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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 21 2:40 am)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: The Official PoseMagic Diary

Photopium ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 1:12 PM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:36 PM

We are winning the Revolution! Welcome to the Pose Magic Diary. With the huge success of the product and my own drive to constantly improve the utility, my desire is to keep everyone informed and up to date. Some of you know, some of you may not, "Update1" is in the Renderosity Queue. From the ReadMe: Added December 28th, 2005--Update 1 Standard Facial Expressions for Millenial figures Things that I decided that were missing and that came up as handy to me...too numerous to mention Multiple Sets! Yep, use Pose Magic with more than 1 figure per scene. I've given you 3. When adding Pose Magic to a second or third figure, please make sure that figure is selected or bad times will ensue. --- As for the numerous things that were missing... The first thing I did was add a less collary BothArmUpDown2 dial. It still gives you a little taste of Collar, but not nearly as much. I'm trying to think what I added, because it's now been a few days and I'm still working, so it's all blurring together. So, you see, this is why I need to do a daily log of what's going on and give you, the beloved customer, something to look forward to. So, knowing that Update1 is already in the can, let's talk about Update 2. First, I organized the actual files so that when a Poser 4 or ProPack user loads Pose Magic, the Dials will be in a logical and intuitive order. I cleaned up the pose file, I had been "working sloppy" and just tacking on changes to the bottom, so the result was 2 or more instances of body parts. Not affecting the product, mind you, but just looking bad to anyone who might be curious lol. Second, found and fixed a problem with individual thumb grasp parameters. Created more "Both Split" type dials for each body part except fingers. For example you want one leg going forward and one leg going backward. Done. One dial. One arm up, the other arm down. Done. Using these controls my model really looked like she was dancing in the window, it was awesome! Created dials like "Blink" so you can blink without having to key in left and right values. For every expression that has a Left and Right, (Brows, Wince, etc) When you hear about constant updates, I hope that you understand that you won't have to keep track of what is going on too much. Each update is the whole product, so when you redownload just throw out the old, you won't need it. In your saved scenes where PoseMagic already exists, just copy the parameters, delete the prop, reload the new prop, and paste the parameters, then reapply the new pz2 injector. Very rarely will this change even one minor thing, since existing dials remain constant. Finally, the news on what you've all been curious about. I have had the priviledge of testing the first version of the pose converter! It works :) Needs a little ironing and I still am not sure exactly how the author intends to distribute/market it. But here goes. It's a Java utility, and you load a Pz3 and select the name and location for the pose file and Bob's yer Uncle. The only drawback is no pz2/png but that's easy enough, apply the pose in poser, resave. Hopefully a batch function could be added. The author is talking about adding multi-frame support as well. I wish I had called the Package "Master of Puppets" :) That's it for today, Happy New Year folks and thank you all so very much for joining the Revolution! We'll keep you in Arms and Ammo on this end ;) -WTB

momodot ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 1:52 PM

Well, this is fantastic. Between this and your UniversalMagicMags I am getting the Poser interface I have been wanting for a long time. I wonder what else you'll come up with. How will we hear of updates? Mass mailings?

Photopium ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 2:00 PM

Mass Mailings occur when RO puts the update in the Marketplace. Apparently, like any new product submission, this takes about a week, which is understandable but aggravating. Outside of that, I'll be announcing in the diary here daily, so if you get notifications on thread replies and you're on this thread, you'll be first to know :) by the way, Adding back trans for feet and hands is #1 on the queue. As for turning IK on and off, I would like to look into the possibility of having a dial do that with maybe a readscript or something. -WTB

lululee ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 2:27 PM

I am trying to control my fingers from pushing the "buy now" button. I have a question about this post in the forum. Does the version that is out now have this capability or is it in the works? cheerio lululee "You wrote: I have all sorts of stuff planned to implement, and updates won't be a burden. Just ctrl-C to copy your current prop's settings, delete prop, load updated prop, ctrl-V and reapply injection pose and you're all updated :)"

pokeydots ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 2:43 PM

Well since its a quick download, I couldn't wait so I bought it now, and looking forward to the updates ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

spedler ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 3:48 PM

Got it in my wishlist, so bookmarking this thread!


