Forum: Photography

Subject: *** in dedication..

cynlee opened this issue on Jan 16, 2006 ยท 72 posts

cynlee posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 2:24 PM

Attached Link:

i don't believe in acting like everything is fine & dandy when it's not.. there's been a void left in the gallery, besides just us who are unable to access it half the time :P i leave you with this dedication to a great member.. the rest i say there.. which needed to be & not just forgotten.. with a heartfelt muuuuuuuuah & manly hugz.. *SALUTE!*

cynlee posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 2:29 PM

& i don't mean "leave you" as in for good.. no, no.. still here.. i felt i had to say something.. i hope you understand..

vlaaitje posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 3:10 PM

I understand you, more than you know !!!! Ilona

Ilona Krijgsman: My Tree Of Life

Zacko posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 3:17 PM

Looks like i wasnt the only one making a statement in todays gallery.....ill just head over to see what you uploaded now.....

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

Zacko posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 3:20 PM

"besides just us who are unable to access it half the time :P" LMAO!!!! Amen to that! #;o)

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

TwoPynts posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 3:42 PM

All THC. I'm glad you did say something, and your dedi is just wonderful. Grover is glad too.

*** SALUTE ***

Message edited on: 01/16/2006 15:50

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

3DGuy posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 5:22 PM

Hmm I guess I missed something... :(

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. - Aristotle
-= Glass Eye Photography =- -= My Rendo Gallery =-

Brenda_Guiles posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 7:09 PM

Yes I miss him very much too! I miss his wit and humor! Even though he is gone he is definately not forgotten! I will be sure to keep an eye on PG for his new works. A huge loss to the gallery that is for sure... SALUTE Brenda

TomDart posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 8:26 PM

I posted my thoughts on the image link. Great dedi, Cindy.

Margana posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 9:54 PM

You have truly honored him,Cindy.He will surely be missed.

Say 'Hi' for me.


Message edited on: 01/16/2006 21:54

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

jocko500 posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 10:00 PM

dont know what happen but it a great lose

what you see is not what you know; it in your face

Michelle A. posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 10:21 PM

Hmmm.... I suspected as much. I just happen to be around in the forum to read some things, before they mysteriously disappeared. I saw his Home Page before it got annihilated a day or so later..... Sorry to say but he was one of the very few reasons I even bothered coming here anymore. His gallery made me smile... and could go on and on about his wit and humor, but what's the point.... he can't read my words. Why am I even posting this? Such a waste of time..... sigh Feel free to delete this post if it's felt to be to contentious or rabble rousing please.... Yep, guess I'm angry.... and I guess I really am out of here for good..... not that anyone will care. Most of the people in here don't even know who the hell I am anyway......

I am, therefore I create.......

jocko500 posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 10:43 PM

I care

what you see is not what you know; it in your face

gradient posted Mon, 16 January 2006 at 11:09 PM

I only comment/post/upload in the photo gallery very don't know much about Tedz..but I can say that he absolutely cracks me up! His humor and wit was really refreshing...I will miss that. I hope he is able to come back!
And, Michelle...your work is both outstanding and inspirational. Although we have IM'd, I don't "know" you...I will miss your works here...I care too. Take time away if you need, but please do come back.

Message edited on: 01/16/2006 23:10

In youth, we learn....with age, we understand.

UKmac posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 12:11 AM

Mmmm, It's one thing being banned for whatever, but to remove Tedz's Gallery is another. Is this a knee jerk reaction from Admin???

cynlee posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 12:32 AM

sorry 'chelle.. i had hoped this wouldn't happen.. & yes, galleries are removed in the process :(

newleaf posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:10 AM

Truly a crying shame

Radlafx posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:20 AM

Well i will miss him here. but at least i still know were to find his art. SALUTE OK Michelle I'm gonna copy you from DA and paste you here (on R'osity). :o)

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 01:27

Question the question. Answer the question. Question the answer...

I wish I knew what I was gonna say :oP

tvernuccio posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:21 AM

would someone be kind enough to give me Brian's email address please. i had it a long time ago, but never saved it. i really want to write him. I AM VERY ANGRY AND UPSET!!!! Brian is an incredible artist and i don't understand what in the world his crime was that the punishment is to be permanently banned here. you're right, Cindy. everything's NOT fine and dandy. i may join michelle in saying farewell to this place also. i guess i'll decide that very soon. know what i think of your work. you're a helluva photographer. in case you're still here reading...take care and good luck. :)

Radlafx posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:31 AM

Sheila if you know his full name you could just google him. That's what i did with Michelle.

