Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: Poser Python Wish List

Mason opened this issue on Mar 23, 2001 ยท 138 posts

Mason posted Fri, 23 March 2001 at 9:51 PM

Are you wanting a script to do something useful or cool and hoping someone will write one, or are you a script writer looking for something cool to write? Enter a detailed request below of what kind of script you would like to see and maybe someone else on the forum might find time to write it. There are no promises that anyone can or will write any of these but, since there are so many ideas floating around, this link can act as a central clearing house for script requests and ideas.

mocap posted Sat, 24 March 2001 at 10:05 AM

Is it possible to write a poser python script the will automate lipsinc by reading a sound file on the Macintosh since there will be no mimic for the Mac??

loop posted Sat, 24 March 2001 at 9:53 PM

midi control of sliders in poser would be nice

gryffnn posted Sun, 25 March 2001 at 7:09 AM

I don't know much about Python (beyond that it's going to enable some amazing things to be done with Poser) but think this wish is a fairly simple variation on the built-in utilities scripts: it would be super-useful to have a script/button that would pop up a list of morph dials on the selected body part and their current settings. It would save a ton of scrolling up and down the dials, especially when you're exporting a morph and need to make sure everything else is at zero, to avoid doubling an effect. Sometimes there's a very low setting that reads as zero on the dial, or you've had to give the dial a name that's long enough to obscure the reading. And we would be able to cut and paste such a list for a record of how a character was morphed. Not a flashy project, but would probably get used a lot and make life easier for us. Hoping one of you thinks this is worth your time!

afish posted Mon, 02 April 2001 at 2:18 AM

...don't know if this would be possible but... a script that would copy a morph from one side of the body to the other side, for example, left thigh to right thigh. MT Mirror does this for the face but it doesn't do it for separate body parts like the limbs. Thanks, amber

Mason posted Mon, 02 April 2001 at 8:32 PM

That's almost definitly not feasible. The face can be done since its basically one geometry and all that's happening is the right side vertices are being replaced with left side vertices. Fot a left arm to right arm transfer that would be almost impossible since both are seperate geometry parts. If you want to reflect an MT for say the left forearm so it mirrors the MT already in the left forearm then that can be done. MTs are very vertex order, numebr and position sensitive. The left arm just amy not have the same # of vertices the right one has or the left may have its vertices recorded in a different order so an right arm MT would move the wrong vertices or the actual postions of each vertex in the left arm maybe reflectivily different so when the MT is applied it may create unwanted results (dimples instead of buldges). Hope that helps. Keep them ideas coming though and thanks for participating.

pack posted Fri, 11 May 2001 at 3:01 PM

I request some universal command that work on each frame of an animation. Examples- 1)drop to floor- range of frames or all frames. 2)A way to import matireals (ie scalp, side face)from 1 cr2 to another 3)A way to rein in wayward spline extrapolations that go wacko between keyframes of an animation I had some others but forgot.

pack posted Sun, 13 May 2001 at 6:39 PM

Oh yea, Now I remember. 4) a way to turn off bend for all body parts 5)Compress all PZ3 files into PZZ compressed format automatically like during the evening hours. 6) a way to take all maps in a PZ3 & put them in one folder.

TJ posted Tue, 29 May 2001 at 6:21 PM

I downloaded the face randomizer by Bushi , awesome , I love it , would there be a body randomizer in the works by any chance , especially one for Vicki2 ??

bushi posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 12:42 AM

TJ - I've been thinking about a body randomizer. I think a first step would be a little script that would set the 'superhero' MT dials to the same value for all parts that have the MT. That would save a bunch of time instead of having to set each one seperately. I'd probably use a slider running from -1.0 to 1.0 and an alternate function to set a random value. What do you think?

TJ posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 8:12 AM

That would definitely be a time saver. Sounds like a great idea, Im just now beginning to use these python scripts, and their awesome :-)

rengelbr posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 1:53 PM

Hi I was surfing the site and came upon the Python Poser section. Is there more info on how Python is used to interface with Poser. I know Python from Linux, but have never thought to use it for something as Poser

TJ posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 4:17 PM

Python is part of the pro pack that is a addon for poser, you can read more about it at the curious labs site.

littlefox posted Sun, 10 June 2001 at 4:14 PM

Well I'm not certain if this is possible but I thought I'd toss it out here and see if anyone could help. I'm looking for a way to transfer the 'joints' in poser to 'bones' in Lightwave. While the plugin for PoserPro allows you to import all your hard work from Poser into Lightwave, it removes all information about bones and leaves you with a solid lump (which moves by morphs) that you have to regroup and fight with to make it then work with sasquatch and the cloth programs (which doesn't understand morphs but does understand movement)..... this is a real nightmare, especially considering the 'joints' themselves are already defined and Lightwave's specs are publicly available...... HELP!?!?

mcpcrae posted Wed, 13 June 2001 at 9:37 PM

Is it possible to write a poser python script that will do batch rendering of Poser pz files? Similar to the function in Raydream?

bushi posted Thu, 14 June 2001 at 1:32 AM

littlefox - You might want to post a message that has the locations for the docs you refered to so folks can take a look. It would really help in getting an answer to your question. paulgregory & mcpcrae - Could you flesh this out a little? From what I understand you'd like to give a script a list of files and have Poser render them. That doesn't say anything about how you see this happening. What does it do with the files after they're rendered, where does it go to get the files to render, where does it get the settings for the renders, that kind of stuff. Some details would help quite a bit. As with most things programmatic, all of these are probably do-able. It just depends on how much time and effort have to be expended to reach the goal.

