Hey all. I haven't done many nightshots, so I thought I'd get some feedback. This was taken with my Oly C8080 in night mode at 50 ASA and a shutter speed of about 15 seconds. It was really dark, so street lights nearby. I couldn't even really see the camera controls. I knew there would be noise, but at 50 ASA I thought it would be less. This is 40% of original size and cropped, but you get the idea. Any thoughts on minimizing noise. It is fine when shooting stars, you can just say it is the faint starfield that we normally wouldn't see! ;] But here, there is no excuse. I tried using the Dust & Scratches filter and that helps, but I start loosing what little detail there is fast. I did NOT try the in-camera noise reduction...may have to try that next time. I'm guessing that in these conditions with this camera, this is about as good as I'm gonna get. --Kort
Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations