.

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 12:17 AM

and another one. I'm sorry for oversized images.

operaguy posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 12:31 AM

ilr, can you put it in words? what, exactly, is your objection to the chest area? ::::: Opera :::::

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 12:43 AM

With your permission here is my short conclusion about J&J: 1) comparing to M3/V3 J&J meshes are better. They look human. Enough polys, morphs are not bad. 2) it is absolutely necessary to regroup both figures. the idea to attach thighs directly to hip is obviously wrong. The longer (or the bigger if you like) are buttocks, the better are joint params. If you look for example at MayaDoll. She doesn't have that number of polys, but she is posing well. 3) chest area and collars - same problem. 4) I think I will improve JP for Jessy but I'll never be able to reach good result. Will let you know. thank you

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 12:47 AM

Opera, arms work better on these figures than thighs. could you load f.e. Judy and set screen to box preview. you will be able to compare my post and the one on your screen. look at chest-collars-arms.

hein posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 1:03 AM

For those who prefer a barebones install, P6 has 3 options when installing , "Full" , "no Nudity aka US version" and "no P6 content". For anyone who can live without the thrill of a shop on the desktop, removing the "ContentRoom" tab can still be done by deleting 3 lines in the "posershell.xml".

operaguy posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 3:04 AM

ilr, I just saw your response, but cannot interact right now, headed to bed. I'll post a judy image tomorrow and you can help us understand more. It seems like everyone likes the jessi mesh, but maybe regrouping/re-rigging is on people's minds. "I think I will improve JP for Jessy but I'll never be able to reach good result." Are you saying this because the JP cannot be fixed if she is not regrouped? (I am not very knowlegable in this area.) ::::: Opera :::::

narcissus posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 4:36 AM

Schlabber didn't poser 5 included many of your poses? I am very sutisfied with the amount of poses P5 had and the quality, it's nice to have many basic poses that with little work can take you to the result you want... It's a pity to hear that P6 poses are not so well...

As for the buttocks in V3 those are already a extension of the thights,And the thighs are controling the buttocks, not a big difference then been one part...

Mayadoll is quite there but the thigh includes the knee too...

About the chest area I agree that eve,V2>models with divided chest is much more nutural...

As for Jessy I'm sure that as soon as Yamato gets P6 he will make the best joint system for her!Like he did with posette and AnAn!


randym77 posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 5:56 AM

So these figures could be kick-@$$, if only they were regrouped/rejointed? Hmmm. It would mean none of the conforming clothing would fit any more, but there doesn't seem to be that much of that yet. Dynamic clothing will still fit just fine. Ideally, though, the figures would be rejointed ASAP, before there's a lot of clothing made for them.

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 6:26 AM

if we have good figures, clothing will follow. they are NOT ideal. but meshes are good. with that number of polys you can morph almost everything out of them.

Khai posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 6:35 AM

"the idea to attach thighs directly to hip is obviously wrong" just I gotta say.. how are your legs attached? ;) mine go "thigh - hip"...

ilr posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 6:48 AM

mine are almost the same, but I'm happy to have buttocks :)))

hauksdottir posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 5:47 AM

I think the next major movement in grouping is going to have to be separate knees and elbows. shoulders and butts can often be hidden under clothing, but elbows tend to stick out at unfortunate angles. If you look at the "superposeable action figures", some of them have 2 hinging points at knees and elbows to allow for better posing. There actually IS a separate knee bone in us humans. ;) Carolly

randym77 posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 5:56 AM

You're right, I have seen action figures like that. Sounds like a good idea, actually. Has anyone ever tried that with Poser figures?

Caly posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 10:08 AM

So until they're re-rigged anyone doing conforming clothes should wait? Hopefully someone out there is fixing these guys up... And making better textures. waiting game

Calypso Dreams... My Art-

Renderosity Gallery

operaguy posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 10:23 AM

Caly did you see the official letter from CL about this, more or less warning clothing people to hold off, a content SR is coming. ::: og :::