mcpcrae posted Thu, 14 June 2001 at 6:23 PM

Yes. Pretty much ditto what paulgregory is saying. Thanks.

littlefox posted Thu, 14 June 2001 at 7:12 PM

The info should be on then select developer's hub. That's where you'll find the publically available specs for how objects, scenes, scripts and so forth work. Basically all I'm looking for is something that can take the poser hiearchy/grouping into Lightwave as bones or skelegons.... the current setup imports it as a solid object with no groups and no understanding of the poser joints.

markdc posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:22 PM

Attached Link:

paulgregory, For some reason there is a script to do this with flash, but not avi. Why they did that I have no idea. Very frustrating. The MoveMaker class only seems to be able to render flash so we can't write our own script.

the3dwizard posted Mon, 16 July 2001 at 12:39 PM

Script to take a set of obj's and apply them to their corresponding objects on a figure as morph targets. Automatically give each morph target the same name. Perhaps this could be qued by the name of the morph file, i.e. large_rshldr. Script would load all morph files out of a directory then sort and assign based on part of the file name. This would sure help when making full body morphs! Random copies of an object, prop or figure. For example, My idea is if you have a square that you have a transparency tree mapped to it you could make a forest. Select the prop. Script would have menu for number of copies, random seed, rnd elevation on/off, (off they would all have the same elevation, y ), -z direction only on/off (all copies would be behind the prop if this is on, rnd height and width, (% of prop size, ie. +/- 5%) 0% would be no variation. If anyone actually does these I sure would like a copy :)

DraX posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 12:33 PM

I'd like to see a script to automatically save out MAT and MOR poses.

sturkwurk posted Tue, 11 September 2001 at 6:45 AM

I'd like to see a Magnet Mirror... to copy a magnet from one side to the other side of a figure or object. (similar to symetrical functions) Morph Mirror... and a Prop copy function.

I came, I rendered, I'm still broke.

jamball77 posted Tue, 23 October 2001 at 11:22 PM

I have an idea for a script. Poser croaks when you have scenes with large numbers of characters, and props. Does anyone think it would be feasible to write a script that would sequentially turn on the visability opf each item in the scene and then render the scene/animation. Each sequence would have to be composited together after the renders were through.

DraX posted Tue, 23 October 2001 at 11:47 PM

Doug, I have finished a Magnet Mirror script, and I'm making that available soon... As soon as I figure out how Poser's engine handles geometries, I will be completing a prop mirror that not only mirrors a prop, but flips the vertices, too

Connatic posted Thu, 27 December 2001 at 10:43 AM

A Python script to flush selected or all textures from the materials requestor would be very useful.

markdc posted Tue, 08 January 2002 at 10:17 PM

Attached Link:

jamball, Please see attached link. This may be what you want.

Tomsde posted Sun, 20 January 2002 at 1:42 PM

I'd like a script that will flip objects and figures imported from Carrara into Poser to the orientation and scale. It anyone can write a script like this I'd even be willing to pay for it.

hughson posted Wed, 30 January 2002 at 9:47 AM

I would Like to see a script that puts a sequenced image files (movies) as a texture. I think it would be quite easy to do.Each frame would have to have a different texture map applied to it. this would save me lots of time.right now I have to load a texture map render scene then go the next frame-load the next sequenced image file,render again and again. When you do this for 1000 frames it quite tiring.

ofcourse if it is possible to have an avi as a texture it would be even cooler.

Oarman posted Tue, 05 February 2002 at 12:25 PM

I would love to see the following scripts. A script that would let me modify a mimic file. Sometimes the files need to have bigger lip movements (Cartoons), more blinks, more eye movements etc. Another scripts class that would be great is physics effects. It would be great to have Vicki walk around and have her hair flops automatically and correctly depending on her walk/run/head turns. This same idea on different body part (like her breast). This can also work for any large body part that should move when you do an animation. (I've seem this somewhere but it was just a specific model). I would also like to have one that took care of breathing effect, eye tracking/movements and other common thing a human may do (like sneezing, wheezing) - with control options. Oarman

Glen Wilson posted Mon, 18 February 2002 at 4:46 PM

Now I dont understand this python thingy one bit. But heres a 'wish' from me. As I composite a lot of my animations with bryce, wouldn't be great if the shadows would become part of the alpha channel? Then I could place some transparent objects around the scene that match the the bryce scene, then hey presto!. Shadows. Also, objects in the foreground that allow parts of the poser scene to be clipped off.

saxon posted Mon, 18 February 2002 at 4:52 PM

I'm wondering if it would be possible for a script to alter the IK's. I'd like to be able to move the goal up and down at will whilst animating. For example, from the feet to the thighs (for when a character is kneeling). Either that or some other way to pin a limb part in position, try animating a kneeling position and you'll see what I mean...

Xena posted Mon, 22 April 2002 at 2:46 AM

Is it possible (or already done) to have a script remove ALL magnets from a scene in one hit? I mag clothing and can sometimes have up to 30 magnets on one piece. Having to delete each one by hand is driving me bugshit.

micca posted Mon, 22 April 2002 at 12:40 PM

is it posibal to right a python script that wold morph/repalce a charitor in a sean while keeping size and pose/ motion . example woman running and then becoming a werewolf as she drops to all 4 feet

Montressor posted Mon, 22 April 2002 at 5:56 PM

The up-and-coming Montressor's Poser Aid actully has several displays like this - and you can cut/copy/paste. Anyone interested in being an Alpha (naw, it isn't even Beta yet) tester?

