Taking a break from city building to do a sculputure pre-visualization for my ex-boss. He's been commissioned to do some glass sculptures for a newly completed building here in Bangkok, and has asked me to convert his scribbles into something a bit more realistic. Modeled in LightWave 3D 8.3. Not quite done. There's still the bit at the top I need to figure out. This piece is 4 meters tall. It will be constructed in glass and metal. There are 245 layers of glass to this sculpture... so far. :o) Actually I don't have to render anything realistic. He needs the 3D model to create the full size final piece. He uses my modeling to evaluate and tweak his sculpture design. Posted at the behest of my good buddy, blarghd. :o) Cheers! M
Mind Over Matter
"If you don't mind, then it don't matter."