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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 12 2:36 am)
Filthy the Clown is another in our new 'Cirque du Macabre' line of figures, props and environments.
Filthy is a stand-alone character..
Filthy comes with everything you need and includes Filthy, morphs, textures, shoes, pants, shirt,
hair, cigar, red rubber nose, materials, poses and plenty of attitude.
Only $9.99
Hotel Bates has two twin beds with nightstands; a dresser; lamps; windows; doors; bathtub; sink; toilet and bible.
Working :
Mini Blinds
Cabinet Doors
Faucets turn on / off
Bible opens (with suprise)
Toilet handle works
Toilet opens / closes
Shower Curtain
Also Includes:
On sale for $9.99
All Hotel Bates needs is a dead hooker under the bed and roaches in the shower :) Filthy (and Stinky coming tomorrow) are basically characters of the Ringmaster, except that you don't need the Ringmaster to use Filthy and Stinky...the Ringmaster OBJ and the Cr2 is included. The Cr2s are basically the same, same JPs and morphs, just different texture refs. Tomorrow Santini will be coming out and he is based off of the Ringmaster, but has a resculpted obj of the Ringmaster, same morphs (one extra) same UVs, the JPs are differently...again a stand-alone figure. I will get a couple of shots out in a minute. I have some texture templates and a Dev-Rig for clothing creation that I will be getting out tomorrow also. --Rebekah--
Downloading the ringmaster right now! What a "cute" Little guy!
Poser 9 SR3 and 8 sr3
Processor Type: AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size: 1TB
Processor - Clock Speed: 2.8 GHz
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Graphics Type: ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics
System Ram: 8GB
Nope, not inspired by anything, but if he is like anything from a TV series, then I think that I want to see it :) And umutov, thanks. We will be coming out with an adult version called "Thrusty the Clown"...maybe you could make SML for him ;p I am glad that you like him pokeydots, you always make the cutest renders. --Rebekah--
Thanks Rebekah
Poser 9 SR3 and 8 sr3
Processor Type: AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size: 1TB
Processor - Clock Speed: 2.8 GHz
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Graphics Type: ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics
System Ram: 8GB
I keep hoping that someone will model a couple of realistic human dwarfs (not fantasy dwarves). Both male and female. Except for the head, this model comes close. Perhaps the head can be morphed a bit to fill the bill.
Great work on this model.
He's a great fantasy character as he is -- but the features are a bit too exaggerated to look like a real-life dwarf. I'm just saying that the head on the Ringmaster as shown doesn't make for a "realistic" looking human dwarf.
If you can offer a "realistic" morph for the head -- that would be fantastic. Or even several realistic morphs. That would be even better.
To me, the rest of his body looks like a real human dwarf already. Most fantasy dwarven characters have over-large feet and hands, as well as heads with too-big features. Not like a real dwarf at all.
In any case, you've done well with him.
Attached Link:
Les/Rebekkah, are you ok with 'wish-list/ideas'? I think this is a wonderful theme_ I'd love to see different clown types_ different make-ups, different clothing_ baggy trousers_ morphing shoes_different hat shapes_animateable hair. All in this lovely 'crusty/dirty' theme. Circus props to suit. How about ballerina's, trapeze artists, strong men, sword swallowers, jugglers. Do you know the Paula Rego 'Ostriches' theme (check out the link) what an inspiration for some dwarf ballerinas, whith their solid masculine physiques and faces. I think you've discovered (or invented) a real seam of gold here! If I had half your talent in this area I'd be sorely tempted! Keep up this great theme_ and folks, buy them to give him some encouragement! nigelI guess I was asking for specifics about what features you thought could be 'toned-downed' for a set of realistic dwarf morphs ?
OK - specifics -
Entire head smaller in proportion to the body - nose smaller - chin much less pronounced (even drawn back - like a wattle or double-chin) - mouth smaller - forehead and top of head more pronounced/larger in proportion to the rest of the head - eyes not so deep-sunk - brow less pronounced.
Thank you for asking. That's always a sign of a winner when it comes to merchants.
I will look into it though and see if I can find someone to do it :)
That's great! Thanks!
For those who expressed are downloads for the Ringmaster texture templates, Clothing Dev-Rig,
and variant textures, like no tattoo or hair and hair no tattoo (works on Filthy, Stinky and Santini also).
Attached Link:
Stinky and Filthy the Clowns are the Ringmaster with character specific textures, hair and clothing.
All three packages are interchangable.
Attached Link: Leprechaun Rider
A skeezy Leprechaun! LOL Looks like someone I would not do business with. I got mine done before I saw this outfit, but I can always use another shade of green. Thank you! :-)Attached Link:
Just got Santini and Filthy, will have to wait to get stinky!
Poser 9 SR3 and 8 sr3
Processor Type: AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size: 1TB
Processor - Clock Speed: 2.8 GHz
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Graphics Type: ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics
System Ram: 8GB
Cirque du Macabre women? Oh please tell me you are doing little women too? Of course keep going with the guys, you can never have to many little men. I haven't had so many ideas for pictures in years. Whether I get them done or not doesn't matter. I just love this whole line of lively little people. :-)
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Attached Link:
The Ringmaster is the first in our new 'Cirque du Macabre' line of figures, props and environments.The Ringmaster is an original figure that comes complete with
morphs, textures, boots, coat, pants, hat, hair, cane, earring, rings, scarf and poses.
Only $9.99