Here is a sample, copied from the list:

--------------- start of sample --------------------

#--- Figure:Figure 1

#---Actor Body

poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('Scale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('xScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('yScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('zScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('yRotate').SetValue('-0.0778781995177')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('xRotate').SetValue('-0.00994206033647')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('zRotate').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('xTran').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('yTran').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Body').Parameter('zTran').SetValue('0.0')

#---Actor Hip

poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('Taper').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('Scale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('xScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('yScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('zScale').SetValue('1.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('Twist').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('Side-Side').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('Bend').SetValue('0.0')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('xTran').SetValue('-3.0254798844e-007')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('yTran').SetValue('-0.00356700993143')
poser.scene.Figure('Figure 1').Actor('Hip').Parameter('zTran').SetValue('0.00275287008844')

------------------------ end of sample --------------------


Montressor posted Thu, 09 May 2002 at 11:02 PM

I would like to see the following: 1. A COM interface (I could do it from a REAL version of Python, rather than one from 1999) 2. A way to use a current version of Python. Say 2.2.1 I understand (from the folks up there) that there is no one there who knows how to do this. I humbly offer my services.

Rogue_Fighter posted Mon, 20 May 2002 at 2:30 PM

Hi all, I know this was already "wished for" by Pack, but I didn't find any replies or what.... well, my wish is the same; a way to take all maps in a PZ3 & put them in one folder Is something like this allready out there? Thx in advance. RF

hebdemnobad posted Thu, 23 May 2002 at 1:18 AM

Attached Link:

It would be cool to see some scripts that take a selected bone and then subject all the bone's children to transformations and keyframing that would result in undulating tentacles and whipping tentacles. I don't think that the math involved is too complicated. If there is someone out there that would like to churn out such scripts, I'll make some monsters groove to them. dan

deviliam posted Thu, 30 May 2002 at 7:59 AM

How about a Python script that will let you reduce the poly count of a figure so that the figure can be used in games. I usually end up doing this in 3DSMAX or Maya after importing the figure, but it would be nice if it could be done within Poser.

saxon posted Mon, 24 June 2002 at 4:18 PM

I was thinking: if y=0 then 0 if y=+n then ignore if y=-n then 0 which would keep the bloody feet on the floor and not going through it when I animate...

farbe posted Thu, 27 June 2002 at 4:39 PM

Well, I would like to make 3D computer games with Poser, I currently have Poser 3.0 with the 3.1. updater and hope to upgrade to Poser 4 soon, The Kind of game I wish to do would be a 3d r.t.s similar to Battlezone, with autoejecting pilot's and allowing A.I. and enemy pilots to get into and out of empty vehicles except mine would have Hover and hovercraft tanks, aircraft and spacecraft. The thing is, I don't really know Python all that well in a Gaming capacity and I am ony just started to learn some instructions, would it be possible to to this or even make a gaming engine? and is anybody interested in doing a gaming engine, because I am

saxon posted Mon, 12 August 2002 at 10:48 AM

I was thinking (again) if y (hip) is raised x amount then both feet rise x amount, then it would be much easier to clean up mo cap files (they often come in half way through the floor and this way the motion would be retained)). Also, how about constrain x or z trans for specified frames (again to clean up mo caps - they sometimes wander about) and come to think of it a way of catching errant frames would be good so if previous frame = x and present frame = bloody hell! and subsequent frame = x + 2 then present frame = x + 1 Just a thought...

dorand posted Mon, 26 August 2002 at 10:52 AM

How about a Render-across-a-network option (kinda like Bryce5 can do... perhaps even tile-render optimization

doldridg posted Mon, 16 September 2002 at 8:38 AM

What I see a need for is a script to calculate and either display or insert in the Render Options the distance from the current camera to the selected object in P5 for the depth of field setting. Anyone? If I knew which variables to use, I'd script it myself. My Python skills are a tad rusty since I shut down my last OS/2 system in 2000.

bushi posted Mon, 16 September 2002 at 4:34 PM

@doldridg - Interesting idea. I'll take a look and see if I can come up with something that'll work for this.

CGArtDesigns posted Tue, 01 October 2002 at 5:46 PM

This may be a simple script, but since I have zero programming skills in Python, how about a script that can delete all of the lights in one shot? ^_^

c1rcle posted Wed, 09 October 2002 at 4:36 AM

Attached Link:

bushi already did it, it's called lights out, check the freebie section of his site

KiDAcE posted Tue, 22 October 2002 at 7:05 PM

A script that can conform clothes to the correct shape and size of the poser figure? You know...a script to make Vic's clothes fit one of her morphed sisters. I guess something along the line of "auto sizing interchangable clothes" so Vic can wear P4 and P4 can wear Vic's etc. Is that possible in Poser?

who3d posted Wed, 30 October 2002 at 4:41 AM

A script which renders from fram A to frame B of an animation. this allows for rendering small parts of an animation after updates (instea dof the whole thing) or completing an animation wher ePsoer has crashed (provided one renders to bitmaps of course - rendering to .avi's doesn't leave any recovery option tha tI know of). I really need this so if no-one can help I'm gonna hafta learn enough Poser Python to attempt it myself . Cheers, Cliff Bowman

phoenix4 posted Wed, 27 November 2002 at 1:27 AM

I script that would work out the correct DOF settings for your scene would be good for rendering.

rross128 posted Fri, 29 November 2002 at 8:57 AM

Well, I doubt it's even remotely possible, but here's what I want. When I make something, say an outfit for Vicki, I hate going throw the long process of splitting in the group editor. I want a script that will automatically group at the approximate edges. Even if it was close, then I'd have something to go by in UV editor. I don't know anything about Python, but I've seen it do some impressive things, so that's my wish. Me

saxon posted Sun, 08 December 2002 at 4:30 AM

Just for the damned thing to work in Poser 5...

