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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 11 7:06 am)
MC..selling at Daz affords me the pleasure of working on my private models(see my gallery,creatures etc) & making lots of's purely financial reasons. it's too easy to get lost in the crowd here. I still have my old stuff here & at poser pros,I think there might even be something of mine at 3dcommune? a recent environment at Mec4D :) Burly :) & yes, the seperate fire-escape should be good for clipping onto other buildings,it's all geometrie too & not transmapped like urban sparwl & the back alley firescapes Stefan
I just bought it. Thanks. Love esther
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
Quality product like others i have bought from you.Some questions:are you inspiring from real buildings?around what construction period(date around)for this kind of building and what kind of context(american city?european?).i don't see this kind of building around me(i don't live in USA neither in european city.Thanks
thank you all for the comments :) Martial...while I wouldn't say there's any one specific style I'm going for I did have old Chicago/New York in my mind at the time.I'm New Zealand though so most of my reference is local .. more than that though I'm just trying to create buildings that are pleasing on the eye :) it's all eye candy Cheers Stefan
I did some renders yesterday and ,like you say, the building are pleasant to see.Lots of possibilities and points of view .The tree is a good addition. Very nice product:many thanks..Finally,it could be some places in Old Montreal where i live...some Cinema studios come there because it could be mix of old american city and old european city.
Message edited on: 08/28/2005 04:55
yes,likewise alot of American films are made here because apparently we have a 50's Americana small town feel. they have to come to the otherside of the world to find a place that looks like home, gotta love that :) tank's for the support Stefan
I too have nothing but praise from this set. Personally reminds me most of back-bay Boston. (Esp the top render with the bare trees -- looks just like some pictures I took some winters ago). I am impressed by how much is built into the geometry (making it render better and have more texture options).
I am particularly impressed with the real architectural and contruction thinking going on. Details like external wiring, fire escapes, drains, earthquake bolts aren't just tacked on randomly; they all show a strong sense of why they are placed where they are and what they are doing. I wish that more of the fantastical and SF scenery that is made available for Poser had that same level of understanding of the needs of and forces on a real structure in a real environment.
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Attached Link: Urban Living

Hi..I have a new Urban set instore Urban Living brings all your urban scenes to a new level of detail - high quality geometries & textures will make this a must have for all your urban scenes. Features All props come in Poser 4 & poser 5 versions (Pro-pack and D|S users can use the P5 version) Urban Complete.pp2 Building_A.pp2 Building_B.pp2 Building_C.pp2 Building_D.pp2 UrbanTerrain.pp2 UrbanTree.pp2 Urban FireEscape.pp2 Buildings are facades only,(one building has two opening doors) Transparent based objects are given their own groups so you can include/exclude from raytracing Textures are tiled - no templates required Cheers StefanCg Society Portfolio