vulcanis ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 4:03 PM

Looking good, WTB.

nickedshield ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 4:05 PM

Sounds like there some intersting things in the works. It works pretty darn good on existing poses, just like the ad said:) A lot easier and faster getting more natural weight distribution. I hadn't tried with two figure so I didn't know the current release can't do it. so far I haven't found anything negative about the package and I can be rough on apps. Keep up the good work Bill and I wait to see what else is up your sleeve.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

johnjdesigns ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 6:02 PM

We have to wait for the updated files till RO puts them in the que? The files they have are from Dec 21.

JohnJDesigns - Digital Fabrics for 3D
Commercial Portfolio
Poser Art Portfolio
Renderosity Store

lululee ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 7:09 PM

Well, my fingers did the walking and I bought it. Terrific product. I spend hours doing promo images and tweaking. this will be tremendous timesaver. It is also awesome for animation. Very smooth between keyframes. I don't know how you came up with this William, but it is a real breakthrough. cheerio lululee

infinity10 ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 8:24 PM

My wishlist item. I figured you will be adding features, and I just wanted to read from other users how they find the product, before commiting to buy it. Likely to get it in the not-too-distant future.

Eternal Hobbyist


Photopium ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 11:23 PM

Attached Link:

lululee, none of the updates have been made available yet through RO, holidays and all it's taking forever and to be fair, I submitted the first update the same day the product hit the market, just to be sure it went ahead and got released. I am pleased to see so many people overjoyed with it as it is in the first version! People who are happy now are going to absolutely plotz with 2 and 3! Every time I code something new and it works out I feel like the cat with the cream. Johnj- yes, submitting an update is just like submitting a new product. It goes back through testing and has to wait in line behind all the other things that need testing. And now the BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG news.... Dizzi has finished the java utility! Not enough news for ya??? It's free while in Beta, and it works flawlessly for single frame usage, multiple figures! It's simple easy and quick, save a pz3 with pose magic set with your pose, load it, click the button and save the file and yer all set. Fully converted PoseMagic to Pose files to share with the world. Everyone be sure to thank Dizzi a LOT, this makes PoseMagic a fully realized dream come true and hopefully "Batch" is possible in the future ;) -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 11:27 PM

Is anyone here a Mac user and can you tell me how it's working on Mac? A number of people are asking and I really have no clue what goes on with a Mac -WTB

vulcanis ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 11:28 PM

Impressive. Looking forward to the final product.

kayjay97 ( ) posted Sat, 31 December 2005 at 11:33 PM

well I bit the bullet and went for it. I always want good poses so this will help me :-)

In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

jjsemp ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:13 AM

Sounds great!

estherau ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 1:28 AM

i'm a mac user but haven;t tried it yet - where do i get the java update for the new thingy? love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 1:42 AM

follow the link above :)

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 3:01 AM

Where do we put dizzi file? does it matter? And Thanks :)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 3:38 AM

Doesn't matter :)

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 3:41 AM

Thanks ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

Dizzi ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 11:33 AM

Attached Link:

Happy new posing year everyone ;-) Just wanted to let you know that BETA 3 of [PoseMagic2Pose]( has just been released. It now works on animations, too. And it'll always be free to use for any non commercial work. And who needs batch processing besides William?

nickedshield ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 11:56 AM

WTB.... With the fantasic job you have done do far on PoseMagic a thought came to mind. would it be possible to set it up for Easy Pose figures such as Noggin's Python or the Eastern Dragon or SS Dragon? The more I think about it, I don't think it would be practicle. No standard names. Just wishful thinking.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

noggin ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:18 PM

Have just got this great little utility WTB. Excellent lateral thinking in Poser my man! Well done_ it certainly produces lovely naturalistic poses with little effort (that's how I like it!) I felt a real fool when I realised the reason I couldn't find the blessed thing in the figure pull down menu was that it was under the bodyparts/PROPs list (I'd sort of assumed it was a seperate figure) _ it might be worth making that totally transparent in the readme for dimmocks like me! nickedshield_sorry!! you're right it wouldn't work! Dizzi thanks for your plug-on_I'm going to have to ask a few questions over on your forum!