c1rcle posted Sun, 08 December 2002 at 7:24 AM

I second that :( it's still missing important parts even after sr2.1

mountainmaster posted Sun, 12 January 2003 at 10:21 AM

A script for Poser 5 that checks a scene for bumpmap textures connected to the Gradient_Bump node, if they are .bum files leaves them there, if they are .jpg's connects them to the Bump node. Also an option to divide the original value by a value to be specified. This is necessary because the effect is much stronger in the Bump node (about 4 to 10 times depending on the bumpmap). Getting sick and tired of doing that manually after applying MAT poses. Would that be possible?

iggy23 posted Wed, 15 January 2003 at 5:52 AM

a script for Vic3 that automatically uninjects all unused morphs. example: you load v3, inject all head morphs and all body morphs. then get to work on a character. when you are finished, you may have only used a handful of the morph dials. you could then run a script that uninjects (or hides) all morph dials that have a value of 0 (ie are unused). then you could save the character with just the used morphs. don't know if its possible, but it would be handy.. and if you could write it before i buy vic3 at the end of the month that would be even better.... kidding... ;)

andygraph posted Thu, 16 January 2003 at 6:57 AM

"Modelmap" python script: would be a python script for create real (modify of mesh) displacement, on any body part or on all body character from texture UV mapped !! for create the personal morph targets ;-) for Macintosh and pc Andygraph

who3d posted Wed, 19 March 2003 at 11:18 AM

How about a python script (if one that I can't find doesn't already exist) to save all props in a nominated folder? Or to go one better - to "spawn props" from an object (usually an imported .OBJ in my case) and then delete it, and save all the props in a nominated folder? Using object name as the file name, obviously, and experting as .OBJ files...

Odiemanc posted Sun, 23 March 2003 at 7:04 AM

My M2 Morphs Collection.cr2 is 90MBs. As I get into a .pz3 I get closer or farther from certain sets of MTs. A Python to delete the MTs I'm not using, all those at 0, would be useful. It it could provide the option to do any part individually an entire figure, or scene! I think it would make for a great timesaver. The process this would replace would be to Combine All Morphs, in Morph Manger, and then delete all others. I've asked the author of MM4, Mr. X, to add this to the application, a couple of times, but havn't heard back from him. We may still see it from the application, he's taken my ideas up before, allthough we may need to remind him some. Hey how come Ockham still is'nt in this thread? Admin. should entice him in here for sure. He is another community member that has donated much of his time to my theories. Thanks for all of the support, hopefully we can all make our character scenes transfer a bit faster this now.

smokingbevel posted Mon, 31 March 2003 at 2:49 AM

If such is yet unavailable, or scarcely available, or barely obtainable, I may make an attempt at implementing solutions to the following reoccuring problems:

customized automatic figure(character/geom) recreation from "static", "character-specific" morphs, w/ retention of "dynamic", "actionable" morphs;
quick configurable smart-poly (lod) reduction;
reasonable partially-complete solution to unacceptable directory structure mishandling;

Any advice, suggestions, criticisms, sources, or other submissions may be welcome.

note: dehitch, freeware in java, which smart scans a given prop, character, hand, hair, etc., file, and returns an editable external reference list, is partially complete...(user options for portion which recursively searches and/or modifies external reference paths for dependant files, in selected directories are somewhat undef)


Odiemanc posted Mon, 31 March 2003 at 3:33 AM

smokingbevel - I like your Customized Automatic Figure Recreation idea. I just posted a request in this forum for such a utility, that would Spawn/Combine Morphs and/but then turn around and delete all others(Save facial Expressions, etc.)

FishNose posted Mon, 28 April 2003 at 7:31 AM

I could really use a variation on the 'Lights Out' script - one that allows me to specify which lights (or which range of lights) to delete, rather than every single one. :] Fish

ockham posted Tue, 29 April 2003 at 12:38 AM

I just added 'Delete' to my big light panel script, which includes a selector list. It's in freestuff/utilities under "P5 and P4 Light Changer" or some such.

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FishNose posted Wed, 30 April 2003 at 4:28 AM

Wowee! Thanks, I'm off - :] Fish

ockham posted Wed, 30 April 2003 at 9:07 AM

Maybe somebody should start a Wish List part 2 that would be easier to spot new entries.......

My python page
My ShareCG freebies

paupert posted Tue, 20 May 2003 at 2:19 PM

not only a wish > a dream The title: MIDI2poser I have sean some works between Python and MIDI protocol and one to send MIDI to blender. It' ll be a wpndrefull thing to convert MIDI information to poser parameter or data. Imagine move a potentioeter to move a part of a figure or also synchronise racvtion to a musical part.. I know well MID, a little poser and nothing in python developpemnt. may be anybody could wrtite this project...

solly posted Mon, 01 September 2003 at 5:47 PM

How about a script that would allow selected body
parts to join an inverse kenetic chain? Lock a hand,
pull the whole figure, and the chest or abs will bend
rather than pull the hand out of position.

JeffH posted Wed, 03 September 2003 at 11:16 PM

You know turn all the material shaders to texture maps when exporting the model from Poser 5.

Or bake them without exporting..who knows.

Can this be done?

This is something I would pay for in the RMP.