ynsaen posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 10:52 AM

I don't often get into comments on poser rigging because I have a tendency to become frothy, but I'll give it another shot. THe concpet of using poser's "bones" in the same way you would use real bones is not accurate. It's easiest to think of them in those terms, but a slightly better way of looking at them would be to consider them as Motion Centers. THe system of rigging used inposer is not antiquated -- it is used regularly and often outside of poser, but it does not have the "mental model" of a weight system that allows you to think more in terms of muscles. THe benefit to the poser system is that, in the same format, it is smaller and lighter and easier to achieve a rapid result that is workable in. It is the "original" methodology, so to speak. There are a great many projects surrounding the blending of "poser" style riggin and "weight" style rigging -- each of them has a great many strengths, and each of them has a great many flaws. Ultimatley, they are more or less equal -- it becomes a matter of taste, skill, and familiarity. The riggings used in the figures in discussion are, ultimately, rather simple ones. There are some figures that have been designed that have several hundred bones -- which may be overkill. However, what is often overlooked in these discussions is the additional factors that are possible to apply within poser. Joint controlled morphs, effective JP set up, and careful grouping of an elastic enough mesh all give Poser the potential for motion and appearance that can exceed the capabilities of the other systems possible. However, there is not one commercially viable figure thus far that has truly approached a point of actually using the rigging system in poser and the features around it to their full extent. V3 is not the best rigged figure possible, and does not push the boundaries of what is possible. It's simply what everyone is used to, and it's easier to deal with. Especially for clothing makers -- tweaking 185 distinct joints and grouping that on a mesh is not somethign that would lead to tons of conforming clothing for a figure in a short period. To that end, making use of the dynamic cloth capabilities of Poser 5 and 6 becomes far more important when you begin to rig figures for more efficient posing and more realistic positinoning. Ok, that's enough. I'll wander off now and look at daisies...

thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

operaguy posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 11:29 AM

Thanks for frothing! Just to sprinkle some cinnamon on top.... "...additional factors that are possible to apply within poser. Joint controlled morphs, effective JP set up, and careful grouping of an elastic enough mesh all give Poser the potential for motion and appearance that can exceed the capabilities of the other systems possible." ynsaen, (or anyone) have you had a chance to look at the two Jessi mesh cages? 110,000 and the low-res? If so, can you see enough to venture an opinion if the mesh falls into the 'elastic enough' category? Particularly, using the factors in your paragraph above, what are the prospects of getting a rigged, functioning model that does not suffer the unnatural shoulder girdle issues? A female model with natural looking shoulders and upper arm and inner elbow fold, for goodness sake. Also, thinking thru your rumination...there is the paradigm of VictoriaForeverIDon'tCareIfSheIsOddLooking -- Don'tMakeMeWorkWithALotOfGroups -- ChurnOutConformingClothing. This has a head of steam and life of it's own. My suspicion is that once Jessi gets stablized, a competing marketplace will emerge and have success, and THAT will have a life of it's own. But given the V and J meshes that drive these waves...couldn't Daz and CL publish an alternative bones/JP rig? Same meshes, better rig along the 'compromise' lines you mentioned. And if the two companies don't want to do it, couldn't a third party? Yes, all the conforming clothing in the two marketplaces would be void on altVickie and altJessi, but as you said...dynamic clothing. ::::: Opera :::::

ynsaen posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 12:02 PM

Haven't looked at the meshes yet, but shouldn't be too long. "what are the prospects of getting a rigged, functioning model that does not suffer the unnatural shoulder girdle issues? A female model with natural looking shoulders and upper arm and inner elbow fold, for goodness sake." actually, you answered your own question when you thought through it more -- and that's where the real froth comes into play. specifically: "Don'tMakeMeWorkWithALotOfGroups -- ChurnOutConformingClothing." Don't underestmate the power of lazy people ;) I was careful to avoid going into places I'd rather not, but, essentially, the odds are good if you do it yourself. Otherwise, at this time, not very as the market stands now. "couldn't Daz and CL publish an alternative bones/JP rig?" yes, to some extent. THe meshes are certainly elastic enough (they have additional polys at the critical bend spots), but they would generally need to be regrouped and rigged. DAZ's use of the buttock section was done, iirc, to compensate for the bending of the leg, creating a smoother flow. In order to minimize the overall effort, for example, a similar element would work wonders in the shoulder and elbow area -- eliminating the issues there, for example. Will they? Well, CL might, if enough requests were to go into it and they saw and agreed with the reasons for it. DAZ would be more likely to, though, provided they could garner enough support from the contractors they work with. If not, then they'd step back from that. I rather expect that to be a large focus on these new figures, but, for me, unless they fix the issue with the head (the scaling trick throws off the neck and face textures, so is not an option), I'll not be getting them. AS for a thrid party doing so -- absolutely. ANd that would, indeed, be the most likely place for it to happen. However, the isue then becomes one of getting merchant support for that particular rigging, and for that I'll refer ya back to earlier...

thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

hauksdottir posted Fri, 25 March 2005 at 8:25 PM

I remember when Symphony remapped the Poser 4 Formal Gown. She gave the remap away and sold the textures. Almost everybody else immediately saw the virtue of her cylindrical map and made textures for it rather than the planar-pancaked original. Everybody had a choice, but the flow went with the improved version. If a better jointed figure was released (probably through CL so that the copyrights and encoding are done properly), most people would jump on it. However, I suspect that like the Gown, the remapped figure would need to be free or low-cost to assure a large market for the folks making conforming clothes and textures. Carolly