I'd love to have you all take this picture and write in your own captions. hehehe If you decide to give it a try, please drop me a little message or post it here so we all can see! :-) You can change it anyway you want...not just with captions. Taking a little break from my Home Sweet Home series, I thought I would attempt a bit of humor! I am inspired by Tedz and Zacko and actually you All have a terrific sense of humor. :-) One of my home sweet home pics just didn't come out well at all. I wanted to take a picture of a bunch of gulls just hanging out on the beach but the darn fence and a silly post with no sign even on it, ruined the shot. So... I decided to put my own sign on there and have one of the gulls saying something. I've posted my version on my gallery. :-) Have a fun weekend... :-) (((hugs))) ~*~maggiemai~*~
Love, Light and Laughter ~ :-)