nickedshield ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:36 PM

Darn :( If it could have been done PoseMagic would have made posing them so much easier.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:39 PM

lol Noggin ya know, I tried to be more clear with that but I just wasn't coming up with the right verbiage to describe poser's various menus and got all frustrated and said to self "Ah, screw it, they'll figure it out..." (Put's on disguise) I want batch too! hehe

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:45 PM

Nicked, It can of course be done. I am imagining a future "NonHuman" pose magic utility down the line, because I want to avoid making the PoseMagic interface too cluttered with stuff people don't immediately need, and the vast majority are posing people. It seems to me that Poser 6 might be stacking slaves, so that I may be able to link PoseMagic to a full body morph, which wasn't possible in previous versions of poser (no value in key for body morph, no turning on of everything FBM controls.) I will have to do some experiments. If it can be done that way, then it's shooting fish in a barrel. Tails are a quagmire at my level, if I do this non-human thing, I might need a more experienced Collaborater. For now, even on animals and Monsters, PoseMagic works on the basics and that's a good place to start.

lululee ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:48 PM

I find it is such a time saver to have all of the dials right in front of me instead of clicking and picking to find the area to move. Really speeds up my workflow. Good Stuff William. cheerio lululee

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 12:57 PM

Dizzi when will your for sale version of posetopose be available?

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

Dizzi ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 1:04 PM

Well, i have no idea. When it's done :-) But you can use the beta for any commercial work as long, as you'll buy the finished product when it is available (for $5 to $10).

pokeydots ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 1:56 PM

Ok, Well I am going to buy it, so Make sure you let me know when its available ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

HAWK999 ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 3:33 PM

Posemagic is very handy

nickedshield ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 4:37 PM · edited Sun, 01 January 2006 at 4:37 PM

Bill, here is something you might want to look into:
I have everything set up, PoseMagic working like it should, select a hand and the figure loses the PoseMagic pose for the hand. Fix: hit ctrl+z then I can continue using the selected body part and return to PoseMagic functions.
Thought you might want to know about it. Edited to add: Doing all of this using PPP.

Message edited on: 01/01/2006 16:37

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Dizzi ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 6:53 PM

BETA 4 of PoseMagic2Pose available. Most interesting addition (at least for the Williams ;-)): batch processing of pz3s

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 9:03 PM

Dizzi! You constantly rock! TY TY TY! Nicked - Hmmm, really? I think it might be related to "Static" information accidentally stored in the hands and some of the fingers. Dizzi was kind enough to educate me on the fly about Static. Static is removed for Version 3. In the meantime, if you want to quick solve the problem, open up the props in text editor and do this Replace "static 1" to "static 0" and resave and you should be good to go, cause lord knows it's going to be a year until version 3 is through the queue. I would send it along, but it's not done just yet. -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 10:05 PM

