Well I bought the Blacksmith3D the other day after seeing all the great things the makes had created with it. And it's great! Very different type of morphing program, but NEAT and very powerfull. Of course, since I've only had it 2 days I'm no expert with it by far, but the possibilities seems endless. So here's Apollo Maximus, as an early hominid (approximately Homo Ergaster) - the texture is also made in Blacksmith, there's an interesting trexture tool included in the Suite. I still need to figure out how to handle the type of maps where the head and the body are on different maps (so that they are atually layered on te UVmap) but that's next step. Again, I'm all new to this program and allready VERY impressed! And no, I'm not being paid to say this :o)
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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.