DominiqueB posted Tue, 16 September 2003 at 7:27 AM

While struggling with modelling body morphs for a piece of M3 clothing, I started thinking about how much easier it is to fit a garment on a character that is spawned with magnets since you apply the magnets to the garments and voila. I then started wondering if the process couldn't be reversed engineered so to speak. Could morphs which I believe are just vertice offset information be translated back into magnets which could then be saved and applied to the garments eliminating the need to model all these morphs into the garments?

Dominique Digital Cats Media

pack posted Wed, 01 October 2003 at 10:15 PM

I am hoping to export Poses from within any particular Poses folder (make folder name optional/choosable from a menu of existing Pose folders, or a path name)) from in the Pose library, & export the Pose sequence as a bvh file. Perhaps with a couple frames in between each pose to avoid confusing Poser with too fast of changes.. Also using linear interpolation. The idea is to make the 10,000 or so cool poses available to other 3d animation programs, via the bvh format. regards, pack

numanoid posted Sat, 04 October 2003 at 7:41 PM

Not sure if this is useful or in the right forum, but I have been experimenting and dicovered the following. If you apply the walk designer, and you get a spastic leg jerk in some frames, the way to fix this is as following: Turn on IK, set shin side to side to 0, then select thigh side to side and turn the dial, it doesn't matter how far you turn it, becuase the IK prevents it changing, and then turn off IK again. The spastic leg jerk is then gone. The problem is you have to do this fooevery frame in which the leg jerk or twitch happens. Is there an easier way to fix this, or has someone written a script to fix this.

ockham posted Fri, 10 October 2003 at 11:18 AM

Here's a quickie that should do the job. It acts only at current frame, so you would find the frame where the jerk happens and activate the script. I rigged it to include both left and right sides; if you need to have separate left-only and right-only scripts, you can just duplicate the file and eliminate the L and R stuff respectively. I think you know the drill for downloading the attached MESSAGE####: rename to before using.

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numanoid posted Fri, 10 October 2003 at 5:44 PM

Thank you. Very much appreciated.

Trawler posted Thu, 08 January 2004 at 12:39 PM

I've done a little bit of C++ and Java programming, but I don't know much about Poser or Python yet. So I have a question... I've been thinking about a pseudo-crowd-generator script for Poser. I think I can imagine the logic, but I'm not sure that Poser would allow me to do such a thing. My basic idea is to place one character in a scene with a specific walk path. Then the script would copy the figure a preset number of times, randomly altering the scale of each within a certain range, and alter their xTran and zTran randomly to spread them around. It would also copy the walk paths with the same off-sets as the figures. What I'd like to do is have a collection of similar figures, like men in battle armor, running across the screen.

What do you think? Sound absolutely crazy!!??

If anyone has any thoughts I'd value your opinions before I begin trying to tackle something like this.


ockham posted Thu, 08 January 2004 at 1:09 PM

Sure. Making multiple figures, and randomly modifying their scale is easy. You'd have to begin by setting up your figure complete with its clothing, and saving the entire package as a CR2. Let's assume you made such a figure, and stored it under Characters with the name Package.cr2. The walk-path would be more complicated, but still straightforward. Assuming you've given the "original" figure a walk animation, the script would set up a list of all relevant parameters on the original, then copy them to the other figures for each frame. The attached text file contains a fake script that should give you a starting point on the first part. I haven't tested it, but it should come close to working.

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Connatic posted Sun, 18 January 2004 at 10:07 AM

I wish there was a script to globally decrease or increase all shadow values for all the lights in a scene, preferably having the ability to enter the percentage of change in a field.

ockham posted Sun, 18 January 2004 at 12:33 PM

Attached Link:

I suspect this has been done before, but here's a quickie.

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My ShareCG freebies

Connatic posted Sun, 18 January 2004 at 12:56 PM

Thanks, Ockham!

shadownet posted Tue, 20 January 2004 at 4:50 PM

I'd like a script that did all my work for me so I could just lay in the bed, drink beer, and watch reruns of reruns of Gillians Island on tv. But I would settle for a script that saved the settings of any/all magnets (include base and zone settings) in use on a figure as a Pose file (with all channel info, like scale settings, etc., stored.) So I did not have to keep hacking the pp2 files. :O]

ockham posted Tue, 20 January 2004 at 4:55 PM

How about a script that lays in your bed and drinks your beer while you do all the work? The magnet settings would run into an obstacle. Python can read the parameter dials (channels) of magnets, bases, and zones, but the settings like falloff graphs and "affected parts" are not available.

My python page
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shadownet posted Tue, 20 January 2004 at 5:13 PM

That script you mentioned, it already exists. It is called "The Wife" I can get away with saying that, being single. Now you know why I am single. Bummer on the mag script, but thanks for letting me know it is not doable. I can, alas, abandon hope and return to the merry art of hacking the files in a text editor. :O)

ockham posted Tue, 20 January 2004 at 5:26 PM

I had a wife like that at one time. Now you know why I'm single! Magnets and joints are two important areas where Poser just won't let Python do very much.

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shadownet posted Tue, 20 January 2004 at 5:42 PM

Well there goes script wish number 2, a python to tweak jp settings on conforming clothing so that I do not have to spend hours, sometimes days, fiddling around trying to get the widest range and overall best pose settings possible.

ockham posted Wed, 21 January 2004 at 5:58 PM

Here it is, as an attached text file. I think it's self-explanatory. Get your magnets set up; activate the script; hit Go. It pops up a file dialog for your specific directory runtime/libraries/pose/!MAT-Pose Enter a name. When you hit OK, the pose file is saved. As I mentioned in IM, Poser doesn't like the taste of the resulting file, and gives an "invalid Poser file" error, but it applies the scale and other parameters anyway!

