Clothes Converter 2.1
New Features
- Auto Convert - Automatic conversion of clothing between unimesh figures (Ex V3 to A3) and from base characters to morph characters (ex. V3 to a morphed V3).
- Batch Conversion convert multiple clothing items from one source figure to several destination figures using Auto Convert (unimesh only).
- Load morphs into destination figure using values in the CR2
- Load morphs into destination figure using most injection morph pose files (they must be in the format that we recognize).
- Smooth command
- New shortcuts for hiding and showing destination figure groups.
- Hide Backfaces
- Fixed problem with move > normal.
- Fixed problem with auto shape.
- Improved destination figure morph loading speed.
- New video tutorial for Auto Convert and Batch.
- New (clears the current project)
If you are a registered user of Clothes Converter 2.0 this is a free update. Earlier version users can update at Daz
Availability: The update has been submitted to Daz for review. Availability is based on their schedule.
Auto Convert Samples are attached.