Eagerly awaiting update 2 to be in the marketplace for everyone. No coding done today, but lots of playing. The more real time enjoyment of the product I'm able to get the more I undertand where it can be improved, which is good. Nevertheless, a backlog of ideas to implement fill my queue 1. IK dials including dials to turn IK on and off. Available for p5 and p6 and propack only, since it uses small python script. 2. Total Millenium figure compatibility across the board To account for slight differences between the names of standard expressions. 3. I told Momodot I might have a cheap fix for Anton and other figure's GraspThis! incompatibility due to fingers being on different axis. I have yet to test my theory, but it goes something like this: rotate the model so the hand(s) are as close to standard as possible, then GraspThis 4. Need to restructure the tree a little bit. I find I need Grasp this under less branches of the tree. 5. Certain muscle control, like Buttocks Flex that sort of thing. Also, perhaps, "UnJCM" to get rid of JCMs that aren't cutting it with clothing. 6. Addition of "Expressions Full" channels. How this will work is that say you come up with a winning combination of expression dials and want to keep it and put it on one dial. You will have 10 channels to customize for this purpose. "FullExpress1" and so on. So, you have the expression dialed in, you choose the head and spawn morph target. You name it exactly as the dial "FullExpress1" and afterwards, you double click on it and rename it to something that works for you like "WhatsThatSmellAnyway" and then reapply your PoseMagic injection pose and it will be slaved to PoseMagic. (You can rename the dial there too.) 7. I'll be checking around to see if it's possible to have PoseMagic make you toast with optional butter or oleo. -WTB

nickedshield ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 10:14 PM

Some one is having way too much fun, G Anyway, I changed the static lines for the hands and it appears to have solved he problem.

I must remember to remember what it was I had to remember.

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 10:17 PM

Awesome. You wouldn't believe how frustrated I was getting trying to animate and V3 keep giving me the finger when it should've been grasped lol -WTB

Photopium ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 10:33 PM

So you want to make a complete set of poses eh? Maybe for freestuff, maybe for the marketplace. Well, now you've got all the tools to do so, but how to make life easy? Simple, it just occured to me that Dizzi's utility can do animations. Well then, why not utilize Poser's animation function? Forget key frames and splines and all that esoteric stuff. Just add as many frames as you want poses and when one is finished, simply use the arrow key to forward to the next frame and make your next pose. When you are all done, save the pz3 and use Dizzi's amazing converter and save as one pose to your library. Zero out Pose Magic and delte all frames but frame 1 and apply the multiframe pose. Now, it will add the frames back in and it will be proper figure information. simply arrow through the frames one by one and save the poses back to the library. Now you've got your pose and your png/rsr ready to zip and go. -WTB

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sun, 01 January 2006 at 11:55 PM

I bought this product -- it looks very promising. Between this one and GlowWorm I've got some work to do. Unfortunately, I've yet to install PoseMagic due to numerous distractions. But I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

It's great to hear about the updates coming down the pike. That'll give me a chance to install everything at once.


Something To Do At 3:00AM 

pokeydots ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 12:06 AM

What is Glow Worm?

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 12:20 AM · edited Mon, 02 January 2006 at 12:22 AM

Attached Link:

GlowWorm is a new Python plug-in for Poser 6 SR2 only. Here's the forum link over at DAZ.

GlowWorm is a powerful compositional and multi-pass rendering tool. I'm expecting that the "clipping" ability which has been added to GlowWorm with the latest product update will help to get around Poser's Firefly memory limitations on complex renders.

However -- as this is a PoseMagic thread, I wouldn't want to hijack it from the central theme. I expect that PoseMagic will prove out to be an extremely powerful tool in it's own right, and one well worth having in my toolbox -- along with The Tailor 1.6, Wardrobe Wizard, GlowWorm, etc, etc, etc........

These add-ons coming from 3rd-party merchants are increasing the underlying power of Poser by leaps and bounds. My hat's off to all of the merchants that are bringing great tools like PoseMagic to enable all of us to do things that we couldn't do before. At least not easily.

Message edited on: 01/02/2006 00:21

Message edited on: 01/02/2006 00:22

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

pokeydots ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 12:44 AM

Thanks for the info.... Now back to Pose Magic ;o)

Poser 9 SR3  and 8 sr3
Processor Type:  AMD Phenom II 830 Quad-Core
2.80GHz, 4000MHz System Bus, 2MB L2 Cache + 6MB Shared L3 Cache
Hard Drive Size:  1TB
Processor - Clock Speed:  2.8 GHz
Operating System:  Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
Graphics Type:  ATI Radeon HD 4200
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics 
System Ram:  8GB 

Dizzi ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 3:48 AM

Just a short notice to anyone who downloaded PoseMagic2Pose and didn't know what to do with the "ZIP": There's no ZIP on the server, it's just Internet Explorer renaming it to a ZIP. Please save the files with ".jar" extension, not ".zip". Then it should run...

