Schlabber opened this issue on Feb 25, 2001 ยท 12 posts
Schlabber posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 5:50 AM
Hello alltogether ... some stats for you to know ... Official relaunch time will be March the 1st 2001 (details then ...) - this would also mean the other websites (well only one is left ...) will be closed then ! It will include more than 2000 poses-sets (I stoped counting at 2000) - about 500 absolutely new ones - about the half of them combined ones. Also included are: - some textures and props and naturally the faces - a fully new helping section (a tut with how to make poses also) - at least a preview for every damned pose (lol) and for some poses the imagesets (for the new ones) I have some problems left: 1. to make a crossbrowser check (should be done by today) 2. To upload 125 MBytes of data (this would last a little bit longer :o( ) Bye Schlabber (geeze this whole website costs me 2 weeks of my very rarely sparetime)
Larry F posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 7:04 AM
You are a good person. And very talented. Also generous.
zimmer posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 7:09 AM
Thanks Schlabber. Yourre very generous.
Deberus posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 8:45 AM
You are the ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marque posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 9:52 AM
It is soooo hard to be patient when you know something so cool is coming up! lol Thanks for all your hard work. Marque
ookami posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 11:35 AM
YOU ARE THE POSE GOD!!! (bow) We're not worthy! (bow) We're not worthy! (bow) We're not worthy! Seriously, thanks a million for all the work you've put into your poses! I can't even begin to tell you how much time and effort you've saved me!
nitreug posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 1:36 PM
Excellent work. Thanks for taking all this precious time to support the community.
ohman posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 3:10 PM
Taking up ookamis thread: (bow) We're not worthy! (bow) We're not worthy! (bow) We're not worthy! I think you already owe yourself a place in the poser hall of fame (among Traveler, Tim Laubach, Bebop and a few others) THANKS! /Ohman
Fox-Mulder posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 4:18 PM
Yes, there is hardly anything more useful for anyone using Poser than great ready-made poses. To think of the many hours I spent trying to pose characters until I found your website. It was like getting an immediate Major Poser UpGrade. We all own you a great debt of gratitude for your huge body of highly useful and artistic work...
ghostboat posted Sun, 25 February 2001 at 7:06 PM
Thanks Schlabber,you are without a doubt the "Prince of Pose" save alot of us tons of hair pulling and work with your fantastic poses....thanks again...
rjghise posted Mon, 26 February 2001 at 2:32 AM
Thank you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very (and thensome) much for all the work you do Schlabber. I can't say thank you enough. :-)
wal posted Mon, 26 February 2001 at 4:56 AM
I agree with all above! And the rest in German: Falls Du mal in Richtung Demark verreist, dann fahr doch mal die A7-Abfahrt Tarp runter und lass Dich von mir zu lecker Fisch und 'n "Flens" (herbes Pils) einladen! - wal (aka VelvetCat)