Forum: Fractals

Subject: Layer Tag Image 1 (And a basic set of rules)

FreedomOfExpression opened this issue on Jun 05, 2005 ยท 21 posts

FreedomOfExpression posted Sun, 05 June 2005 at 1:53 AM

The rules are: 1) Conetest one is here. The base layer is givin in a upr file. Open this file with notepad, hit control a, then control c. Load UF and do control v. This place doesn't let you upload uprs. to solve this, you will have to copy the image into a notepad file and save that. Make sure to comment for your layer (see my example comment in the file). NOTICE. This place doesn't let you upload uprs. to solve this, you will have to copy the image into a notepad file and save that. 2) As for your layer, you can do anything accept: a) Use Apo layers (sorry man, but they take forever) b) Make a layer that blocks off almost all of the previous content (basically, starting over). We are all artists, and we know that this meens. We don't need specifics. Drastic changes are encouraged, but not starting over. c) Use a formula (form, mapping, coloring, etc) not in the standard public distrobution. You may not, in any way, alter another previous layer. You may, however, put your layer somewhere in the middle. This is generally discouraged, but if you find something really neat, do it. 3) After you post, two other people must post or four days must pass before you may post again. Anyone may move to have an image ended, at any time. The movement must be seconded and then carried by two others. If the movement is carried (ie three people agree it should end) than the image is done. Whoever moved to end it now starts the next layer tag. If they fail to start it within 24 hours, the current image continues. After an image ends, someone should post a jpg rendering which, along with the upr, becomes public domain. So those are some basic rules and instructions (this is basically what we had at FF with a few things added based on what we learned over there (like the solid way to end an image). HERE IS LAYER TAG I I will write a program to manage this better, but for now just use notepad.