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shadownet posted Wed, 21 January 2004 at 6:28 PM

Thank you lots!

telezine posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 4:32 AM

Basically an extension of the delete lights scripts we all know and love. I can get it to load a specific lightset by path/name, but I want to be asked for the name so I can choose without having to edit the script every time. (1) Delete all lights (2) prompt user for light file to load (3) load chosen light file The reason I load lights this way is because I have a ton of light files that Poser has munged up so that shadowcams are absent for some/all lights. Conversely, a Py script to process a directory of light files to repair the missing shadowcams would also be nice.

ockham posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 12:10 PM

First idea is easy. Coming up in a few minutes. The repair of missing lights is impossible, unless you can identify exactly how the shadowcams are messed. If you can spot, say, three lines in the LT2 file that are always missing, then a mechanical edit might be possible, but I can't imagine how Python could do the detective work to find different kinds of errors!

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ockham posted Fri, 23 January 2004 at 12:29 PM

Okay, for what it's worth, here it is. Take the attached text file and rename it to, then see if it helps!

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telezine posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 4:28 PM

Nope. Poser refuses to save shadowmaps in light files, so only modifying the file itself or saving a new one manually behind Poser's back will work. I really want to strangle the numbskull responsible for this "feature"...

ockham posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 4:34 PM

I'm not surprised that it doesn't work! It was worth a try, though.

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Connatic posted Sat, 24 January 2004 at 5:58 PM

I raytrace my shadows. The shadowmaps/cams are unwieldy, consume vast resources, and are unpredictable compared to raytrace shadows. Set optimally, raytrace is actually faster to render.

telezine posted Sun, 25 January 2004 at 2:00 AM

Thank you Ockham, you're a real gem :) I wonder if perhaps taking advantage of the script-within-a-preset trick might work here? Save a blank light set that calls a light-creating Python script to do the actual placing of lights in the scene. No way for Poser to screw that up (fingers crossed). Connatic: Unfortunately, I need soft shadows. I agree with you about the shadowcams being unwieldy, but since I use them only when I need soft shadows, they don't really consume a lot of resources. I am actually glad that Poser's raytrace lights don't support soft shadows, because that would require a humongous amount of resources.

Connatic posted Mon, 26 January 2004 at 12:17 PM

Is this possible? Maybe several scripts revolving about the same idea - to switch off/on the "Smooth Polygons" selector for the objects, not the single one in the render options. so, "Off/On" Global for every figure/prop in the scene, and maybe "Off/On" Individual for every part of the selected Figure/Prop. I generally use the RenderOption to smooth, but then I only want my Human Figures to be smoothed, so I must manually uncheck the box for each part of each figure and prop. This can lead to scores of repetitious scrolling/clicking. A total pain in the butt, as Poser by default checks this box.

ockham posted Tue, 27 January 2004 at 8:31 AM

Attached Link:

(We discussed this by email. I'm posting the result here for others.)

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Connatic posted Tue, 27 January 2004 at 6:48 PM

Ockham, The script SmoothOnOff works wonderfully! It will be a great help to all P5 users. Thanks.

shadownet posted Sun, 08 February 2004 at 5:38 PM

@Ockham, just curious, having played around with your very cool group2morph script, I am wondering... Is it possible to have a python script that (1) either could match up the body groups in a figure with an ungrouped mesh - say a catsuit by getting the grouping tool to select polygons in the same general region on the mesh to a specific group. I.E. rCollar group on V2 to corresponding polygons on cat suit to make a rCollar group on Catsuit where known existed. Or (2) if that is not possible - which it probably is not - is it possible to have a script that would mirror my set up, say on the right side of a figure, i.e rCollar to lCollar, rThigh to lThigh, etc., so that if I used the grouping tool to make body groups on one side, it would duplicate these to the polygons on the other side? Yeah my techno jargon sucks, but hopefully you understand what I am asking.

ockham posted Sun, 08 February 2004 at 9:25 PM

The first is certainly possible but the results will be uneven. It would depend on how closely the source and target meshes match. If the catsuit is "sparse", the mechanical selection of nearest vertices will leave a lot to be desired. If the target is already somewhat similar to the source, it should work well. (I don't mean that the meshes are the same, just that they should have similar density.) The second is something I was already wishing for (sort of subliminally) every time I use the G2M tool. Thank you for putting it into words so I can make it work! But again it will depend on the quality of the mesh. If the mesh is not pretty nearly symmetrical, the mirror will be cracked!

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shadownet posted Sun, 08 February 2004 at 9:41 PM

Ockham, well even if it is not perfect, and I have to go back an tweak the groups a bit, it would be a great time saver. Also, your G2M tool has some great potential and I am really looking forward to seeing what all you can find to make it do. Rob

ockham posted Sun, 08 February 2004 at 9:53 PM

Tweaking: Okay, that makes sense. Correcting a few is still easier than trying to find a thousand, in the red-black world of the grouping tool!

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shadownet posted Sun, 08 February 2004 at 10:40 PM


Virus posted Mon, 26 April 2004 at 1:24 AM

A script that allows you to make an object to follow a path? Not like the walk designer that it just can be used in x and z axis, this scripts needs to allow you to use the y axis? Guess this could be cool :) Thanks

SAL9000 - Hello Dr. Chandra, Will I've dream?

Puntomaus posted Tue, 27 April 2004 at 2:46 AM

A script for P5 that automatically disconnects the bump maps from the gradient node and plugs then into the bump node - maybe with an entry field for changing the bump value or something that already changes the values to the approbiate bump value (ie 1 at gradient channel to 0.05 for the bump channel). It is a pain to do all of this manually in the material room.

Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian Assange

msg24_7 posted Tue, 27 April 2004 at 4:32 AM

@Puntomaus You can do that using MatPoseEdit. ( ) There is an option to convert P4 Mat Poses to P5 Mat Poses, even in batch mode. As far as I remember you can change the settings for the bump channel as well. Just remeber to back up your pz2 files ;-)

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Puntomaus posted Wed, 28 April 2004 at 5:45 AM

Yes, I know :-), but it does not work on Cr2s only on Matposes. I thought when I load a Cr2 I would like to have a script to change the nodes.

Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian Assange

nruddock posted Wed, 28 April 2004 at 1:52 PM

The material room nodes aren't exposed to Python, so unfortunately it's a non-starter.

Puntomaus posted Thu, 29 April 2004 at 12:55 PM

Oh, too bad ... evil nodes :-(.

Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian Assange

babydollTX posted Sun, 02 May 2004 at 2:48 PM

...Wonders if it would be possible to script turning off shadow casting for all parts of a figure? anybody tried it?

markschum posted Sat, 19 June 2004 at 3:55 PM

Hi, turn off shadow for all actors of a figure. I will look at that, I have a script that cycles through all body parts for transparency. Regards.

markschum posted Sun, 20 June 2004 at 10:12 AM

1. cast shadow The value that needs to be changed for cast shadows does not appear to be available from Python. At least not easily.

I have a Visual basic program that will change the CR2 file but you can do that with a text editor.

  1. change parent for hair from head to a prop.

try the attached zip file scripts.

one displays all items that are parented to the head. This is a no risk script to check that only the hair is selected.

the other script actually changes the parenting.

I have tested this in Poser5 SR4 and it appears to work correctly, but not tested with multiple hair groups.

Do not delete your original file before saving and testing the new hair prop.


dagmath posted Fri, 25 June 2004 at 5:48 AM

A script for removing deltas of a MT which fall below a certain value. If one has been done then excuse my lack of investigation! cheers dag

"Don't do it with an axe, get a chainsaw"

satria posted Wed, 14 July 2004 at 1:36 PM

I think script like expression kit , but in this case work in every actor movement . ockham , doing that in fake grasp python , why not develop for every actor for animation or motion purpose thanks

momodot posted Fri, 06 August 2004 at 8:53 AM

My Poser Python Script Wish list: (I totaly don't understand Python) 1. A script box that would list props with fields for entering new prop name, new group name, and new material for that prop so grouping tool could be avoided. 2. A script based interface that could somehow simplify working with long lists of morph chanel dials on a figure... how I can't imagine. In PoserPro I have these long list on the head to get through and the names are partially obscured by the number value. Just askin'. Thanks ockham for all your great stuff!

commander_bombast posted Wed, 12 January 2005 at 8:28 PM

Here are my requests for Animation Helpers... 1. convert all frames from flatfooted walk designer to high heels. 2. randomized blinking 3. breathing 4. randomized shifting weight from foot to foot during standing. 5. Picking up and manipulating objects without parenting them to the hands (It's a shame that the figures can't ever 'drop' anything).

ockham posted Sat, 15 January 2005 at 12:58 PM

Attached Link:

The randomized blinking and breathing is available. See the link for Naturalizer. A long time ago, I did a script for the pickup action, but it's *not* very satisfactory. You might try it anyway... Look for in the same directory as Naturalizer. I think PhilC has done the high heels... Check his website.

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kaposer posted Mon, 24 January 2005 at 3:19 AM

What I would like is an script to create morph targets from magnets, only one morph for body part even if it has more than one magnet affecting it, and set the dial to one. That'd be great also if all the morphs had the same name. No need to delete the magnets since there are scripts to do it already I don't know if it's already done (or if it can be done!), couldnt find that in the freestuff, I am sorry if so. Also thank you much to Ockham and Bushi, I use a few of your scripts a lot, they really make the Poser life easier:)

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anxcon posted Sat, 29 January 2005 at 12:34 AM

i dont know anything about python so i post here and someone else can make (if posible) in poser i have my main screen showing my scene that im creating i want to be able to have that 1 window (in 1 part, not a split window) to show 2 cameras blended together for 1 view main camera showing only red channel aux camera showing only green/blue channels so i have a realtime view (as an anaglyph) of my scene rendering every little change in camera and making them into anaglyph manually takes forever, and realtime feedback of camera changes to it would make making anaglyph pics easier and faster anaglyphs are the pictures/movies that use red/blue 3d glasses

Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 2:50 PM

A script to help with cloths comforming on character (Breast sizes). I dislike trying to figure out what breast size the character is, and breast are seeping through the cloths. Dunno if a script will ever be made. But just the thought.

Message edited on: 02/09/2005 14:50

ockham posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 3:02 PM

Attached Link:

Have you tried my No Poke (in freestuff)?

Message edited on: 02/09/2005 15:03

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Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 3:43 PM

Thanks ockham. Tried the script, I get error messages. Did read the readme file. I am using P5. While using it, thought if someone could make a script of the outfit, the same morphs as the character.

Message edited on: 02/09/2005 15:46

ockham posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 4:27 PM

What error messages?

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Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 4:39 PM

Oh is a pic.

In the readme file.. "Before starting the script, select the offending part of the CLOTHING........" Umm..just realized one thing. Will put in the Python folder. Dunno if will make a difference. Will see.

Message edited on: 02/09/2005 16:43

ockham posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 4:43 PM

Thanks for showing the error. I wonder if it's a disagreement between internal name and external name? I'll check that point...