Question the question. Answer the question. Question the answer...

I wish I knew what I was gonna say :oP

tvernuccio posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:36 AM memory sucks... Brian's last name. oh i must know it, but what the hell is it? i forgot. somebody help me out here, please. i really want to talk to him. thanks. :)

tibet2004uk posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:47 AM

Thx for letting us know Cyn! I've been wondering lately where he was and why we didn't see him around anymore. What the hell happened?? I don't remember him having a rant at anything lately! Unless it was in private? With admin? Jeez! Michelle darling, don't be silly! I know I do miss u around here and I know I'm not the only one! I too spend less and less time in here....

kimariehere posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:48 AM

i wish i could say goodbye to him. I am very sad and down today hard to comment in truth. he touched us all I will never forget him . sniff :O(

kimmers ♥ :O)

coolj001 posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 6:03 AM

Well I agree this really sucks. But I am not going to leave because of this incident. I hope he comes back. If not then that will suck, but what good would our leaving do?

cajolargo posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 6:09 AM

we deserve an explanation. I do not think that a personality like Tedz can be banned without an explanation by Administrators or Moderators. One member already wrote he will quit RR because of this censoreship: I'm tempted to do it, but first I want to know what happened. It is correct and unavoidable to have rules and to apply it: it's no correct to be silent in front of such (rightful) reaction. so please, Moderators, let us know: you all do a beautiful job everyday, do not lose an occasion to be sincere. thanks in advance - Claudio

vlaaitje posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 6:55 AM

I agree whit cajolargo, maybe now there will be strange stories spreaded. Because the most are just guessing what's going on me thinks. Better to know the real story, that's how I think about it. Even when it is painful. I liked his humor very much, we lost a creative soul Ilona

Ilona Krijgsman: My Tree Of Life

TwoPynts posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 7:55 AM

I will miss Brian a great deal. We 'collaborated' on 3 images shortly before he was banned and I feel his loss deeply. While I'm angry that he was banned, I don't think leaving Renderosity is the answer either. I admit that that was my initial reaction. But I've made far too many friends here to just up and leave and for all it's faults, I still believe RR is a great place. Those of us that know Brian, know that he could take things too far at times. I suppose he did that one too many times and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. There was definitely a love/hate relationship between he and the admin. I don't know the whole story so I won't get into it any more. I just say let's try and make this a place where we can share our art and ideas.

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

tvernuccio posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 9:17 AM

i have some things i want to say, but i have to go to work now. Richard...thank you for posting his email addy! :)

soulofharmony posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 10:04 AM

well sorry its a sad day.. banned from a p'graphy website.. for amateurs and beginners at that!!!... yes l guess dearest brian has emotional out bursts... publically but he has never ever offended me in any way at all, he made me laugh until cry... l think the ban is extremely childish... even tho l do respect admin for all the right reasons.. with the tos and protections and rules, and making RR a safe enviroment......but banning Tedz who infact was a harmless old fart is ridiculous, and banning a child from play school because it isnt potty trained...

Theres more going on a more serious note in R.R thats more serious than Tedz emotional outbursts.. which involves something more closer to home...ask why so many people have left of late or withdrawn from various activities with in the forum and gallery..!!!and you,ll find it isnt connected in anyway to brian... when l first came to R.R had full enjoyment.. saddly thats now over!!!! wont be the same.....

again full respect for admin.. and the site as a professional organisation and alway believed in it.. but isnt tedz who.. needed bring to heel...:))) if ever hes allowed back in to R.R lm prepared to take 100 per cent responsiblity for the Guy.. why.. because as a woman he has my full trust and respect.. :))) salute...

