The following set of images are "as shot" from the top of Stone Mountain, outside of Atlanta, Ga, USA. The weather was rainy, darkish, windy, total cloud cover. These images were shot with a higher ISO than I would like and when blown up, I see a "ring of white" around the edge of the bird. Anyone know about this ring of white and how to correct it before taking the image? As for the birds, these are black vulures. They apparently find the winds wonderful and soar, soar, soar over the height of the granite mound of Stone Mountain. I send these up "as shot" with only crop corrections in case anyone has advice on this kind of shooting in adverse conditions of lighting and of moving things. General info for most of these images: ISO 320, JPG 3008x2000, 1/500sec, f5.6, 187mm(my longest reach!)digital equivalent. Anyway, here tis! TomDart.