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Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 4:51 PM

Here is another sample. Wish the people who make outfits make more dials for the chest area. I have one outfit that does all that with breast sizes. Yeah, I can use magnets, but they are more of a pain.

Message edited on: 02/09/2005 16:53

ockham posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 4:53 PM

Hmm. Can you do a screenshot of what the panel looks like just before you hit Go? I'm trying to figure out which parts of the human are showing in the list box.

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Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 5:19 PM is a sample. I was wondering if I did something wrong. Shown in Circles. I prob selected the wrong part of the outfit. This is before I pressed go.

Robo2010 posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 5:21 PM

Another one after I press "Make Morph"

ockham posted Wed, 09 February 2005 at 5:34 PM

Okay, I think I see the general nature of the problem. The clothing probably has 'dummy' parts with no real mesh. This is common, and the script should take care of it without giving errors. I'll work on this tonight! Again thanks for showing the errors in detail; that's the only way these things can get fixed.

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Teyon posted Sat, 09 April 2005 at 8:01 PM

I'd like to see a script that could assist in setting up bones systems in poser. Similar to a Virtual Mirror in other programs (like WINGS), where we would need to work on only half an object and the program mirrors our actions to the other side. Would it be possible to create a script that does this for creating bones in poser? Example, I creat the bones for the fingers, hand, forearm and shoulder while at the same time, the PC mirrors these bones to the other half of the model. Being able to turn it on and off would be needed for connecting the sides to the chest and hip. Was that clear? I think i could explain it better or provide an animated gif or something.

destro75 posted Sun, 01 May 2005 at 12:49 AM

I think I figured out where the errors are coming from in the NoPoke script.

On lines 195, and 289, there are only 1 set of parens. You need to double them up. Like so:

195: InnerAngles.append((Dist,bi,dX,dY,dZ)) # need the body index here!
289: OldMorphs.append((OneParm.Name(),OneParm.Value()))

I added the extra parens and now it works.

yarddog posted Fri, 13 May 2005 at 11:57 PM

I have a question on Nopoke What am I doing wrong? Every time I run the script I get this error Here v3 with bat beltstyle conformed and selected no other window but this error window. P4pp

destro75 posted Mon, 16 May 2005 at 12:41 PM

Attached Link:

Not sure why my original posting disappeared, however, see the attached post link to go to my thread on the NoPoke script. The issue I found was a matter of parentheses. Take a look at the post, and then make sure all the parens are input correctly in your copy of the script.

yarddog posted Tue, 17 May 2005 at 2:34 AM

Thanks, but already did that fix still have this problem. No time to dig for more problems now. Think I'll stick to magnets less hassel. Thanks anyway;)

PapaLazarou posted Sun, 29 May 2005 at 9:19 PM

can someone make me a script? fairly simple i would think, but i dont know where to begin myself. I want to, rotate the main camera around the y axis. render frames, 5,10,45,50,55,60,65,70 and save each one as a png file. then repeat what's above, 8 times, with a different camera position each time.

Roy G posted Sun, 05 June 2005 at 2:46 PM

I'm looking for a script that will take the real world position of a figures hip, and apply that positioning to the hip, while clearing out the "Body" rotations (setting them to Zero).

I'm trying to create new pose files with figures interacting. Many times I can get the pose just right, except that the figure needs to be rotated a little. If the hip is tilted it's difficult to accomplish. Rotating the body rotates the figure in the real world the way I would like. But that info is not saved in a pose file. So what I would like to do is take that real world positioning, and apply it to the hip. So when I save the new pose, the figure will face the right way.

artistheat posted Mon, 06 June 2005 at 10:38 AM

I don't know if a script will work or it needs a plug in...Something that will work in the face room so you can use MilPeople with it...Now that would be a must have for many....So who's working on it...LOL...

PapaLazarou posted Sun, 26 June 2005 at 9:36 AM

is there something odd known about poser5? through a script, i'm trying to save a render from a new/popup window, but it only saves a preview image from the preview window.... ie an unrendered pic which is the wrong size (not the size of the popup window)

mylemonblue posted Sat, 09 July 2005 at 9:42 PM

How about a script that lets you copy morph targets from character CR2's in your library or PZ3'd ones to your figure in the pose room on the fly?

My brain is just a toy box filled with weird things

ashara posted Fri, 05 August 2005 at 11:54 AM

I'm interested in a script that makes it possible to copy and mirror a hair group to the other side of the skullcap. i already read that it's only possible in poser 6. has someone yet written such a script?

hirumono posted Tue, 29 November 2005 at 5:45 AM

Hello, I'd like to "revamp" some ideas which were posted here some time ago; sorry if they already found an answer, but as I don't see anything here, I'm asking... a) a script which would (recursively?) read the .obj's stored into a directory, and load (NOT inject) them, one by one, in their matching body part (i.e.: head_wince2 -> head body part, morph: wince2); this would make up both for Poser's horrible morph loading interface, and for limited INJ channels (I have a table of morphs, made by me or converted from other figures, which I must read every time I make a new INJ so that it doesn't overlap the others... and I'm running out of channels!). b) a script able to read every INJected morph target's name and see if its value equals zero; if this is the condition, the morph is REMoved. (I don't know if this can be done automatically, or if it requires the matching REM script; if so, a table file could be written to index all major Poser figures, like Unimesh characters etc..) @ Ockham: thanks for all your scripts!! They're lifesavers, especially your MTbyGroup allowed me to trim my morphs in ways I could never have dreamt of!

gezinorgiva posted Tue, 29 November 2005 at 8:02 AM

PoserFusion (like in Shade) for Blender.