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 10:09

I Discovered the secret of the sea in mediation upon the dewdrop ... Sand and Foam Gibran

<a href="">Visit My Website</a>

cajolargo posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 10:13 AM

TwoPynts, you're right, of course: going away in rage is never a solution. and maybe Brian is laughing at all this noise. and RR is a great place. But, is the word for RR is "community", then I can not agree to manage it following love/hate: if there is a reason for banning such a precious mind, well, at least I would like to know it. I repeat here what I wrote in comments: ART IS NOT A CANDY! biggest artists of the history were colleric, deviant, sexually ambiguous, unpolite, dirty and so on: but genial! to me, ethic is the point here. does only well-mannered people fits for RR? if yes, I'm not sure to be interested in remaining logged. Claudio (sorry for my poor english)

cynlee posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 10:22 AM

those who were close to the situation will understand.. or should.. some of it was a private affair & will not be discussed in public.. how it was handled by admin was done so in what they thought was best & is outlined in what is considered proper conduct in the terms of service.. it is not our place to demand the details.. i agree it is tragic & a big loss to the community.. i was probably the closest to him.. just know he is adjusting & would not want this turning into a brawl & appreciates your concern

cajolargo posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 10:27 AM

ok I get it - thanks Cynlee. I do not want to dig into private. but why "permanent"?

soulofharmony posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 10:49 AM

lovely dedication cindy... heart felt and meant.. and have full respect for your situation.. massive hugs... :))) Nikki..

I Discovered the secret of the sea in mediation upon the dewdrop ... Sand and Foam Gibran

<a href="">Visit My Website</a>

Margana posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:07 AM

Well-said Cindy. I just think it is the nature of the artist to crave total freedom of expression and abhor any form of censorship.I believe that is why so many here are outraged. Unfortunately ,we must all bear in mind,we are part of a community here,and ALL communities need some form of structure.That is only achieved with guidelines,and yes,restrictions on some behaviors.If everyone was allowed to do just as he pleased,this site would be in total chaos. I will miss Brian,perhaps as much as the next person,but I think the drama,the threats of leaving,etc. are missing the point of Brian's art.Brian was at his most effective when he expressed himself through his art,with wonderful wit and great intellect.If people want to honor him,they should try to learn from him.We have a wonderful medium of expression available to us in photography,and we can use it as he did,not only to make 'pretty pictures',but also as a perfect venue for social commentary.And that can be even more effective,if done with subtlety and intelligence... It pays to remember,a picture can indeed be worth a thousand words...Brian knows that...If we want to truly honor him,then we should allow his fine work,the work we were fortunate enough to have seen here at Rendorosity,exist now as inspiration and motivation to all of us. Marlene

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

ModestyB posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:33 AM

Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! What is going to be better with leaving? I sertainly will miss U Michelle.....cant we ask the staf to reconsider instead...well, as Brian said LOL!!! Hes sometimes a pain in the Arse :) LOL again... but I think its a great loss to bann him for ever here...but I think it's a great loss if all U others leave to :( I miss him very much................& Yes, it is tragic & a big loss to the community!!! But I cant understand why banned 4 ever? salute

LostPatrol posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:35 AM

OK Im sooooooooooooo out of touch its not even funny, I had no idea that Tedz had been banned, I know hes not been uploading but just though he was taking a break, thats what I do now and then. I dont know the details, but I always enjoyed his work, especially the way he addresses real issues, IMO to remove him is a bad judgment call, I just dont get it! This is bad news and another blow to Rosity not much else I can add realy. DUH stupid just stupid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Democracy, anyone remember that? I know Rosity your site your rules Doesnt mean I have to agree.

The Truth is Out There

TwoPynts posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:35 AM

Well said Marlene. SALUTE!

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

ModestyB posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:37 AM

I know Cindy....but...still.....4 ever its sad....

Margana posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:40 AM

Thanks Kort.You too.

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

Zacko posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:45 AM

Attached Link:

Ditto Kort...well said indeed Marlene. I think i stated enough of my POV as it is in my upload today. P.S. Not spamming for comments since im not allowing them. I just wanted to share my opinion in this matter.

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 11:48

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

Zacko posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:51 AM

LOL...did i just spam an upload of mine??? Ooops....yesterdays statement is suddenly starting to flash before my eyes, LOL. tongueout.gif Live as you learn as you learn....sigh....

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 11:52

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

Margana posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 12:02 PM

I saw your upload Andreas,and I think it's really great you did that. I sincerely hope people will take the trouble to click on your link and see it.That needed to be said,and I think your 'POV' is one many should bear in mind.Well said,swedie.

Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

"A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again." - Jay Leno

cynlee posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 12:11 PM

Tedz has asked his email be removed from this thread..
my apologies azy..
please respect his wishes

& thank you Andreas, Marlene & to all of you for trying to be mature about this as upsetting as it is i am sorry to see him banned permanently too really wish it hadn't happened

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 12:17

ModestyB posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:12 PM

Well said & U're right Marlene.... I'm not gonna leave this place either...Kort :) I love this place..have learned a lot and made some really great friends.. & I know Cindy...U're the PDA....... pkpkpkpkpkpkpkpk

azy posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 1:35 PM

I think I'm going to take a break from the forum as I feel something is not right, the wool is being pulled over our eyes. Oh the irony of it all My apologies to Tedz about the E-mail address "foot in mouth".

