Hi everybody, Where has Davo been? Well, I've been working my butt off with a couple new projects. This image shows just a FEW of the MANY things in my comming DREADWORKS package. (robots and p4man not included). This Lab/cargo bay is actually 1 single figure inserted into the poser sceen 6 times, moved and rotated to create the other half of the room, all componants of the figure can be turned off as to not obscure the camera or lighting. The other props in the image are a part of the Dreadworks package and can all be inserted through the libraries. Also part of the package will be pipes/valves, ventilation duct work, computer/machinery props, power box, power meter, airlock door, hatch doors, pump tank, huge store/confinement tank, growth tank and everything is textured. Many of the items have 2 texture styles, one for shiney and new, one for rusted and old so you can do lots with them. Comments are welcome and keep you eyes open for more stuff from Davo. Davo