Hi all, I just wanted to show you this tex, i'm kinda proud of it ! ;) And for those who wonder how i did it, here's a little step by step explaination : - I've first modelled a ring in 3D, duplicated it and placed the rings to form a regular web . - i've used an isometric camera on the top of the web - rendered the scene in photoshop format, using the "mask" and "distance" g-buffers - then, in Photoshop, i've shrunk the "mask" and "distance" textures to make them seamless - and finally, i've used the "mask" as a transmap and the "distance" as the bump in a shader So simple . Imagine the hell it would be to model those things in true 3D !!! Now i just have to make a pic using it ! :) litst litst.@freesbee.fr