BastBlack ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 1:55 PM

PoseMagic works on a MAC, no problems! :D Dizzi, thanks so much for helper app. People can download the script in IE without problems by right clicking on link and selecting "Download Link to Disk". That will prevent IE from scrambling the extension. Where do I get updates to PoseMagic? Thanks! bB

Dizzi ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 2:03 PM

You'll get the PoseMagic updates via renderosity, by redownloading. But you'll have to wait till they've gone through renderositys queue (see first post). And i couldn't get IE (on Windows) to properly download the jar... Guess i'll zip PoseMagic2Pose next time ;-) Did you test PoseMagic2Pose on the MAC, too?

AtelierAriel ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 2:10 PM

This is just all so fantastic! PoseMagic working beautifully and Dizzi you Rock! Just finished modifying 10 Jessi poses using WTB's keyframe method and Dizzi's Pose Magic Utility. Works perfectly! The utility even knew that I had ten frames set up. Went through each keyframe and saved 10 new poses in little more time than it took to save just 1. I like hair on my figures even in the thumbnails so I just make new thumbnails by rendering at specific size of 91x91 at 72 ppi and saving as .png to the pose folder that the original and pose are in. I just don't like my girls bald unless they're meant to be that way. Or guys for that matter. This is now the best thing since sliced you know what.

BastBlack ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 3:09 PM

Dizzi, I have an older Mac that runs two operating systems: OS 9.2 and OS X2. Neither of them have Java 1.4.2 and I can't download Java 1.4.2 from the Apple site either (you have to buy Panther or Tiger to get it). The best I can do is download an update to Java 1.3.1 to Java 1.4.1. Could PoseMagic2Pose work in older Java like 1.3.1 or 1.4.1? Thanks. bB

Dizzi ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 3:38 PM

So the 1.4 will be fine, 1.3. requires some recoding...

Dizzi ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 6:56 PM

I compiled it with 1.4.1. Could you give it a try, please? PoseMagic2PoseBETA6.jar

Photopium ( ) posted Mon, 02 January 2006 at 10:48 PM

Folks, it just keeps getting better. A couple of things that worked in theory work in reality. That is: Stackable slaves. This means I can code FullBody parameters into PoseMagic, which means the Animal and Monster packs will work with tails and wings and things. I wish I had known this sooner, but it seems that in the past, this just didn't work in previous versions of poser. I wonder if it will work with Dizzi's utility? Because these dials will have 2 callbacks, one to the Body then from there back to the prop? Full Expression Customization routine As described above, this works very smoothly. I thought it would, but it was fun to see it in practice. Dials are coded in and ready to go for Update 2 (Note: Update 1 is the update that will hit the store first...eventually...some day...(menacing look at the store staff...) A little bit of bad news...I just can't seem to get dials to turn off with IK. Existing python scripts seem to do something terrible to PoseMagic that causes some dials to not work at all when turning IK on and off. Furthermore, I can't seem to link IK on and off to dials. Ya know, playing around a bit with IK on and PoseMagic today, I really can't see much of a benefit to spend time with IK at all. The only thing that really seems to benefit from IK is that feet stay (nominally) in place. That is helpful for animations, but I don't see much of a benefit in 1 framers. Since animation is something I'm trying to master, and maybe you are too... How about using your Hi-res plane primitive in wireframe as a ground prop? That way, you have a graph to work with and can see where the feet were before you adjusted and then tran them back into place on the fly? Going to try this and see how it works. I expect good things. Restructured the Group Tree and this seems to work better and faster for me. I was having to click on endless +'s to get to certain things, and this just isn't necessary. Good times are ahead! (I wonder if Apollo has grasping for individual fingers? If so, GraspThis! for him is a stupid easy fix) -WTB

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