I got a query about the size of my favorite tiny heart-shaped maze... as seen in spring http://www.renderosity.com/viewed.ez?galleryid=939342 and fall http://www.renderosity.com/viewed.ez?galleryid=1068980 I did say "tiny". I was honest! Looking at this rough shot, and some others with people for scale, I'd say that it was 18' wide and 22' long. Because it is in the bottom of the bowl, one can get above it, and with the right angle and lighting, it will seem so much more spacious. Maybe they just take up more room in the mind, since the eye wants to trace the pathway? There are a couple of homes here in the Bay Area with mazes in their backyards... on average lots. I keep nudging my landlady about building one. ;^) For the curious, at least one company will come out and work with you on making a personal-sized maze. http://www.labyrinth-enterprises.com/ And yes, I realize that I have burned-out pixels in the camera, among other things I fix even on a "straight" unfiltered picture. I don't think there is anything which can be done about them. So, this is what the camera sees: a dusty path with dead weeds and lines of rocks (all I did with this was reduxce size and jpg it for posting). I see a magical place, and start nudging the sliders. Carolly