Eggiwegs! I would like... to smash them!

jcv2 posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 2:51 PM

Sadly taking notice of something as definitive as banning a special member I want to add my little 2 cents. I still have problems understanding the world of grown ups and all these things are far beyond my limited comprehension. Would there ever have been a society on this world understanding artists? Well, all kind of thoughts run through my mind. Perhaps a nice idea for some SF moviemaker: The planet of the Artists! Well, anyhow. I really hope and pray things will get better for Brian. I cannot and will not (even try to) judge him or his deeds, but I wish turns will turn into better directions for him and those who love him.

OldFaithful posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 2:55 PM

The finest SALUTE for a fine artist. The fact that we all miss him is a sign of how special he is. Manly hugz to all

Radlafx posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 3:06 PM

Attached Link:

Please Check out the links. they lead to tedz work and interview.

Message edited on: 01/17/2006 15:09

Question the question. Answer the question. Question the answer...

I wish I knew what I was gonna say :oP

Misha883 posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 6:24 PM

I tried posting this yesterday, but site kept crashing: "Sigh I have not stopped back here much myself. Somewhat p-'d off, but mostly just old and searching around for something more meaningful. Everyone moves on. In the last couple of years Tedz Gallery has been a ray of refreshing light. I'll admit that I had misjudged him at first; not understanding the whole "High Commander" thing, and upset that he seemed to be polking fun at that poor half-blind kitty. But over the years I learned better. His gentle understanding and sense of humor will be missed. Manly Hugz to Brian, and to you, Dear Cindy."

UKmac posted Tue, 17 January 2006 at 11:36 PM

As I said way up in this thread, One thing to ban the person, but not his art. I thought this was a ART community, Mmmm. So Admin have blocked/banned Tedz, but his art was ART, so why remove it.... Yes I Know Cindy you said it part of the process, but removing an art gallery because he has upset Admin, assume, is depriving the whole community of some wonderful art work as a reference for the present and future members. I learned a lot from his work and I think new members could also, Admin stick to your guns with the ban if you wish, BUT PLEASE RE_INSTATE THE GALLERY. I could say more, but I shall not. Enough said. Steve Mc P.S. I hope Admin read all these comments in this thread, WAKEY WAKEY......

cajolargo posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 6:46 AM

that's all folks! I'm quitting RR I do not agree with the decision of banning Tedz and his art. rules are only rules - it depends how one uses it. I had six good months here, a nice experience. it's not my goal to worsen the athmosphere. now sailing to other shores. ciao to everybody Claudio

Zacko posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 7:11 AM

Good luck to you Claudio. Ive enjoyed your stay with us, and hopefully youll turn that ship around and come back some day.

Now.....Can we please just leave this behind us already??? This last day Ive lost count of all the folks saying theyre leaving RR cause of this episode.. Ive seen people encouraging eachother to quit this place in honor of a fallen friend. But....the thing i dont get is this: They all claim to be such great friends with Tedz and what not....but neither one of them wasnt even aware of him being banned. And nobody knows for what reason hes not around anymore, nor how to get in contact with him. Whats up with that? Can it be that these people just need a reason to rant??? Ive seen people bitching and moaning about how awful this is....and 5 minutes later i (ME??!!) get an IM from them asking why he even got banned. I dont know why!!! And neither do they obviously, but still they complain. I do know though that most of us are feeling frustrated at times for different reasons, the speed of this site is one of them. It doesnt help however staying this negative? So whos with me in moving on, and have some fun fun fun already!!!! #:o)

Message edited on: 01/18/2006 07:16

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

ModestyB posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 7:28 AM

Cindy KNOWS HIM BEST OF US ALL!!!!! & Shes still here!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with U Andreas :) PUssgurka ;) I still love My Tender High Comander & gonna keep him close.. & Hope some day to visit him as well .....after robbing that bank...LOL!!!!!!! BIG PUSS & KRAM!!!!!!!!!!

vlaaitje posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 7:46 AM

Zacko: Your words says it all, I AM TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU !!!! I have good I will have fun....because tomorrow I will have a visitor for 7 day's, so that's real fun, I bet !!!! Hunting in Ilona

Ilona Krijgsman: My Tree Of Life

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 9:33 AM

Attached Link:

did you happen to see kort's upload????????..

to all of you!
for real!!!!!!!!
i can assure you!!!

