Bogrounds (bog's backgrounds) I posted a package of 25 medium resolution (2560 X 1920) JPEG backgrounds to the 2D free section. The package was split into two parts (11.2M and 10.4M) due to server problems. 400 X 300 previews are also included for easier browsing. These backgrounds were designed to act as backgrounds in Poser and Daz Studio, to be used behind primary foreground props or in close ups of figures. They were not intended as stage backgrounds on which a figure can stand. They can also be billboarded (applied to a 2D prop as a backdrop) in other 3D studios (Bryce, Vue, etc). These backgrounds were generated in Artmatic Voyager, using 32-bit procedural terrains generated in Artmatic. Both are products of Eric Wenger, one of the original Bryce team members. These backgrounds are a couple of generations beyond Bryce. I highly recommend a look for those who are not familiar with 32-bit terrains. The level of detail in the terrains is extraordinary, and the skies are quite impressive as well. These backgrounds were originally released at FaerieWylde in early 2005, one a week for 25 weeks. These may be used in commercial renderings. Enjoy.