This is an old one-room schoolhouse, which also doubled as a church in its time. It was built sometime in the mid-1800s and, as you can see, has been very well maintained. In old schoolhouses like this in the area of Kentucky that I'm from, the boys would sit on one side of the room, girls on the other, and there would be a huge wood-burning furnace at the front in a feeble attempt to keep everyone warm during the winter months (as most children had to work around their own homes during the late spring and summer, and I suppose fall as well); very much like the old "Little House on the Prairie" show. This information came from my great-grandpa before he passed away in 1996. I'm not quite sure how they held church, or whether the men and women sat on separate sides. It now sits on private property, so this was as close as I could get to it without trespassing...and, in that area of Kentucky, people aren't hesitant about shooting trespassers! Enjoy!