Brian & I talked about this before..
can you imagine his own website!???
no censors.. he can post his pictures
& best of all say whatever he likes!!!


think of the traffic!..
your own personal morning mantra to log into..
enjoy a laugh.. admire the brilliance..
& think about whatever words of wisdom he may leave
to go with your morning coffee

with a place to comment too!!

He could really be famous! this could be just the ticket!

so who will build him this website? hmmmmmmmm it'd have to be wacky, colorful & fun! :]

Message edited on: 01/18/2006 09:36

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:00 AM

& look what happened to Howard Stern! do you really think he would've survived here??? & now he has his own satellite even! we can make this happen!!! :]

Onslow posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:21 AM

Unfortunately I do not have the skills to help - but I wish him all the best with this endeavour. I said to him at the start of this series of unfortunate events: "Perhaps you will use this opportunity to find new paths and be the better for it." and I really hope that is so.

And every one said, 'If we only live,
We too will go to sea in a Sieve,---
To the hills of the Chankly Bore!'
Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live;
Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a Sieve.

Edward Lear

tvernuccio posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:31 AM

since my last post i wrote was deleted, let me just say i echo was Azy said. something does not feel right here, and i, too, feel like the wool is being pulled over our eyes. Claudio, i wish you all the best. it's been a pleasure to view your most beautiful and creative images! :)

ModestyB posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:35 AM

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Thomas, my armourbearer & I have thought about that :) BIG SMILE :) Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:36 AM

well i don't know what Sheila & Azy are going on about.. just what wool is that & by whom? do you think i am being insincere & did not do what i could to keep Tedz? & Sheila.. all 3 of your posts in this thread are here.. nothing of yours was deleted :( i am really excited about this new website for Tedz!! can you feel it?? & you want to dump more cold water.. THINK! of the possibilities!! come oooon promotion.. marketing.. word of mouth! maybe a book even.. autographed.. have to charge though.. Cds? you guys want to support him? let's promote his site!!!!!!!!!! when he gets it.. & he will get it!

TwoPynts posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:37 AM

I would do it if I had the time, but alas, I don't. Maybe Doug? lol. BTW, thanks for spamming my gallery for me cyn. ((big wink)) Brian wanted me to pass that message along to you all. He is doing well and still here in spirit. Let's get past any ugliness and recriminations and on with the creativity. SALUTE

Kort Kramer - Kramer Kreations

L8RDAZE posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:46 AM

According to Korts gallery post and TEDZ transmission, It appears Brian has "come to terms" with the whole issue and plans to move on! Out of respect for his wishes (again referring to the comments at the link in message #56 above) maybe we should stop reopening these wounds and allowing this to continue or fester. It's time to heal...don't ya think? Nuff said!

pimbotin posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 10:48 AM

Still here in spirit... ??? Hmmmm.... Hmmmm.... Yes I see.. A kind of Jedi, actually. Still commanding and talking with us even after his assassination by the ennemy incquisitors!! So his new commandments are "stay cool, don't protest"... Hey Commander!!! If you're here, if you hear me, I want you to know that, for a change, your froggish scribe won't obey!!! No I won't!!! I'm angry, I don't accept this dictatorship and I want to let anybody know it! But I'm happy you're doing well, Sir Guacamole! etulas. Your scribe forever...

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:01 AM

i suppose i could go back to moping & feeling responsible.. what could've i done, should've.. :( would luv to reverse time & try again.. well.. i have a PC HD to wipe clean & box up & use as a trade-in on a new one.. & other stuff to do.. my little laptop can't keep up with all this..

pimbotin posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:08 AM

Responsible??? Sorry dear but this thread is quite much too long for me, I don't want to read it entirely. What do you mean? Is it the kind of feeling we all have when someone we love suddenly disappears? We all feel responsible for something even if we haven't done anything. Responsible to have not done anything, maybe? Or do you mean that YOU are the "Judas" who sold our hero to the ennemy? No.... I can't believe that, texan lady! Tell me this is not true...

