Hi folks, In case y'all haven't noticed, I'm a recent convert to UF. LOVE the mind-boggling possibilities of this program. I recently worked through Rykk's masking tut and it REALLY opened mental doors. One of the best lines from the tut was "The most important factor...is the management of the slope or angle of the leading edge of the colors and transparencies of our gradients." Marvelous!!! (Thanks Rykk) Ok...here's my question, and I understand if y'all just tell my to figure this out. I will, but I was thinking that if I could pick your brains it might save hours of searching. Would anyone know of some ufm's/ucl's that make for solid generic shapes...rectangles, squares, circles, triangles...that I could build a little folder of masks with. Let me give you an idea of what I'm looking at. The linked upr is an example of what I have in mind. I think the technique opens up endless possibilities. And certainly there is an easier way (clipping?) to do what I'm doing in the image. Does this make sense? I would be very grateful if ya'll could share your experience with this. Thanks, Gary