Zacko posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:09 AM

Oooh ooooh oooooh!!! I have a wild suggestion. Lets say...yeah i know its a bit controversial...but.....what if someone actually locked this thread down? Im nr 66 in this thread now...and nothing good will come out of all this negativitism...if thats even a word. Okay? Just my suggestion...cause im getting tired of getting ebots thats gonna bring me down. You have done nothing wrong Cindy and nor has Doug. So just cause the mods are "the visible ones" doesnt make it right to hang them in public. Moving on......

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

Zacko posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:10 AM

Edit that...i was number 67...and 68. #:oP

How come we say 'It's colder than hell outside' when isn't it realistically always colder than hell since hell is supposed to be fire and brimstone?


Mystic Pic

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:11 AM

oh GAWWWWWWWWD.. whatever floats your boat.. Tedz is responsible for himself & his own actions & words I am not his keeper! can we pleeeeeeeeeeease get over it already if you feel you need someone to blame by all means.. if there was something i could've done to change the course of events i would've!

soulofharmony posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:24 AM

well brillaint news tedz .. having his own website.. and yes will be promoted..

Its a well known fact within the professional circles of the Arts . media broadcasting .. creative intellectual talented people are the hardest of all to manage..!!! Plus only have to read biographys etc.. creativity can not be controlled..
10 years ago B.B.C made many technical creative people redunant in the uk.. after rejecting the opportunity to go digital and satelite broadcasting. saying it will never work..
A failing satelite net work in the uk.. took on all the rejected creativity.. and talent.. 10 years on those people and company have become the most successful media co operation in the uk.. with a sister company in the U.S.A.. and australia..(( owner of the company rupert murdock))) what ever the blah blah on large successful companies.. built on all heightly creative folk.. some of whom couldnt be controlled by Aunt Beeb !!!...

Rejected Talent can often blossom.. in to mighty oaks trees..
and l can tell you this.. l know links eventually no promises .. Tedz website can be viewed.. winks !!!

wtG for tedz.. brillaint news... meant to say now the B.B.C have to pay.. this satelite company to broadcast on the digital net work !!!

Message edited on: 01/18/2006 11:38

I Discovered the secret of the sea in mediation upon the dewdrop ... Sand and Foam Gibran

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tvernuccio posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:43 AM

Cindy, well, i'm glad to know my post was not deleted. hmmm...perhaps i hit preview post instead of post. you asked if i thought YOU were being insincere, Cindy. Why in the world would i think that, Cindy?????????????? On the contrary, i think you tried very hard to keep him here. Cindy, you said you don't know what i'm going on about.'s just a feeling. I FEEL like something is not right here. It's just an instinctual feeling. I am not gonna go around singin' Zippidy Doo Dah just because many of ya'all think it's time to FEEL BETTER about the situation! Sorry, i DON'T feel BETTER about what has happened. i don't understand any of it! I can't say that Tedz was a "friend." We exchanged a few IM's and letters and that's it. But you know, during those exchanges and from seeing his gallery and his comments, i really came to like Brian as a person. Obviously, i am not alone in that. His art...well...i've always been in awe. Anyway, i did contact Brian and received a letter from him this morning. i still feel something is not right here. that's how i feel, and now that i've had some sleep, i will decide if RR is still a place i want to be involved in. Andreas, as for negativity...sorry buddy, but i am not gonna go around pretending to be all happy and smiley when i'm very unhappy that Tedz is gone for LIFE from this place.

ModestyB posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 11:49 AM

OOOOOOOOOO MY GOD rolling eyes Philippe U have NO idea what has happened!!!!!! Cut the crap!!!!!!!! Dont attack CIndy!!!!! That pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets do something great instead!! Yes We build a hompage 4 Brian!!!!!!!! End this tread..... I agreeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cynlee posted Wed, 18 January 2006 at 12:10 PM

one of the reasons i live as secluded as i do is because i end up taking on people's thoughts & feelings.. call it empathy.. it's just the way i have been programmed.. & sometimes i feel i can not hold it all, more then i can bare.. i let it out in art & try to turn the negative into something positive.. & i do realize deep down i am not responsible for the world's problems & i have to let it go or drown forever..

since i started this thread i suppose i shall end it..
a shame really as my intentions were good

call it censorship if you like, abuse of power
but as requested this is locked..
& now we can all go off.. leave the site & never return if that's what you feel you must or try & support each other in yet another trying time..

i do want to thank those who have tried to see light at the end of the dark tunnel.. now.. will you try & have a good day??.. i know i will..

Message edited on: 01/18/2006 12:19